Oblivion gold edition walkthrough for orcs. Walkthrough Oblivion (2024)

1. Deliver the Amulet

You need to deliver the Amulet of Kings to Joffrey at Weynon Priory, near the city of Chorrol.

Take advantage of fast travel to Chorrol. Following the directions of the compass, you will find the priory to the south of the city. The monks will tell you that Joffrey is upstairs on the second floor. Tell him about the death of the emperor and hand over the Amulet.

Don't forget to talk to Joffrey for help. He will offer you to use his chest with weapons, armor and "healers". Other inhabitants of the abbey are ready to help the hero. Prior Maborel will give away his horse, Brother Piner will give a textbook that increases the blocking skill, and Eronor will give a repair hammer.

2. Search for an heir.

Joffrey informs you that the Emperor has an illegitimate son named Martin. You should immediately travel to Kvatch and deliver Martin to Weynon Priory.

Fast travel will take you to the refugee camp - Daedra attacked the city at night. Several guards are trying to protect the survivors, fighting demons crawling out of another dimension - Oblivion.

Climb up the hill. You will see the gates of Oblivion. Savlian Matius and a few other guards are holding the line. The captain thinks that Martin is among the people barricaded in the city's chapel. Savlian needs your help - you need to close the gates of Oblivion, then he and his squad will be able to break into the city and free those who are trapped there.

Indeed, in the church you will find Brother Martin. He will be extremely surprised when you reveal to him the truth about his origin and refuse to follow to Weynon while the rest of the survivors are in danger.

After closing the gates of Oblivion, and then breaking through to the church together with the guards, talk to Martin. He will agree to follow you to the Priory.

The quest ends when you and Martin enter Weynon.

Note: After completing this quest, oblivion gates open all over Tamriel, I advise you not to close them before you reach level 17. After level 17, sigil stones have maximum power.

Weynon Priory

As soon as you arrive at Weynon Priory with Martin, Eronor immediately runs up to you and tells you. that the monastery was attacked by the Mythic Dawn cultists. Prior Maborel is dead. Deal with the cultists in the courtyard and immediately run to the chapel. You will find Joffrey there, fighting with the servants of the myth. dawn. Help him deal with them.

Joffrey offers to take Martin to safety - this is Cloud Ruler Temple, a hidden blade stronghold near Bruma. You need to escort your companions there.

At the Temple, the blades hail the former priest as Martin Septim. After a short response speech, Martin will announce that he would like to talk about the fate of the Amulet. Joffrey will offer you to join the Order of Blades. Agree, and you will receive not only the Akaviri katana, but also access to all the rooms of the Temple - a free bed, an armory, a library, etc.

On a note:

Watch Pelagius and Fortis practice at the Temple. You will be able to master several techniques, which will increase your blade and block skills by 2.

3. Path of Dawn

Ask Joffrey how to get the Amulet of Kings back. He will say that Baurus - the same blade that accompanied the emperor on his last walk through the prison catacombs - has already conducted an investigation in the Imperial City and may have some clues. You need to meet with the blade at Luther Brod's boarding house in the Elven Gardens area.

"Commentaries on the Mysterium Xarks", vol. 1

Indeed, in the pension you will find Baurus sitting peacefully at the counter. He suspects that he is being followed and asks you to help identify the agent. Baurus gets up and heads for the basem*nt door. The man sitting in the corner follows. Follow them quietly and be on the lookout. Once in a deserted area, the agent will try to defeat Baurus. Kill the enemy and search the body. You will find a strange book about the Mythic Dawn - "Comments on the Mysterium Xarks", vol. 1. Show the book to Baurus, and he will offer to seek advice from Tar-Mina from the Arcane University, a specialist in Daedric cults, while he himself continues his search spies in the Imperial City.

"Commentaries on the Mysterium Xarks", vol. 2

Go to the Wizarding University. Tar-Mina, as if waiting for you, is sitting and reading a book in the reception room of the University. The Argonian will reveal that the leader of the Mythic Dawn is Mankar Camoran. She has no doubt that the location of their secret sanctuary is encrypted in the four books written by Mankar, dedicated to the "Mysterium Xarks". Tar-Mina hands you the second volume, remarking that she hasn't come across the third or fourth volume, and advises you to visit Fintias, the owner of the First Edition store in the Market District. Go to him.

"Commentaries on the Mysterium Xarks", vol. 3

Ask Fintias about the Mysterium Xarxes. He will say that if the first and second volumes are rare, then the third and fourth are almost impossible to find. He has a copy of volume 3, but it is intended for another buyer, one Gwinas, who has already paid for the purchase and must now pick it up.

Make friends with Fintias (raise his attitude towards himself over 80), then he will sell the book to you for 100 gold.

Wait for Gwinas to come to the store, tell him that the Mythic Dawn is behind the assassination of the emperor, then the Bosmer himself will give the book and a note about the meeting.

Wait for Gwinas to leave the store with the purchase, kill him and pick up the book and note.

Steal the book from the locked chest behind the counter. Then Fintias will tell Gwinas that the book has been stolen. You will still need to talk to Gwinas to get the note.

In any case, you should eventually get the book and read a note from a certain "Sponsor" that states that the fourth and final volume can only be obtained from the hands of a member of the Mythic Dawn and describes the meeting place.

When you're ready, head down to the Flooded Sewers in the Elven Gardens of the Imperial City. Go through the main tunnel until you reach a room that has a table and a chair. Sit on a chair. I will meet you there and give you what you need.


"Commentaries on the Mysterium Xarks", vol. 4

Now you need to tell Baurus about everything. Find it all in the same boarding house. He knows this part of the collectors well and will offer to go to the meeting point together.

The sewers are inhabited by crabs and goblins, so you can easily get to the right point.

Note that Baurus is endowed with "immortality", but only until he arrives in a room with a table and a chair. So make sure his health is in order.

The blade will suggest the following plan: he goes to the meeting, you cover by going up the stairs and hiding there. You can agree, you can insist that you go to the meeting yourself.

Of course, it is advisable to try to save a partner. Save your game before entering the room. The higher the level of the hero, the more difficult it will be for Baurus to stay alive.

Enter the room and sit on a chair (if you decide to go yourself). Raven Camoran will arrive almost immediately. This is the mysterious "sponsor". Raven's plan is exactly the same as the Redguard's - he also brought a couple of companions with him. The cultists will spot Baurus and attack. Deal with all three, take the cherished 4th volume from Raven, as well as the key to the Flooded Sewers. In the premises of the cult, you can find good things.

The Secret of the Books

Four books contain a code to help you find the Lair of the Mythic Dawn. Looking carefully, you will discover a secret message and yourself (in original game or in the "Gold Edition" from "1C", but not translated from "Akella"). In any case, Tar-Mina will help solve the riddle. The first letters of the paragraphs form the sentence "Green Imperial Path where the Tower touches the midday sun"

The Green Imperial Path is the central area of ​​the Imperial City, where the Tower is located. White Gold. Look for the tomb of Prince Camarril there. At noon, the map carved on the wall of the mausoleum will glow bright red. Activate the drawing and get a mark on your map.

On a note:

Don't forget to talk to Baurus at Cloud Ruler Temple if he survived the fight against the cultists. Redguard will teach you a few tricks (and thereby increase your sword, block, and heavy armor skills by 1). If the now mortal Baurus suddenly dies on the way to the Temple, use the save made earlier

4. Sanctuary of Dagon

You have discovered the location of Mehrunes Dagon's secret shrine. It is located in the caves of Lake Arrius. The path leads to Cheydinhal, and from there to the lake. Save your game before entering the caves.

The gatekeeper will tell you that you should speak to Harrow, the sanctuary's caretaker. The overseer will mistake you for a newcomer to the Mythic Dawn cult and demand that you hand over all your belongings and put on a special robe of an initiate. It turns out that Mankar Camoran himself is present in the sanctuary, perhaps he will want to conduct your initiation ceremony.

You have two options: accept Harrow's offer, then for a while you will pass for your own, or refuse, then you will have to make your way with fire and sword from the very beginning. Please note that in any case it will not be possible to complete this quest peacefully. Wearing the initiate's robe will delay the start of the fight and avoid several collisions. If you decide to give away your property (including money), then as a result you will find yourself unarmed in front of a crowd of enemies, but, however, you will have a chance, grabbing the right item, to simply run away, dodging the attackers. A skilled thief will be able to rummage through Harrow's pockets along the way and recover some things, at least lock picks, and rob the Mythic Dawn warehouse, getting hold of some weapons. Then, in a quiet corner, you can defeat Harrow (preferably with one hit), and take your belongings.

So, if you chose to put on the robes of an initiate, Harrow will lead you through the hall of the sanctuary - the locked warehouse is on the right - into the hall where Mankar Camoran instructs the faithful.

At the foot of the statue of Dagon you will see a motionless Argonian, and on the table in front of Mankar is a book and a dagger. After a short speech, the Master creates a portal to his Paradise and disappears along with the Amulet. You will not be able to kill Mankar at this stage, or rob him, or prevent him from leaving.

The quest window tells you that you should try to get hold of the holy book, the Mysterium of Xarxes. This is the only hope to return the Amulet.

Ruma Camoran, daughter of Mankar, invites the new initiate, that is, you, to perform a ritual sacrifice and slaughter an innocent Argonian priest, Gilius. You can agree or refuse.

If you refuse, you will immediately be attacked by all the cultists. Given that you are unarmed, it will be very difficult for you to fight back.

If you agree, take the ritual dagger and kill the poor fellow. This will give you the opportunity to wait until all the cultists, except for Ruma, Harrow and one more, leave the premises. Grab the book - this will cause the statue of Dagon to fall exactly on the place where the carcass of the unfortunate Argonian lies. Try to deal with these three in the hall, then run through the living quarters.

However, you were going to save innocents, not kill them on behalf of the cultists. Moreover, killing will not bring you any benefit. Pretend that you agree, wait until the main part of the cultists leave the premises, but instead of Gilius, attack Harrow. Try to deal with him as soon as possible and return your property. If you manage to kill him secretly, luring him into a dark corner, then the other comrades will not even be outraged. Free Gilius (click on him, the "release" option will appear) and grab the book, which will cause a general alarm. The path to freedom lies through the living quarters of the cultists, since the road you took here is blocked. Dodge/fight off attackers. The exit to the caves of Lake Arrius is blocked by a stone wall, you can open it by turning the handle in the previous room. As soon as you manage to run out of the caves, you are safe. By the way, it is very likely that the Argonian will not be able to break free. He tries to avoid the cultists, but the corridors of the living quarters are narrow and he will almost certainly be surrounded and slaughtered. Protecting Gilius is a separate difficult matter.

If you are skilled enough in battles, you can try to slaughter/burn all the heretics and save Gilius. Note that as soon as you take the book, the statue will collapse and crush the Argonian. Therefore, you should first kill all the cultists in all available rooms. Then release the lizard and only then take the book. Run after him to the living quarters, trying to get to the enemy before him. After exiting the caves, Gilius will say that he serves in the Temple of the One in the Imperial City. Visit him in a few days in the Temple, he will increase your skills by one: alchemy, mysticism and restoration (if they are below 90).

You can refuse to give up your possessions to Harrow and fight your way through. In this case, you will have to clean all the premises. Mankar will make his speech in the same way and disappear, you will have to cut everyone out and continue to act according to the previous scenario if you want to save Gilius.

Thus, it is worth choosing tactics depending on the class of your hero. If the passage is unsuccessful, return to the save that was made before entering the caves.

After getting out of the caves with the "Mysterium", go to the Temple of the Ruler of the Clouds. Pass the book to Martin, he will begin deciphering the texts. He believes the book will provide the answer on how to open the portal to Camoran's Paradise.


Martin asks you to talk to Joffrey about spies. You should ask Stefan, one of the blades, he personally saw suspicious people. It is worth talking with Burd, the captain of the city guard, he may know about the arrival of strangers in the city.

Stefan reports that strangers were seen at dusk at the runestone

What's nearby. You can go there in the evening and wait for the agents to appear.

However, it's easier to start with the captain of the guard, Burd. He will report that there were no strangers in the city, but Jerl recently returned from a trip. Talk about outsiders with locals, such as beggars. You will be informed that someone stopped at Jerl's, voices were heard in the house. Return to Burd and tell him about it. The captain will get worried and let you search Jerl's house. It is very likely that during the day you will find both spies in the house - Jarl and Savery Faram. You don't have to mess with them. In the pockets you will find the key to the basem*nt, and there on the table "Jerl's Orders".

If you do not find both agents in the house, then either wait on the spot, or head at dusk to the runestone. You need to destroy two spies.

The note outlined the plan to attack Bruma.

Come back with plans with Joffrey. He will rejoice at the elimination of spies, but the danger that threatens Bruma will disturb him. Joffrey will go to warn the countess, and you should talk to Martin about the results of his research into the Mysterium.

Daedra Blood

Talk to Martin about his progress in deciphering the Mysterium Xarks. He was able to determine that four items were needed to open the portal, but so far Martin has identified only one of them - "the blood of the Daedra Lord", which indicates a Daedric artifact.

Ask Septim about the Daedric artifacts and he will advise you to read Modern Heretics. There is a copy in the Temple library. Upon reading, a marker will appear on your map indicating the location of the Shrine of Azura. After completing the quest, you will receive a "reusable" soul gem, Azura's Star, which you can give to Martin.

However, it is absolutely not necessary to give the Star to Martin, you can part with any other Daedric artifact that is less useful to you.

6. Blood of the deities

Martin found the second item needed to open the portal. Talk to Joffrey, he will tell you that in the ancient ruins of Sancre Tor you can find the armor of Tiber Septim, who later became the god Talos. The armor is said to be spattered with the blood of the founder of the dynasty. There are dangers along the way. Joffrey will give you the key to the ruins.

Head north into the mountains to find an old fort.

In the dungeons you will encounter an undead blade. Destroy it. His liberated soul will reveal that long ago, he and three of his comrades were bewitched by the Underking and doomed to guard the desecrated sanctuary of Tiber Septim. He promised that he would remove the curse that the Underking placed on the shrine. Only four cursed blades: Rielus, Kasnar, Valdemar, Alan. Free the souls of all. Keep in mind that you cannot overcome these spells on your own. So the souls of the blades must be freed.

After freeing the souls of all the blades, go to the Reman tomb and watch how they remove the spell. The path to Tiber Septim's armor is clear. Take the armor to Martin at the Temple of the Cloud Ruler, he can get the required blood of the god. The heir will also tell you that he found out what the third item is needed for the ritual.

7. Bruma Gate

Martin sends you to Joffrey, he has business for you. Near Bruma, the gates of Oblivion opened, and the Countess asked for the blades to help her guards close them. You have experience, you've already closed the gates before, so you need to show the city guards how to handle this task.

Go to the Oblivion Gate near the city walls. You will find there Captain Burd, already familiar to you, and his comrades. Lead them to the gate.

The opened portal leads, fortunately, to a very simple area of ​​​​Oblivion. There is little use from the guards, most importantly, do not accidentally kill one of them yourself in the heat of battle - you will be fined 1000 coins, and you will be treated appropriately. The captain is marked with the "crown of immortality", so in any case he will survive.

In the most important tower at the top, meet a Dremora - the keeper of the key, take the key to Sigillum Sanguis from him. Together with Burd, go there and take the sigil stone, thereby closing the gate.

After returning, talk to Burd again. The Captain will thank you and assure you that he and his men will do their best to close any Oblivion Gates that may appear near Bruma. Go to Joffrey with a success report.

8. Bruma's Allies

After reviewing the plans of the enemies, Joffrey realized that the Bruma guards would not be able to protect the city from the attack of the Mythic Dawn and their daedra. He suggested that you seek help from the Council of Elders in the Imperial City, the guilds, and also ask other cities in Cyrodiil to send reinforcements.

Council and guilds

I need to visit the Imperial City and talk to Okato. The Chancellor will explain that he cannot send soldiers of the Imperial Legion to help Bruma, since they are involved in battles against the Daedra in other provinces of the Empire. He suggests seeking help from the counts and countesses of Cyrodiil.

9. Miskarkand

Bringing Martin the armor of Tiber Septim will reveal that he has also identified the third item required for the Ritual, a rare Ayleid artifact known as the Great Welkynd Stone. Martin will ask you to find him in an Ayleid ruin called Miskarkand. You need to find the stone and deliver it to the prince in the Temple of the Ruler of the Clouds.

10. Defense of Bruma

Martin identified the fourth item needed to perform the Ritual - the Great Sigil Stone. He is the anchor holding the Great Gate, an Oblivion gate similar to the one the Mythic Dawn opened in Kvatch.

The only way to obtain such a stone is to allow the Mythic Dawn to realize its plans and organize a full-scale offensive against Bruma. Martin will lead the defense of Bruma while you enter the Great Gate and retrieve the sigil.

Invite the countess to come to the church of Talos for a council of war. The council will be attended by Martin, Joffrey and Baurus (if he is not dead).

How to save Martin

Don't forget to talk to Baurus if you haven't already, he'll teach you a few tricks (and increase your sword, block, and heavy armor skills by 1).

To the cheers of the people, follow Martin to the exit of the city.

Here your army awaits: Captain Burd, the Bruma militia and all those whom you have called to help the city. Martin delivers a fiery speech, and the Daedra invasion is just around the corner. Mythic Dawn opens three gates, from which daedra rain down, and then the Great Gate. In this battle, Martin is deprived of his usual status as an immortal, and your task is not only to survive, but also to save the life of the heir.

The higher your level, the harder it is to save your allies. Therefore, be sure to bring with you everyone you can: companions from the Mages Guild (if you are an archmage), the Dark Brotherhood (if you are a listener), the Priory of the Nine (if you are a Holy Crusader), a horse (preferably the immortal Shadowmane), an annoying enthusiastic admirer (Adoring fan) . If you are in the process of completing any "accompanied" quests, such as the Fighters Guild quests, drag your companions here. It is harmless to put enchanted weightless objects in your allies' inventory (prison handcuffs, mage's hood). Summoned creatures are a good help in battle, and if the companions died, resuscitation spells (if the Shivering Isles addon is available) or the staff of the King of Hearts will help. It's a good idea to visit the Ritual Stone before the battle and gain the power of Mara's Mercy, which allows you to restore 150 health points to the target of the spell.


You do not need to enter the first three gates, and you will not be able to do this. It is not so important how many Daedra are killed, whether your other allies will survive, the main thing is to save Martin before the opening of the Great Gate, otherwise the fall of the Empire is inevitable, and with it the end of the game. As soon as the Great Gate opens and you enter it, you can no longer fear for the life of the prince, even if he was left alone against the crowd of demons. Without you, no important events will happen, and after your return with the sigil, Martin will once again become immortal.

Great Gate

After opening the first three gates, in the heat of battle, the fourth - Great - gates open. Dive into them and Martin's safety is no longer your concern.

Pay no attention to the siege machine. Your goal is to reach the tower with the formidable name "Destroyer of the World".

Ignore the four side towers and run to the siege engine to the north, keeping to the left. After passing the smaller towers, move even more to the left to get into the Smoke-and-Burn Caverns. From there you can get into any of the towers. Having risen to the top of any of these towers, activate the gate control. Get down below - to the level corresponding to the gates of war.

Naturally, as elsewhere, several opponents are already waiting for you. Use the chameleon or invisibility to avoid the hassle and enter the main tower.

The World Destroyer is the standard Oblivion tower. The Great Sigil Stone is kept as usual in Sigillum Sanguis. There are two key keepers in the towers, one on the lower level, the other on the top. If you're not a fan of lockpicking, you'll probably have to stay long enough to kill one of the guardians.

On the ground floor is the entrance to the Vaults of the End of the World. A corridor with guillotine traps will lead you to a hall with three doors. Go to the left door and go up to Sigillum Sanguis. Open the door with a key or break the lock. Grab the Great Sigil Stone.

Give the heir the last fourth item needed for the ritual, he will ask you to visit him in the Temple of the Ruler of the Clouds. when you're ready to go to Camoran's Paradise.

After talking with Martin in the Temple, you can again look into Bruma. At the north gate you will find your own statue, often quite strangely dressed.

Under the destroyed siege engine, you will find a regular sigil stone.

Your "Savior of Bruma" appearance is determined by the items you have equipped or in your inventory at the time of the conversation with Martin. The game itself decides which items are the best and decorates your statue with them. If you don't want to look like a scarecrow, throw everything else on the ground before giving the sigil stone to the prince.

11. Paradise

Travel to the Temple of the Cloud Ruler. Martin has already prepared everything for the start of the ritual. He will warn you that as soon as you enter the portal, it will close behind you. You can return only when you deal with Mankar Camoran. Inform the prince of your readiness and he will open the portal.

Enter the portal and find yourself in "paradise". Your arrival has not gone unnoticed - Mankar establishes a mental connection with you, and you hear his exhortations. However, do not pay attention, his speeches will not be able to interfere with you and affect your determination.

Keep in mind that the immortals in Paradise are really immortal, the dead are quickly reborn again.

wild garden

Follow the white flagstone road until you come across a Dremora named Katutet. He will report that the only way get out of the Wild Garden, where you are, and get into the Forbidden Grotto - put on the "bracers of the chosen ones." He promises to give them to you if you free the Xivilai Anaxes, who was locked in a cave by the immortal followers of the Mythic Dawn.

forbidden grotto

You can immediately kill Katutet and pick up the bracers, or you can go to rescue the Xivilai, following the prompts of the compass. If you fulfill the request (and, of course, do not kill Anaxes), Katutet will fulfill his promise.

Bracers have two features. Firstly, they give 50% vulnerability to fire, and secondly, putting them on, you will find that it is impossible to remove them yourself. But without them you won’t enter the grotto and you won’t get to Mankar, so there’s nothing to do ...

Upon entering the grotto, you will immediately meet the high elf Eldamil. Altmer will reveal that he served Camoran and the Mythic Dawn in Tamriel, and that he is responsible for the destruction of Kvatch. Once in Gayar Alata and seeing Paradise with his own eyes, he repents of his deed and will help you take off the bracers in which it is impossible to leave these caves if you promise to kill Master Mankar. Eldamil does not deceive, you can trust him. The elf asks you to pretend to be his prisoner.

Karak Agialor

Soon the Dremora Orte will demand that you be placed in a cage (clearly for the purpose of dipping into the lava). Calmly follow the instructions of the elf, nothing will happen to you. When Orte leaves, Eldamil will pick you up and ask you to meet him in the next room. Walk forward following the directions of the compass.

Eldamil will fulfill the promise and save you from the bracers. Along the way, you will meet Daedra and have to fight. Don't worry, if the Altmer is killed, he will quickly resurrect. Exit the dungeon to the surface.

Go to Mankar's Palace, Karak Agialor. On the way, you will meet the children of Mankar, Raven and Ruma, who you have already killed once in Tamriel. They will take you to your father. You can kill them right away, this will make your fight with the older Camoran easier.

With a short speech delivered by Mankar, it will finally be possible to deal with this source of misfortune for the Empire. This is a strong opponent, and even Raven and Ruma help him.

Raven summons armor and sword of Mythic Dawn and prefers close combat, Ruma fires at you from a staff from a distance. Mankar, on the other hand, will sit and watch until you get close to him or kill both of his children (who, of course, will soon be resurrected).

Mankar is a powerful magician with a high mana pool, natural protection against magic, a fair percentage of damage reflection, reflection and absorption of spells. You'd better focus on his persona, as soon after his death, Paradise will begin to crumble and you'll be transported back to Cloud Ruler Temple. Don't forget to search the fallen enemy and pick up not only the Amulet of Kings, but also his staff and robe.

Give the Amulet to Martin, and he will proudly wear it, proving his kinship with the emperor.

12. Light up the dragon fires

The heir has the amulet, now it remains only to light the Dragonfires in the Temple of the One, and restore the barrier between Tamriel and Oblivion. Martin wishes to be recognized as Emperor by the Council and asks you to formally introduce him to Okato.

You arrive at the White-Gold Tower with Martin and Joffrey, with Baurus also taking part in the mission. The Chancellor cordially welcomes Martin and is ready to recognize him as emperor. However, the ceremony is interrupted by a messenger who brings terrible news: the gates of Oblivion have opened in the city and demons have poured in from there! The army of Mehrunes Dagon makes one last determined attempt to enslave the Empire.

Before the messenger could convey the terrible news, the Daedra burst into the palace. The palace guards, Okato, Martin, Joffrey, Baurus (Stefan) will easily deal with them, but this is only the beginning. Martin says, "Mehrunes Dagon knows he'll lose if I can get to the Temple of the One and ignite the Dragonfires. Go!" Now you have to proceed through the war-torn city to the Temple of the One.

Save your game before leaving the palace. Prepare for hot fights if you haven't already done so.

Important! As in the Battle of Bruma, Martin is no longer immortal, you must protect him at all costs. Don't move away from him.

After dealing with the Daedra in the Imperial Palace area, go to the Temple District. And, the most nightmarish, right next to the Temple rises the huge figure of Mehrunes Dagon himself, once again honoring Tamriel with his presence. Desperate Martin: "We're too late... Mehrunes Dagon is here! The dragonfires will no longer save us... the barriers that protected us from Oblivion are gone..."

Do not attempt to return to the palace area, the guards have barricaded the doors from the inside.

The plan to light the Dragonfires failed. Martin frantically tries to come up with a new solution, and at this time the battle boils around. As for the Prince of Destruction, you can harm him, but not kill him - the weapons of mortals are powerless against him.

The amulet was given to mortals by Akatosh himself and contains His divine power. Maybe all is not lost yet... Martin comes up with an idea, you have to help him get past Dagon and get into the Temple, and he will do the rest. Save the game again.

Although you cannot kill the colossus, you can temporarily stun it with a strong blow and give Martin time to reach the door. You can rely on luck and just run past. As soon as you find yourself in the Temple, the emperor will also find himself inside.

So, you are in the Temple. Martin kneels in prayer, then says goodbye to you: "I'm doing what I have to do. I can't stay to rebuild Tamriel. That task will fall on the shoulders of others. Farewell. You're a good friend. It's a pity we didn't know each other for long. And I must go. The dragon is waiting."

Everything, nothing else depends on you, stand and watch. The walls of the Temple crumble as Mehrunes Dagon enters in person. Martin shatters the Amulet and transforms into the incarnation of Akatosh, the Dragon God of Time. Giants clash.

Alas, Martin had to pay expensive price for the salvation of the Empire, which has now lost two emperors in a short time.

Finally, you will hear Martin's last parting word:

The amulet is destroyed, Dagon is defeated. The gates of Oblivion are forever sealed with the blood of the Dragon and the power of the Amulet of Kings. The last of the Septims becomes history. My heart is calm, for I know that my sacrifice was not in vain. I will take my place next to my father, grandfathers and great-grandfathers. The third era is over. Coming new era. Your deeds will be recorded in the next ancient scroll. The future of the nations, the fate of the Empire... it is now in your hands.

The main quest is over, it's time to get the rightful reward.


The Oblivion Crisis is over. All remaining gates closed, people returned to normal life. The only area of ​​the Imperial City that has changed is the Temple District. A huge statue of the Dragon will remain in the unarched church. It is worth occasionally visiting the frozen giant - the statue will bless you, giving a long-term - for a whole game month - an increase of 25 units to luck and charm.

13. Imperial Dragon Armor

The Oblivion Crisis is over. The Prince of Destruction is banished to Oblivion, and the statue of the Dragon rises in the roofless Temple of the One. Whether Martin died, whether he ascended to his ancestor Tiber Septim - this is unknown to anyone.

Chancellor Okato ran up, shocked by what had happened and concerned about the future of the Empire. Recognizing your services to the state, he declares you the Defender of Cyrodiil. It is the highest rank in the Order of the Dragon, the illustrious order of Imperial knights established by Tiber Septim himself. In the entire history of the Empire, only six have achieved this honor before you. As a token of gratitude for your service to the Empire, Okato ordered the Imperial Dragon Armor to be made for you. They will be ready in two weeks.

After two weeks, the magazine will helpfully tell you that the armor is ready. The armor is waiting for you in the armory, which is located in the residence of the Imperial Legion, that is, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe city prison.

Follow the compass needle, you won't get lost. Take your armor and main quest completed. The empire is saved, the reward is received, but the adventure is not over.

To get this task, talk to Gogan or Maelona. Gogan's house will be second to the left of the Anvil Docks Gate. Talk to his wife Maelona first, she will tell you that her husband was robbed by an all-female gang. Then talk to Gogan, and he will tell you where it happened and what those women look like. After his story, we go to the "Alcoholic Drinks" tavern, which is located immediately to the left, as soon as you exit the "Anvil Docks Gate". In the tavern, talk with the owner Maenlorn, who will tell you that criminals periodically appear in his establishment, but he cannot do anything with them, since they do not violate anything. After waiting literally 10 seconds after the conversation, you will see how two pretty women (Signy Ruined and Faustina Kartia) will enter the tavern, one of which will come up to you and offer an unforgettable night of pleasure. All that is required of you is to come by 11 o'clock in the evening to "Gweden's farm", which is located in the southeast of the city. Enter the house, there you will be met by Faustina Kartia, and will offer to get down to business, that is, to undress until her girlfriend came up. You will accordingly refuse, after which three women will attack you. As soon as you deal with them, Gogan and Maelona will appear in the house in the form of guards. In principle, they will not tell you anything particularly important, they will pay 500 septims for the mission and say "Thank you".

This quest falls into two categories at once. By not story missions and home purchases. First, find Welwyn Benirus, he usually spends time in the Count's Arms tavern. Velvin will tell you that he is selling a mansion in Anvil for only 5,000 Septims. Considering the size of the mansion, the deal looks very tempting. If you have such a sum of money, give it to Velvin, and in exchange you will receive a bill of sale for the house and a key to it. The house is called "Benirus's mansion", inside you will see complete devastation and chaos and gradually begin to understand that since it was sold to you for only 5000, then not everything is so simple. Come to this house in the evening and sleep a little, you will wake up either yourself or from ghosts attacking you. There will be three of them in total and you will need to kill them, the ghosts attack mainly with frost balls. After killing them, go down to the first floor and carefully inspect the place near the closet near the front door. There should be a broken pot and among its fragments a small piece of paper and a skeleton hand. Take your hand and read what is written on a piece of paper. Here you will finally understand that you got the house at a well-deserved price, if not overpriced. The diary will describe how the necromancer Lorgren Benirus practiced necromancy in order to make himself immortal, and you will also find there a description of a certain portal that can only be opened by one in whom the blood of the Benirus flows. You have few such acquaintances, so go in search of Velvin Benirus. In the tavern "Earl's Arms" you will be told that Velvin has already left for the Imperial City, and you need to look for him there. To be precise, in the Imperial City you can find him in the Elven Gardens area, in the King and Queen tavern. Velvin will tell you a story about his grandfather Lorgren Benirus and agree to help you clear the house of ghosts. He will appoint a new meeting for you in an already familiar place in the tavern "Count's coat of arms", from there you will slowly walk with him to the house of Benirus. Before going to the house, it is advisable to stock up on some potions or artifacts that protect against the cold. In the house, you will need to reach the door to the basem*nt, killing ghosts along the way, and then do the same in the basem*nt itself, until you and Velvin reach the closed portal. At the portal, Velvin will make various passes with his hands, and as soon as the portal opens, he will shamefully leave you alone to deal with ghosts further. Opening the portal will imply that the wall will open secret door, behind which you will find another room in which you will see the remains of Lorgren Benirus lying on the altar. Then his spirit will speak to you, tell a tearful story that he repented, and now the only thing he would like is to rest in peace. To rest, he needs a real trifle, namely the "skeleton hand" (his hand), which you found next to a note from his diary. You, of course, will give Lorgren his "hand" and will be immediately punished for gullibility. The vile necromancer will rise from the dead, laughing at best traditions Hollywood horror stories. What else can I say, "machite kazla." As soon as you kill him, then return to the tavern "Count's coat of arms" and talk to Velvin. He will apologize for the escape and say that he is leaving for the Imperial City. After that, the mansion really becomes yours, and the furniture of the house comes back to normal. At this point, the task is considered completed.

In the Guild of Mages, the head of the guild Kud-Ei asks you to help his friend Enanthir get out of the world of dreams, where he accidentally went and has not returned for three days. Once you are ready, she will take you to his house, where you will see Enanthir sleeping on the bed. After a brief briefing, she will give you the "Dream World Amulet", after which you will have to go to the bed and go to bed. As soon as you fall asleep, you will find yourself in Enanatir's dream, without armor, without weapons and the ability to use magic. After talking with Enanthir, you will find out that he could get out of sleep, if only he was not afraid of the tests that must be passed for this. Let's start with a tolerance test. You will find yourself on a stone platform, and ahead you will see posts with holes from which small arrows will fly out. You will need to jump over the pillars, and then walk along the sides of the pillars. At first glance, everything is simple, but in fact, after the second column you will not be allowed to jump, you will have to wait and constantly try alternative paths, after a certain time one of them will be available. In general, you will have to stumble into an invisible wall, waiting for the path to open. That is, you have to be patient. At the end you will see a glowing ball, go up to it and activate it, after which you will return to Enanthir's room. Take in the closet, which is located on the first floor, a few healing potions. Now let's move on to the test of determination. You will find yourself in the Arena, only without weapons. Unfortunately, you will find enemies here, and they are formidable and armed. But they are not actually dangerous if done correctly. As you enter the Arena, jump onto one of the side ledges near the exits to the Arena. Then from there you jump onto one of the columns that stand in the Arena, and from there you have to jump over to the balcony, where the corresponding stone stands. As you activate the stone, you will again find yourself in a room with Enantyr. It remains to pass the test of courage. It is actually very simple - after drinking a bottle of breathing potion under water for 30 seconds, swim along a long underwater and rather winding corridor. As soon as you emerge, you will see a stone of courage in front of you, activate it and move back to Enanthin. This will open the way to the fourth and final test of perception. Here you will need to go along the road, consisting of many traps. Should be taken immediately fast pace, you can't stop. At the end, the corresponding stone will be waiting for you, by activating which, you will again return to the room to Enanthin. Now talk to him, and then return with him back to real world, and he will reward you with a scroll.

This quest can be obtained by talking to someone from Bravil about "The Lone Guard". You will be sent for more detailed information to the tavern keeper Gilgondorian, the owner of the Silver House on the Water. He will tell you about the ghost of a sailor who appears every evening at eight o'clock at the Bounwatch camp, and then walks along the coast. This has been going on for quite some time and is a little annoying for the locals. To find out all the features of this phenomenon, Gilgondorian invites you to go to the Bawnwatch camp, which is located southeast of Bravil on a small island off the coast, a little north of the Ayleid ruins of Bown. There are even conditions for comfortable waiting on the island - a tent with a bed. Exactly at eight o'clock, the ghost of a certain sailor Grantham Blakeley will appear on the island. He will stay a little on the island, and then go to the shore along the bridge connecting the island with the mainland, then he will go along the coast a little further than Fort Irony and stop. This is where you can go and talk to him. He will ask you to release him in "Panther's Roar". By "Panther's Roar" Blakeley means the remains of a ship located on the opposite side of the Niben River at the confluence of the Panther River. It’s hard not to notice the ship, but the entrance to it is not clearly marked in any way. Entry into the ship is made not through the hatch on the deck, but directly from its starboard side. Inside you will immediately meet a couple of ghosts, as you deal with them, then go to the cabin and find the ship's log on the table, then go downstairs, kill a couple more ghosts and then go down into the hold of the ship. There you will meet a particularly strong ghost. As it turns out, it will be the spirit of a certain Gable the Traitor, who mutinied on the ship. The field of how to deal with the ghost, take the key from his remains and free the chained skeleton. Here the ghost of Grantham Blakeley will appear, he will thank you for the release and give you a map on which it is drawn where his treasures are stored. This place is located underwater on the Panther River, in the place where the Blackdog camp is located on the river bank. There you will find a chest with Grantham's belongings, but nothing of particular value is stored in the chest. At this point, the task is considered completed.

This quest can be obtained by talking with the inhabitants of Bravil, who will tell you that Ursanna Losh's husband has disappeared. For details, we go to Ursanna herself. She will tell you that her husband Aleron Losh was an avid gambler and owed a large sum of money of 500 coins to the local orc pawnbroker Kurdan gro-Dragol. The last time she saw her husband, he was just about to go to this pawnbroker. Also, Ursanna will warn you to be careful with this orc and will tell you that he can be found at the inn "The Lonely Petitioner". Go to the Lonely Petitioner, you will find Kurdan gro-Dragol on the second floor of the inn. In a conversation, he will not at all deny his involvement in the disappearance of Aleron Losh, but will even begin to set conditions. If you so want to free poor Aleron, then you should get Kurdan's family heirloom - "Dragol's ax" from Fort Grif, and he will even kindly provide his boat so that you can quickly get to the fort. Leave the tavern, go down at the city pier down, there you will see a boat. You just need to click on it to move to Fort Vulture. Go to the entrance to the fort and open the door with the inconspicuous lever located at the bottom right of the door. As soon as you enter the fort, the doors will immediately close behind you (don't worry, this is a common trap). Inside the fort you will meet Aleron Losh safe and sound, he will dedicate you to the true essence of the matter. It turns out that our wonderful orc is not as simple as it seems. He receives the main income not even from usury, but from manhunting. You and Aleron, respectively, are the victims, and you will be hunted in the dungeons of the fort, and if you survive, you will even have to be released. Aleron, however, will immediately ask you to go to the dungeon yourself, since he still does not know how to fight and is not your assistant. There is nothing to do but go to the dungeon. In the dungeon, you will immediately notice a locked door on the left, you don’t have to try to open it, they will give you the key to it, only at the very end. Go ahead and destroy the hunters who are hunting you. After the bridge (which one you will understand), or rather, on the bridge itself, traps will begin, so look very carefully around and under your feet (among the traps there is also a pit with stakes). In total, the dungeons consist of two locations, in the first there are two hunters, in the second - one. Once you've killed everyone, return to the surface. On fresh air At first, you will be "paralyzed", and you will watch the sad scene of the murder of Aleron Losh by Kurdan gro-Dragol. Then Dragol, without hesitation, will attack you already. Kill the bastard, take the real key from him and return inside the dungeons, there open the door on the left with the real key and turn the lever inside. After that, the door of the Fort will open, and you will finally be able to get out. But do not rush to leave the Fort. Climb to the very top of Fort Vulture, where you will find a chest containing two bottles of "Wine of Expelling Shadows". Do not drink wine and do not sell it, you will need it for one of the settlement quests called "Ancient Wine". Now go to the boat and return to Bravil to Urasanna Losh. Tell her about the death of her husband and Kurdan gro-Dragol. Of course, she will be very upset by the death of her husband, but she will be consoled by the fact that Aleron is at least avenged. In gratitude for this, she will give you the book "Biography of the Wolf Queen", which increases the skill of Eloquence by one point. At this point, the task is considered completed.

I want to warn you right away, this task is not for a noble knight on a white horse, but rather for a hardened thief, and get ready for the fact that in the process of passing it you will definitely have to go to jail. The task can only be obtained by talking with the locals of Bruma about the rumors, characters This quest is not given. In the city you will be told that Arnora Auria wants someone to return the money stolen from her. Arnora will tell you a whining story that her accomplice forced her to commit crimes, and even killed a man on the last of them, but before he was caught by the Bruma guards, he took and hid all their money somewhere, and now she remains without a penny in your pocket. Now she asks you to somehow find out from her accomplice, whose name is Jorundr, where did he hide the stolen goods, for this she promises you half the booty. Arnora will also tell you where Jorundr is, he is in Bruma prison. You can not try to find out from him where the stolen money is, he still will not believe you and will think that one of the guards sent you. In order to ingratiate himself with him, you yourself will have to go to jail. When you find yourself in the same cell as Jorundr, talk to him about the stolen gold and he will tell you a completely different story. According to Jorundr, it was Arnora who persuaded him to commit the last crime, and it was she who killed the tax collector. She turned it over to the Bruma guards, but fortunately Jorundr managed to hide the stolen money. Now he wants revenge and asks you to kill Arnora, and in return promises to tell you where the stolen goods are hidden. As proof of Arnora's death, Jorundr asks you to bring him her amulet. Now return to Arnora's house, and here you have two options to choose from: kill Arnora and take all the money for yourself, or tell Arnora about everything and agree to her proposal. Arnora is ready to give you the amulet, but in return she wants half of the stolen money, and if you want to escape with the money, she promises to put you on the wanted list. The choice is yours. If you agree to her terms, then she will give the key to the chest where her true amulet lies, and not the one that hangs around her neck. Return to Jorundr in the prison (now you can come there as a visitor) and show him evidence of Arnora's death. He will tell you where the money is hidden, and you just have to go for it. The chest with money lies literally ten meters from the North Gate of Bruma, but as it turns out, you are not the only one who knew about all the ups and downs of this story. You will be approached by a man named Turelius Logellus, who serves as a guard in Bruma's castle. He overheard your conversation with Jorundr and also wanted to profit from the stolen gold. While you went to Jorundr, he killed Arnora and now wants to get rid of you as the last contender for gold. There is nothing to do, kill him and take the gold that is in the chest. You just have to check if Turelius really killed Arnora. Return to Arnora's house, where you will find her corpse. All the gold is now yours, but you are advised to quickly leave the city before you are suspected of all these crimes. On this story with the stolen money is considered finished.

This quest can be obtained in Cheydenhal by talking to the locals. The new head of the guard, Captain Ulrich Leland, began to collect large fines from the inhabitants of the city for all sorts of trifles. It seems that there is nothing criminal, but the people are very dissatisfied. You are instructed to deal with the situation. Accordingly, you are sent to start with one of the most dissatisfied citizens, Levana Nedaren, who lives in a house on the square near the chapel of Arkay. It is not always possible to find her at home, Levan can walk along the streets of the city. She won’t tell you anything of particular value, she will mention a certain poor fellow Aldous Otran, who was recently kicked out of his house for fines, and sent to Ulrich’s deputy, Garros Darrelyun, who is dissatisfied with his boss, and accordingly will be able to somehow help with his exposure. You will find Garros in the central hall of Chadenhall Castle. Garros will inform you that he suspects his boss of embezzling the money that comes from fines, and will ask you to help find a person who could testify against Ulrich. This is where you will remember about Aldous Otran. Since he is homeless thanks to the efforts of Ulrich, then, accordingly, he can only be found on the street. Aldous Otran will immediately complain about the fate and call you "to his" home. Near his former home, he will quarrel with the guard, and he will quickly cut him down. After this sad event, you will be asked (with a sign) to go and tell Levana Nedaren about this incident. She will be outraged by what happened and will ask to lure Ulrich to her house, after which she herself will deal with him. But you, being a law-abiding citizen and just a prudent person, go first to Garros and ask him for advice. He will also be outraged by the death of Aldous Otran, but he will offer to do without bloodshed. To do this, you will need to get some evidence from the house of Ulrich Leland. The whole difficulty lies in the fact that you will have to do this illegally, so if you are caught, it will be exclusively your problems. But Garros will make it a little easier for you by giving you the key to Ulrich's house. Ulrich lives in a small room in the barracks of the Cheydenhal guards, which are located to the left of the entrance to the castle. As you enter his room, on the right you will see a chest of drawers on which lies a book, and on it is a small square of paper, that's what you need. This is Ulrich's letter to his relatives. Take it and return to Garros. Garros will be overjoyed and will say that he will immediately deliver the letter to the Earl, and he tells you to wait for him near the Cheidenhall Bridge Hotel. Two hours later, he will come to you at the appointed place and say that Ulrich Leland was arrested, and he was appointed head of the guard. He will thank you with a good amount of gold.

This quest can be obtained by talking about rumors in Bruma, or by going to Bradon Lirrian's house. Let's start with Bradon's house, as you will be sent there anyway. As soon as you get into the house, the brave guard Carius Runellius will immediately approach you. And if you raise his attitude towards yourself a little, then he will tell you what happened in the house of Bradon Lirrian. The fact is that the murder of the owner of the house took place in the house and happened on completely legal grounds, because the investigation has every reason to believe that Bradon Lirrian was a vampire and himself recently dealt with a couple of beggars. By the way, the body of one of them was found right there in the house, in the basem*nt. Karius tells you that the matter is clear that a certain vampire hunter Reinil Dralas did everything right and there is actually nothing to investigate here. However, if you go, for example, to Olaf's tavern and talk to local regulars, they will tell you that they don't really believe in official version consequences. Talk to Bradon's wife, Erlene, and she will give you additional information that makes the evidence base of the investigation very shaky. Bradon's killer, the vampire hunter Reynil Dralas, is the most suspect. To complete the picture, it would be nice to hear what he has to say about Bradon's murder. Go to Olaf's tavern and talk to its owner, Olaf himself, about Reynil. He will tell you that Raynil stayed with him for a couple of days, but just recently left the tavern, and will also give you the key to the room in which Raynil lived, since he himself really wants to know the truth about what happened after all. In Rayneel's room, behind the chest of drawers, you will find Geleburn's diary. From it you will learn that Rayneel, Geleburn and Bradon knew each other in their youth, and also organized a brotherhood of adventurers and searched for various artifacts. In the end, they found some valuable artifact and hid it with the intention of studying the artifact later. After talking again with the owner of the tavern, you will learn that Geleburn was recently killed in Skingard by the same Rayneel and according to exactly the same scenario, that is, the justification for killing Geleburn was that Geleburn was a vampire. Go now to the guard Karius, who is investigating, and try to convince him. He will agree with you surprisingly easily, immediately put Reynil on the wanted list and offer you to meet him at Olaf's tavern in an hour. An hour later, in Olaf's tavern, he will inform you that Raynil was seen on the way to the North Stone Cave, and he will offer you to deal with Raynil, as he is afraid to frighten him away. Go to this cave, it is located northwest of Bruma, a little northwest of the "Eplotch" farm. In the cave you will find Rayneel, he will not want to surrender and will attack you. The enemy is strong, but not extraordinary, so you can easily deal with him. After that, you can take an artifact called "Earth Amulet" from the chest and return to Bruma to the wife of the deceased Bradon. Erlin will say that the artifact does not manifest its properties until a secret word is uttered over it, which only she knows after the death of all three members of the Brotherhood. Erlin will ask you for an amulet to activate it, and after saying a simple word, the amulet will become truly valuable. In gratitude for the revenge of her husband and the whitewashing of his name, she will give you the amulet. This completes the task, but if you want, you can still look into Olaf's tavern and talk with Carius.

Most likely, you will receive this task from the manager of Countess Bruma, Talgan. He will give you an invitation from the Countess, who wants to meet you at her castle. The Countess receives visitors from 8 am to 6 pm. Upon meeting, the countess will tell you that she is a collector of Akavirian artifacts. Quite a few artifacts are already in her collection, but recently she came across information about the approximate location of one very valuable Akavirian artifact - " dragon stone In general, the stone should be in the ruins of the White Pass, but no one knows where these ruins are located. Her scouts could only establish one of the landmarks leading there, this is the peak of the Dragon Claw. Passage", she will give you this key, because it can be useful if you are lucky to find these ruins. She will also give you a "White Passage Map" with landmarks, which she managed to copy from one old Akaviri diary and a fragment of the legible text of this very diary. This is the initial data you set off on your mission.Dragon's Claw Summit is located northeast of Bruma, there is a quite clearly marked road from the eastern gate of the city.You will not see the rocks as such, it's just a small rocky elevation.Now it's time time to get the map and check other landmarks.After the "Dragon's Claw" is the statue of the warrior, which is located to the west of the claw.If you go a little to the west, you will actually find the sentinel statue. From it, go north until you find the cave "Snake Passage". There is nothing particularly interesting in it, just in case, pick up the tablet lying next to the skeleton. After leaving the cave, you will again find yourself in the fresh air. Follow the path (you will encounter quite a few ogres along the way) until you reach the fort. The fort itself is teeming with skeletons, so consider your strength. From the first location of the fort there are two exits in the locations "Eyes of the Serpent" and "Snake Scales", whichever one you go to, you will still find yourself in the location "Fangs of the Serpent", and from there you will get to the location "Poison Serpent". There you will immediately meet the ghost of Commander Akaviri Mishahhi. He will take you for a fighter who is entrusted with delivering orders to him. Here you have the choice of what to answer him, but I would advise you to say that the orders were delivered to him. After that, a hidden passage will open in the room where the amulet of the "Dragon Stone of Madness" lies. Take it and return to Bruma to the Countess. In gratitude for the artifact delivered to her, she will give you the Viper's Eyes ring. At this point, the task is considered completed.

This task is given to you on the passage of one of the stages of the main Quest. The task will be given either by Count Andel Indarus, or one of the guards near the Oblivion Gate, which will be open next to the western gate of Cheidenhal. The young, hot and rather arrogant son of the local count, seeing that the gates to Oblivion had opened near the city, decided to close them together with his friends. This company of the local "golden youth" called themselves the "Knights of the Thorn" and they climbed into the gates to gain glory and honor for themselves. At the time of your appearance, there has been no news from them for two days. The guards are afraid to meddle in the gates of Oblivion, so there is no one except you to pull them out. Before climbing into Oblivion for a young count and his friends, purchase a health restoration spell "on target" or "on touch", it will be very useful to you in the future. Now you can step into the gates of Oblivion. As soon as you appear in the plane of Oblivion, you will see the dead body of one of the knights of the thorn. Get down the road down. Of course, the road will not be clean, as you will constantly come across various Daedra along the way. When you go down the road, you will see an inconspicuous door, that's where you go. You will see a hole in the floor, jump into it, then again and again you will find the body of a dead knight. Go outside and go down the road until you reach another dead knight. Look for the door again, go inside, then jump into the hole in the floor and go down until you exit. There you will be met by the young Count Farvil Indarus and the only survivor of his friends. You will need to get to the Sigil stone with them and close the gate. Despite the fact that the count will say that he and his friend will go behind, when they meet the first enemy, they will run to attack the enemy. Unlike many other quest NPCs in the game, which are protected from death, these two are deprived of such protection, and for this you will need a spell to restore life on "touch" or "on target". You will need to constantly ensure that they do not die during the next battle, and periodically heal them. If the count still dies, take the signet ring from his body in order to give it to the count later. After you meet them, a little ahead you will see the beginning of a monolithic slab going forward, this is the road to the tower. The tower itself is pretty standard, so it makes no sense to describe it. When you rescue the young count from the world of Oblivion and close the gate, talk to him. Farvil Indarus will give you the title of "Honorary Knight" of the Order of the Thorn and present you with a medallion of the Knights of Thorn, which increases your eloquence by 15 points. Go and talk to his father Count Indarus, he will also offer you a gift for saving his son. It will be a choice of either the "Staff of Indarus" or the "Blade of Thorn". The staff has 10 points of strength debuff plus 30 points of electricity damage, and the blade has 120 points of armor destruction on hit. Choose a gift to taste, and this task will end.

You can either learn about this task from the city rumors, or go to the house of Rita Litandas. There you will meet his wife Tivela Litandas, who will tell you that her husband is quite a good artist, and that Rit usually works very long hours in his workshop, leaving only to eat. But a few days ago, he never left the workshop. After waiting a few hours, Tivela nevertheless decided to enter there, but her husband disappeared from the workshop, and now you are her only hope to find him. After this story, she will give you the key to his workshop so that you can explore the place of her husband's disappearance yourself. There is absolutely nothing to look for in the workshop, just immediately go to the picture to the left of the entrance and climb into it (everything is fine, everything is in order with my head). Next, you will find yourself in a painted world, where you will meet Rita Litandas. He will immediately upset you with the fact that from the drawn world it is very difficult, because you can return to the normal world only with the help of the "Brush of True Mastery" (Rit himself will tell you everything about this brush in detail), which some Bosmer stole from Rita . This Bosmer turned out to be an extremely bad creature, because with the help of a brush he painted trolls, which attacked him. The brush remained with the Bosmer, but there is no way to meet him, because Rit cannot reach the Bosmer, because the painted trolls block his way, and Rit does not know how to fight at all. Well, since Rit can't get to the Bosmer, then you should. Rit will give you 6 bottles of turpentine to help you, which adds an additional +250 points to attack when fighting painted trolls. Further, the task is quite simple for a hero above level 20 (then turpentine is not required either), you need to go through the painted forest and successively fill up 6 trolls. At the end of the path, you will find a dead Bosmer from whom you will take the "Brush of True Mastery". Return to Rita, he will draw a portal to his workshop, and you will be transported there with him. In gratitude for the fact that you pulled him out of the painted world, he will give you the "Apron of Agility", which adds +10 to dexterity and intelligence. At this point, the task is considered completed.

In Chorrol, you will be told about Raynald Jamen's suspicious behavior. He walks the streets and does not recognize his acquaintances, in addition, he suddenly became a teetotaler, although he was previously known as a drunkard, and you will also be told that he was seen several times in Cheidenhall, which is also suspicious. First of all, you need to find Raynald Jamen himself and talk to him. You will find Raynald in the Gray Mare Inn, which is located to the right of the south gate of Chorrol. He will most likely be drunk, but still able to tell you that he has never been to Cheidenhall and will ask you to deal with the person who pretends to be him. In Cheidenhall, ask the first person you meet about Raynald Jayman, and he will tell you that he only knows Gilbert Jayman, who lives at the Newlands Orphanage Hotel. It is located to the left of the western gate of Cheidenhal. After talking with Gilbert, you will learn about a family tragedy. It turns out that Raynald is his brother, whom he thought was dead. Gilbert will ask you to go to his brother and say that he will soon arrive to him. Return to Cheidenhall, talk to Raynald, and soon his brother will enter the tavern, after a while a sign will appear that the brothers have reunited. After that, talk to Gilbert, and he will thank you with 500 gold. The first part of the assignment ends here. Next, Gilbert will ask you to clear the Weatherlich estate, which once belonged to his father, from ogres-cannibals. The whole problem is that he does not know where it is, since they had to leave him at a very early age. He only knows that it is south of Chorrol and north of "Fort Camarl". You can walk around and look around for it yourself, or you can ask someone in the city about this estate. You will be redirected to Sabile Lol, who will tell and show you where it is. Sabila herself can be found either at the Fighters Guild or at the Fire and Steel Forge. Go due south from Chorrol to "Fort Camarl", then southwest until you reach the estate, or rather the farmhouse. There you kill three ogres and the task is actually completed, just do not forget to walk around the house so that two signs appear in front of you in sequence that you found this house and that you killed the ogres. Return back to Chorrol and tell the good news to Gilbert Jamen. After that, he will ask you to deliver him and his brother to Weatherlich. Talk to him again when you're ready to complete this mission, and lead the brothers with you. As soon as you deliver them to the Weatherlich, talk again with Gilbert, he will complain about the precarious financial situation, but will thank you with 375 septims. The second part of the assignment ends here. Returning to Chorrol, you will most likely stumble upon a certain Fatis Ules on the street. He must come to you. Fatis will tell you that Albert Jamen, the father of the Jamen brothers, once deceived him by not returning to him one valuable thing that he stole on Fatis's order. With this little thing, Albert Jamen ran away from him and settled in the wilderness called "Weatherlich", but this thing was not found there after his death, from which it follows that the ogres most likely dragged it to their lair, which is located in the cave "Valley of the Redguards" ". It lies far south of Chorrol, in fact between Chorrol Skingrad a little east of the Weatherlich. In general, you need to go there and kill all the ogres. About a dozen ogres are stationed in the cave, the item you are looking for is in one of them and is called the "Honorary Sword of Chorrol", for you it does not represent a special combat value, but however, someone other than Fatis Ules can thank you for returning this sword. If you don’t want to get the despicable metal in the amount of 1500 Septims, but something more memorable, then go to the castle and find Lath Vavrik in it. During the day, Vavrik usually stands next to Countess Arianna Valga. Give him the sword, and in return you will receive the "Call of Chorrol", which is given for special services to the city. You don't have to go to Fatis Ules, he won't talk to you anyway. You need to actually go back to Weatherlich Manor and talk to Gilbert Jamen about his father. Gilbert, of course, will be a little upset, but, in general, he will be pleased and will give you 4 great soul stones as a reward. This is the third, it is the last, part of the task ends.

In the King in the Gray Horse Inn, an old man named Valus Odiel will accost you, lamenting that his two sons are going to hunt monsters in the forest near Chorrol. He himself is too old to somehow protect them, so he asks you about it. His sons should be waiting for him just west of Weynon Monastery. Go there and you will really see two guys with weapons in the agreed place. Their names are Rallus and Anthus. From a conversation with the sons of Odiel, you will learn that monsters are attacking their farm from the side of the forest, and they were just about to go to repel one of these attacks. Only now they thought that their father would go with them, and not you. But they will not be particularly upset with your company and will take you to the farm. On the farm in the middle of the garden, Rallus and Anthus will stand in a fighting stance and wait for the attack. I want to warn you right away so that you don’t particularly rely on the guys, but rather protect them from the attackers, since the quest protection is removed from them at this moment. The enemy will not wait, and soon a small group of attackers from three monsters will run out at you (I had goblins). Kill all three, and after a while the attack will repeat on the right. The last attack will come from the left, but this time there will be four attackers. This will stop the attacks, and you will need to return back to the Gray Horse tavern to Valus Odiel. His sons will immediately arrive in time, Valus, in gratitude for their protection, will give you a sword called "Cooler", which strikes with cold, while also imposing vulnerability to cold. At this point, the task is considered completed.

You get this quest by finding one of the Ayleid figurines. There are ten figurines in total, all located in various Ayleid ruins, one in each location. These figurines are sought after by a very wealthy man, whose name is Umbacano, he is a well-known collector of Ayleid artifacts. If you have not received a note from him, then you can come to visit him yourself, his mansion is located on Talos Plaza in the Imperial City. Only first you will have to talk to his butler Yolring and show him the Ayleid figurine. After that, you can talk to Umbacano himself. He will pay you 500 gold for the figurine, and will also inform you that if you find all 10 figurines for him, he will double the amount of your reward. After you find the second figurine for him, he will tell you that he has information about five Ayleid ruins where similar figurines can still be found. These are Moranda, Macamentein, Venyandavik, Ninendava and Fanakas. When you get the third figurine for Umbacano, he will tell you that he has one more task for you. This task is called "Thirst for Possession", you can read about it a little lower in the text. The list of Ayleid ruins below will help you find the other seven figurines:

1. Vilverin - located northeast of the Imperial City on an island that is located on Lake Rumar (Lake Rumar refers to the body of water surrounding the Imperial City). The Ayleid ruins of Vilverin consist of four locations (Vilverin, Vilverin Canosel, Vilverin Wendezel, Vilverin Sel Sancremati). In the first location there are bandits, in the rest - evil spirits, and in all locations there are various kinds of traps. In the second location, it may be difficult to advance further, since no obvious doors or passages are indicated. In order to open them, you need to press the button in the floor. The figurine that you are looking for is located in the last location of Vilverin Sel Sancremati, from there there is a passage immediately to the first location almost to the exit, but for this it will be necessary to kill the necromancer.

2. Fanakas - located north of Cheidenhall and east of Lake Arrius. These are small Ayleid ruins inhabited by vampires. Finding a figurine in them will not be difficult. The only unusual detail is that in one of the places you will have to swim under water to get to it.

3. Vedir - located south of Chorrol. The ruins consist of two locations (Vendir and Vedir Nogasel), inhabited by various evil spirits. The figurine is located in the location of Vendir Nogasel.

4. Ninendava - located between Chorrol and Bruma, northeast of Sancre Tor. These Ayleid ruins are inhabited by vampires and some undead. To get the figurine, at the first fork, turn left in the direction that leads up.

5. Moranda - located a little north of the Orange Road, between Chorrol and Bruma, a little south of Ninendava. Your opponents in these ruins will mainly be northern monsters. The ruins consist of three locations (Moranda, Moranda Abaspania and Moranda Aratazel). From the location of Moranda, you can go to two locations at once: Moranda Abaspania and Moranda Aratazel ​​The figurine is located in the location of Moranda Abaspania. 6. Venyandavik - located northwest of Bravil and south of the Imperial City. The ruins consist of two locations (Venyandavik, Venyandavik Edesel), the figurine is located in the location of Venyandavik Edesel. The ruins are inhabited by the undead, and there are also a small number of traps.

7. Kulott - located in the southeast of the Imperial City, on the banks of the Niben River. You can safely go into the ruins and walk along them. You won't meet anyone in Culotte until you enter the room where the Ayleid figurine is located. Exiting it, you will find that the ruins are now filled with zombies of all kinds. Then you act as you like best, you can arrange a sweep, or you can quickly retreat from Kulott, taking advantage of the slowness of the zombies. Most importantly, do not forget to take the figurine with you.

8. Macamentein - located southeast of the Imperial City, between the rivers "Reed" and "Silver Fish", east of the Yellow Road, near a small lake. In total, there are three locations in these ruins (Macamentaine, Crypts of the Undead, Sanctuary of the Necromancer). Basically, your enemies there will be necromancers, but you will also have to fight against the undead. The figurine is located in the last location "Necromancer's Sanctuary", from which there is a secret exit immediately to the first location.

9. Velke - located far southeast of Bravil, on the south bank of the Panther River. These Ayleid ruins consist of three locations (Velke, Velke Seyede, Velke Edesel), your opponents in the ruins of Velke will be undead. The figurine is located in the last location of Velke Edesel.

10. Wendelbeck - located southeast of Bravil, on the banks of the Panther River, northeast of the Velke Ayle ruins. In terms of internal layout, these ruins are very similar to Macamentaine. Opponents by the way are the same - necromancers. Yes, and the figurine is in the same place, only the location is called differently - Vendelbek Aran Matmedli.

After you bring the last figurine to Umbacano, he will pay you its cost of 500 septims, plus another 2500 gold for what you were able to collect for him complete collection these figurines. At this point, the task is considered completed.

This task is given to you after you get the third Ayleid figurine for a high elf named Umbacano. The task to find the Ayleid figurines is described a little above, it is called "The Collector". Now Umbacano asks you to find a "carved panel" from the "High Cathedral" and gives you an Ayleid stone, which is some kind of key in this "High Cathedral", but Umbacano does not know where the "High Cathedral" is located. After the end of the conversation, leave his house, and a man named Claude Maris will immediately approach you. He will introduce himself to you as a treasure hunter and say that he also works for Umbacano, and also hint that he knows where the High Cathedral is, but to further continue the conversation, he will offer you to go to the Tiber Septim tavern. There he will tell you everything he knows about the "High Cathedral" and where it is and what it is now called, and will also try to dissuade you from further travel to this place. In addition, he will mention the book "Cleansing the Temple", in which you can read about the events that took place in the "High Cathedral" earlier. You can go and buy a book in the "First Edition" store, which is located in the shopping district of the Imperial City, or you can immediately go to the island ruins called Malada, which is how "High Cathedral" will be in ancient Elvish. Malada is located in the Valus Mountains, which is far east of Bravil, in fact, already on the border with Morrowind, north of Lake Canulus. In Malad, your opponents will mostly be the undead, but in the beginning you will most likely be met by the usual representatives of the fauna of Cyrodiil. In fact, you won’t have to walk long in Malada, in fact, the “carved panel” will be right behind the door, the key to which was given by Umbacano. Grab it and head back to the Malada exit (although you can explore these Ayleid ruins if you wish). As soon as you find yourself on the surface, Claude Maris will immediately come up to you with a proposal to give the "carved panel". I do not even consider the possibility of transferring the panel to him. Therefore, you have two options: either run or fight. Please note that Claude is not alone, he has three or four assistants with him, one of which is even on a horse. If you decide to run, then not far from the entrance you can be met by the Argonian S "Razirr and offer his help in eliminating Claude Maris in exchange for part of the reward for the" carved panel ". I leave the decision to your discretion, I myself would offer to" make legs "to don't waste time on these racketeers (well, it will be better for the next task). Umbacano will pay you a pretty decent amount for this "carved panel" and will want to give you another task. It is called "Secrets of the Ayleids" and will be described somewhere here.

In the Temple District (though possibly also in the Waterfront District) of the Imperial City, a woman named Ralsa Norvalo will run up to you. She will say that her husband, Ghylen Norvalo, sent her. He has some urgent business with you, and he wants to meet with you at the house of a certain Seredur. There are two reasons for accepting the assignment. First, this is a simple curiosity - with what fright they run up to you, ask you to go the devil knows where and meet it is not clear with whom. Second, this is what this quest You won't be able to do it later if you refuse now. Therefore, I continue to describe further the passage of the task. Seredur's house is right there in the Temple District, go inside and chat with Seredur himself. He will take you to his basem*nt and fill you in on the course of events. The fact is that he, Helen Norvalo and Gray Throat form the "Order of the Virtuous Blood", whose goal is to destroy vampires. The other day, Comrade Seredur just spotted how one of the vampires sucked the blood out of his victim. Now they want to kill the vampire, but the fact is that they are too old for such feats, and your reputation is quite trustworthy to entrust this task to you. The vampire you need to find is called Roland Jenseric and he lives nearby right there in the Temple District, but the fact is that he went on the run and you have yet to find him. Seredur advises to start the search from his house. We'll have to break open the door to Roland's apartment and make a small search. Be careful, the area is actively patrolled by guards. The apartment itself does not need to be searched for a long time, you need a small piece of paper lying on a table in the hallway. It follows that Roland is most likely hiding near the Imperial City in his hut in the Great Forest. The hut is located northeast of the Imperial City, just north of the Blue Road. At first, Roland will be outraged by your appearance, but if you talk to him in detail, it turns out that he is not a vampire at all, but Seredur slandered him, and in fact Seredur himself is a vampire who chose a very unusual, but nevertheless very effective cover for yourself, it's an order to fight vampires. To check his words, Roland sends you to the store "First Edition", which is located in the shopping area of ​​the imperial city, to the seller of books Fintias. The bookseller will tell you a lot of interesting things about Seredur, including that Seredur likes to go southeast of the Imperial City to the Memorial Cave area to visit his ancestor's grave. Phintias will even mark this place on your map. As you understand, you need the cave itself, it is located a little south of Fort Magia, on the shore opposite the Imperial City. A bunch of vampires roam the cave, which must be killed, and at the end, Seredur himself is waiting for you. Kill the reptile, return to Roland Jenserik in the hut and tell how it all ended. Roland will be glad that everything is resolved, and will tell you that he considers it necessary to take up the task of exterminating the vampires. He will also offer you to visit the basem*nt of Seredur's house in order to present you with an award at the headquarters of the "Order of the Virtuous Blood". Go to the basem*nt of Seredur, where Roland will meet you and give you the "Ring of Solar Fire" with pretty good characteristics of magic reflection and disease resistance. In addition, if you talk to Roland about Vampires, he will offer you to pay 250 gold for each killed vampire. Vampire Ashes can serve as proof of killing a vampire. Considering that the maximum cost of "Vampire Ashes" as an ingredient is 50 Septims, this is a very generous offer. This quest is considered completed.

You can receive this task in the Imperial City from one of two people, either from the Redguard Ruslan, or from the orc Luronk gro-Glurzog. Orc and Redgarl will tell you that when they were visiting Jensine's Almost New Merchandise store in the Imperial City's shopping district, a guard walked in, accused them of stealing, and demanded a fine from them. No conviction on their part that they did not commit theft had no effect on him. The owner of the store also could not say anything, since the guard had long intimidated all the merchants in the city, and they cannot say a word to him. After this conversation, go to the store to Jensin and talk to her. She will confirm everything told by Ruslan and Luronk and will also name the racketeer guard, it will turn out to be not just a guard, but the captain of the Imperial Guard, Audens Avidius. She will also casually say that the captain of the Imperial Guard can only be arrested by another captain of the guard. In total, there are three such captains in the city, in addition to Audens Avidius, these are also Servantius Quintilis and Itrius Gain. Servantius will refuse to help you, arguing his refusal by the fact that he was only recently appointed to this position, and he is afraid to arrange such investigations. Itrius Gein will tell you that he can help you, but only if two witnesses testify against Audens Avidius. You will need to find Luronk and Ruslan again and convince them to give such evidence. They will be reluctant, but still agree to testify (if not, then use your eloquence). Next, you will need to wait about a day, after which you will be told that Audens Avidius has been arrested. At this point, the task is considered completed.

This task is given to you by a wealthy aristocrat named Umbacano after completing the task "Thirst for Possession", which I described above. This time he asks you to get him the "Crown of the Last King of the Ayleids", but now not in any ruins, but from another collector Herminia Kinna. Umbacano says that he himself will not be able to redeem this crown in any way, since Herminia will not give the crown to him on principle, and you may succeed. He will pay you the reward for the crown in advance. The amount that will remain after completing this task will be yours. Before proceeding with its implementation, I would strongly advise you to get for Umbacano all the Ayleid figurines that he asked to find you on the "Collector" quest. Returning to the task with the crown, I can suggest several ways to complete it. The most effective, easiest and fastest is to steal the crown from Herminia. Her house is located in the Imperial City in the Elven Gardens area. The crown is locked, on the second floor of the house, in an Ayleid container. Alternatively, there is another way to complete Umbacano's errand. It is longer, but more correct (conscious) from the point of view of the game. If you talk to Herminia herself, she will tell you that Umbacano wants to get the crown not just as another Ayleid trinket, but as a powerful magical artifact, the misuse of which can lead to disastrous consequences. In exchange for the "Ayleid Crown of Nenalath" in her possession, Hermina offers you the "Ayleid Crown of Lindai". She is convinced that Umbacano will not notice the substitution, since he has not seen any of them. Hermine will give you the key to Lindai's royal tomb, where you can find the crown. Now your path lies to the Ayleid ruins of Lindai. To get to them, you must go due east of Chorrol. These ruins do not represent anything special, they consist of two locations, in which your opponents will be ordinary undead. "Ayleid Crown of Lindai" is located in the second location "Lindai, Inner Crypts" in an Ayleid container. Take it, return to Umbacano and give Lindai's Ayleid Crown to him. Umbacano will be a little surprised that the crown does not quite fit the description, but he will not notice the forgery. He will offer you to complete one more of his tasks, but now you won’t have to look for anything for him, you just need to be a guard for him when he himself goes to the Ayleid ruins of Nenalat. Umbacano will make an appointment with you near these ruins in three days and ask you not to be late. Nenalata is located east of Bravil on the banks of the Niben River at the confluence of the Silver Fish River. Umbacano will meet you near the entrance to the ruins, and if you have not killed Claude Marich, he will also keep you company. The ruins consist of three locations and are inhabited by the usual undead. Take care of Umbakano, since the quest protection will be removed from him, I would even advise you to clear Nenalat alone first, and then lead Umbakano there. At the end of the last location "Sel Aran Arpen" there will be a hall in which you will see a rectangular recess in the wall. As you guessed, in order to go further, you need to insert a key into it, namely the same "carved panel" that you obtained for Umbacano earlier. Since Umbacano has the panel, he will do it himself. So you will find yourself in the throne room of Nenalat. Umbacano will go to the throne, utter some words and sit on it. After that, you will see a beautiful light show, and then, depending on which crown Umbacano puts on, he will either die or turn into a monster. In addition, secret niches will open on the sides, and from there all evil spirits will climb on you. The diary entry will advise you to run. If you decide to follow this advice, then it is better to run away along the opened side passage, which will lead you immediately to the exit from the ruins, and if you decide to stay, then the fight will not be so difficult, you will only have to fill up with a dozen units of various undead. On this, in principle, the task ends.

Speak with Vendor Jensin, who runs Jensin's Almost New Goods in the Imperial City Market District, about Thoronir. She will tell you that Thoronir is the owner of a shop in the commercial district of the Imperial City, which has fallen on suspicion that he is engaged in dishonest trade. His wares are suspiciously below the price they are sold at by other merchants. Jensine from the Society of Conscious Traders will hire you to investigate why Thoronir's goods are cheap. She suggests starting the investigation by spying on Thoronir to find out where he gets his goods from. Thoronir's shop is called the "Bottomless Purse" and is opposite the "First Edition" bookstore. If you talk to Thoronir himself on this topic, then you will only waste your time, as he will still deny it. Better watch where Thoronir goes after the end of the day's work. At first, he will go to the Merchant's Tavern, where almost all the shopping brethren of the shopping district really hang out, but at 11 pm Thoronir will suddenly leave this wonderful institution and go to a secluded place in the shopping district. There he will meet with a certain Agamir, and you will listen to their dialogue (to listen, you need to come close to them). From the conversation it will become clear that it is Agamir who supplies things to Thoronir and now your task is to find out where Agamir himself takes these things from. Follow him to his apartment in Talos Plaza, then wait until he leaves it (approximately at nine in the morning), and then enter Agamir's apartment and search it. You will need to get into his basem*nt, and there it will become clear where Agamir gets things for Thoronir's shop. Turns out he's just digging graves. Grab a book called "The Spooky List" from the basem*nt and return with it to Thoronir for a detailed conversation. He will be terribly upset after learning all these facts, and will say that he was not aware of where Agamir takes things for his store. He will also want to provide all possible assistance on his part to your investigation and will tell everything that he remembers from recent conversations with Agamir. From what Thoronir tells you, it will follow that Agamir is going to dig a new grave again today, and you, of course, will have to catch him in this dirty deed and stop him. This means that the road to you is straight to the cemetery, and it is located not like in all normal cities on the outskirts, but right in the center of the city. Go around the cemetery in a circle and near the "Trentius Family Mausoleum" you will notice that the seal has been broken on it. That's where you need to be. In the mausoleum you will be met by Agamir and his friend Rolgarel. After a short conversation, they will attack you. Kill them both, take the keys from the corpse of Agamir and take the evidence with you, namely the "shovel of Agamir". Now return to Thoronir and tell him about everything. This will finish him off, he will repent of all sins and say that he will give the dishonestly earned money as a donation to the Temple, and also tell that he has already gone to Jensin and told her about everything. In the end, in gratitude for the fact that you saved his life (Agamir would have killed him if not for you) and for guidance on the true path, Thoronir will give you the "Ring of Weather Protection", which gives protection from fire and cold. After visiting Thoronir, go to Jensin for the promised reward. She, on behalf of the society, will thank you with the amount of 600 gold. At this point, the task is considered completed.

In the Waterfront, there is a ship called the Floating Tavern near the pier. In principle, there is nothing special about it. Just a ship converted by an enterprising businessman into an eatery. Get on the boat and go to bed. After sleep, you will want to leave the cabin to take a walk on the deck, but then some bandit named Lynch will block your path. Your presence will come as a complete surprise to him. During the conversation with Lynch, it turns out that the ship was captured by a gang of bandits and taken to the open sea. You can not stand on ceremony with him especially, since Lynch will attack you anyway, just remember the phrase "... three months" from your conversation with him. By the way, you will find the key to the warehouse and a paper called "Lynch's instructions" on it. Having opened the warehouse, you will find the local helmsman and part-time bouncer Graman gro-Marad. He will not mind returning the "Floating Tavern" back to the Imperial City, but on the condition that you kill all the bandits on the ship. Climb up to the deck above and there you will meet another bandit (or rather a bandit), whose name is Minh. Before starting to fight with her, it is better to talk first and remember what the conversation was about. In the end, you will have to fight, but the information from the conversations will still be useful to you. This time, remember the snippet of the phrase "...Golden Galleon." You will also find a key from her, but this time from the upper deck. Go up to the stern and there you will meet another bandit with an interesting name Fury. It will be useful to talk to him before getting into a fight, this time remember the word "Bravil". Then you can kill the "Rage", but do not forget to search the body to find another key. This time, it's the key to Ormil's cabin (the tavern owner). Go there to meet with the leader of the "Black Water Gang" elf Selen. Do not rush to kill her, like the rest of the gang, this is where the point in long conversations will be. To begin with, inform that you took the key from the "Rage", after which the questions will begin. Then answer successively about "three months", "Golden Galleon" and "Bravil". Your last answer should finish her off, Selen will understand that you killed all the other members of the gang and will surrender. She will give you a sword called "Black Water Blade" with a stamina absorption effect. Ormil will ask you to take Selena to the cabin on the lower deck and lock her there. Next, he will urge you to sleep, and after sleep you will again find yourself in the Imperial City in the Waterfront. Before leaving the ship, talk to Ormil, and he will tell you that he handed over Selenium to justice, for which a good reward was paid, which is due to you. He will give you 450 gold rewards for Selenium, and then you can go outside. At this point, the task is considered completed.

This task will be given to you by S "Drassa, a member of the Llavin Mages Guild. He will tell you that he collects rare crystals called "Tears of Garridan" and that he is ready to pay you quite big money for each such crystal. Also, S "Drassa will tell you part of the story of the origin of this name. They say that these crystals are really the frozen tears of the knight Garridan Stalrus. For more detailed information, he will direct you to his friend Julien Fanis, head of the Department of Alchemy at the University of the Sacraments in the Imperial City. Go to the Imperial city ​​to the University, in the "reception of the Archmage" Julien will be waiting for you. sad story about the knight Garridan, but again for a more detailed study of the material will direct you to another source, the book "The Decline of Chivalry", which you can buy in the Imperial City Market District in the bookstore "First Edition". Having bought the book and read it, you will find out the place where such sad events took place with the knight Garridan, this is a cave called "Glade of frosty fire". You will also learn that in order to get into this cave, you must have "Purified Frost Salt" with you, which can be bought from Julien Fanis. Return to it, buy salt and head to this cave. It is located southeast of Bruma, east of the Silver Road, northeast of the Sanctuary of Mephala. The first part of the cave will be quite ordinary, and the most ordinary little animals will be the opponents there, but to get into the second part of the cave, you will need purified frosty salt. Entering the frosty door, you will find yourself in the Glade of frosty fire itself. Closer to the center of the clearing, you will see a freezing area, where you will meet a frost atronach, which you can safely kill. Next, your task is to strain your eyesight and collect five pieces of Garridan's Tears. By the way, Garridan himself will show off in a block of ice at the time of the fight against the ice atronach (the picture is beautiful, you can take a screenshot as a keepsake). It is better to look for tears from a hill, for some reason they are better seen from there. After collecting five tears, return to Llavin to S "Drasse. For them, he will give you more than a generous gold reward, one of the largest in the game. This completes the task.

In Skingrad, a wood elf named Glarthir will approach you and, with a feeling of obvious fear for his health and life, will offer to meet at midnight behind the Skingrad Chapel, while emphasizing that you will not regret this meeting. At the meeting, he will tell you that he is constantly being monitored in order to silence him, since he knows some information about the affairs of influential people in the city. There are many options for completing this task, so I will reveal the main intrigue. Glarthir is paranoid in a severe form, there is no surveillance of him, so you don’t have to stress too much. Following his standard instructions means that you follow three individuals in sequence: Bernadette Penelis, Tutius Sectius, and David Surili. If you want to play spies, you can follow them around the clock, but you are unlikely to see anything interesting. You can also immediately hand it over to the guards (more specifically, to Captain Dion), leaving them to sort it out. There is also a very mercantile option, to follow Glarthir's lead and receive an order from him to kill all three as a result. For each he will be ready to pay 1000 septims. I also want to warn you that when you inform Glarthir that all three suspects are not following him, Glarthir will attack you, not believing in the information you provided. A relatively peaceful option can only be if Glarthir is informed that one of the suspects is following him (or if any of the three are dead, if this happens). The task is actually too invariant to recommend any specific ending to you, so decide for yourself.

This quest begins with you finding your first Nirnroot. Next, you need to go to the nearest alchemist and tell him about your find. The alchemist will send you to Skingrad to his colleague Sinderion, who specializes in herbal alchemical ingredients. Sinderion's dwelling is located in the Western Forest Inn, in the basem*nt. Sinderion will tell you that he needs 10 Nirn Roots to prepare the "Elixir of Exploration", which is used primarily for exploring various kinds of dungeons. He will also give you the "Notes of the Nirnroot" and in addition, Sinderion will tell you the best place to start your search, this is the Great Forest, and more specifically, the "Shady Leaf Grove" northeast of Skingrad. In the grove you will find only one root near a small lake. In order to further your searches more fruitfully, I will give you a brief summary of all useful information about Nirnrut. It boils down to one thesis - Nirnrut always grows near water, so if you set out to complete the task as quickly as possible, then go to the Imperial City and start exploring both shores of Lake Rumar. I think you will find even more than 10 nirn roots there. Once you have collected the required number of Nirnuruts, return to Sinderion. He will tell you that in a day he will prepare a "Weak Elixir of Research" for you, and ask you to bring him another 20 Nirn Roots to prepare a more powerful elixir. If the stocks of roots near Lake Rumar have exhausted themselves, then I can advise you to go to the Niben River and gather Nirnruts on its banks. Return in a day to the alchemist and take the "Weak Elixir of Research" from him, and Sinderion will also give you the opportunity to buy an elixir from him if you need it in the future. Now give twenty Nirnroots to Sinderion, from which he will prepare the "Medium Elixir of Research" for you, and go for the next batch of Nirnroots, this time already in the amount of 30 pieces. The Niben River has a fairly large number of tributaries, so that you can get hold of the roots by going around their banks. In addition, Nirnroots also grow on the sea coast of the province of Cyrodiil. Come to Sinderion in a day or when you find 30 roots and get a ready-made "Medium Research Elixir". Then you can give him the 30 Nirn Roots you found so that he can prepare the "Strong Elixir of Research" for you. The first trial portion, as usual, will be ready in a day, but for now you can start looking for a new batch of Nirnroots, this time forty pieces. From the experience of communicating on thematic forums, I know that such a figure is shocking for many, but I want to assure you that there are a lot of Ninruts in the game, the developers have put more than 300 roots into it, and it’s quite possible to find them. Personally, I have already found 180 roots, so do not give up, I will tell you where else you can find the roots of Nirn. In the southeast of the province there is a swampy area, and if you carefully walk there, then at least 20 roots can be collected. There are also small lakes scattered throughout Cyrodiil, each with one or two Nirnroot growing on its shores, and it is quite common to find Nirnroot growing in flower pots, especially among wealthy city dwellers and guild offices. At the end of the term, return for the "Strong Elixir of Research" to Sinderion, as always, he will give you one bottle for free. If by this time you have been able to collect forty Nirnruts, then you can give them to the alchemist, and he will begin to prepare the "Great Elixir of Research", the first portion of which you can pick up in a day. At this point, the task of collecting roots is considered completed, but Sinderion will be happy to buy Nirnruth roots from you in the future, in batches of 10 roots at a price of 250 gold per batch.

You will most likely receive this task by talking with one of the inhabitants of Llavinsky about Rosentia Gallenus. You will be informed that a strong stench has been emanating from her house for several days, and strange sounds are heard. Go visit her to see what happened to her. In the house you will see Rosentia walking around the house with a staff on her back, accompanied by four scamps. Talk to Rosentia and hear a rather entertaining story from her. It turns out that Rosentia collects Daedric artifacts, and a few days ago, when some warrior-mage passed through the city, he, having heard about Rosentia's hobby, offered her to buy a Daedric staff from him for a fairly low price. Rosentia gladly agreed and the other day decided to study a new Daedric acquisition. As a result, she discovered a runic inscription on the staff, translated it, but did not understand the meaning of this word, and when she said this word aloud, scamps appeared next to her. She simply could not throw away the staff, because every time she tried to get rid of it, Rosentia immediately lost the desire to do so. Now she cannot leave the house with this staff and scamps as her retinue. However, Rosentia was able to give a letter to her friend from the Llavin Mages Guild to find out more about this staff. Rosentia asks you to go to her friend Alves Uvenim in the Mages Guild and find out from her what information she was able to get. Alves will tell you that this staff is a joke of the god Shigorat. It is called the "Staff of the Eternal Scamp" and can only be given to anyone if they wish. In addition, if the staff is activated, four scamps will appear, which will begin to accompany the owner of the staff everywhere. It is useless to kill Scamps, since a new one immediately appears in the place of the killed Scamp. You can get rid of the staff only if you take it to the Black Fatum cave to the Sheogorath sanctuary. She will also add that the staff significantly slows down the movement speed of its owner. Return to Rosenetia with this sad news for you (well, it has already become clear to you that it is you who will carry the staff). Take the staff and go to the Northeast Gate of Llavin. You are lucky, the Black Fatum cave is located not far from Lyavin to the southeast. In the cave, you will meet various Daedra as opponents. So that you do not wander too much along the forks of Black Fatum, I advise you to turn right all the time. When you get to the Shrine of Sheogorath, just throw away the staff next to the altar and you can go back to Rosentia Gallenus. In gratitude for getting rid of the staff, Rosentia will give you the "Borders of Eidolon" ring, which increases the "Parry" and "Swords" skills. At this point, the task is considered completed.

The task will be given to you by the Argonnian Sid-Nius from the Northern Goods store in Chorrol. She will tell you that a few days ago she sent her daughter Dar-Ma to take goods to the small settlement of Hakdirt to the merchant Ethira Moslin, but several days have passed, and Dar-Ma has not returned. She will also say that with Dar-ma was her horse, which was called "Flower". Sid-Nius asks you to go to Hackdirt and try to find her daughter. You can get to Hackdirt in the following way: exit through the southern gate of Chorrol and go due south. I think it will be hard for you to miss such an unusual settlement in the forest. Upon arrival in Hackdirt, you will have the opportunity to investigate, but you can immediately go to the final goal of the task. For lovers of detective stories, I will describe the sequence of the investigation, and those who have little time will simply skip this part and immediately go to the place of imprisonment of Dar-Ma. First of all, go to the "Moslin Tavern" and talk to its owner, Vlanonder Moslin. He will say that he knows nothing about Dar-Ma, but it will be clear that Moslin is lying. Next, go to Aethira Moslin at the Moslin Manufactory and talk to her. You really won’t achieve anything new, except for the understanding that you are not welcome here and everyone here is only doing what they are trying to deceive you to put it mildly. You can go back to the inn and look for "Dar-Ma's Diary" there, or walk around Hackdirt and find Dar-Ma's horse named "Flower", but this will not give you anything, Ethira and Vlanonder Moslin will say that they do not know anything. In order for the matter to move forward, you can talk with Jiv Hiriel. He will ask you to meet after dark at his house. Come at the appointed time, and Jiv will tell you that Dar-Ma is being held captive in the caves under Hackdirt to be sacrificed. He will also give you the key to these dungeons, which you can access from any house in Hackdirt (even those that burned down). He will advise the Argonian to be released at night, when everyone gathers for prayer in the catacombs. In one of the burnt houses there is a hatch into these caves, it will be safest for you to go down from there. The hatch is opened with a master key or the "Key to Hackdirt". Below, you will most likely be met by dirty brothers, kill them and search the catacombs to find a cage with Dar-Ma. Open the cage and bring the prisoner to the surface. Here a cruel surprise awaits you, Dar-Ma will not go further obediently after you, but will head towards his horse on autopilot. Here you will have to protect her from all the crazy city brethren. When Dar-Ma gets to the horse, he will finally begin to obey your commands. After that, it is enough to take her a little away from the city, and she will switch back to her travel program. You can leave Dar-Ma alone and return to Chorrol to her mother. Sid-Nius will thank you for saving his daughter's life and increase your trading skill by 5 points in gratitude. At this point, the task is considered completed.

This task, due to its specifics, should generally be attributed to settlement quests. You can get it from Bartel Gernand in the Crestbridge camp, which is located southeast of the Imperial City on the Yellow Road. Barthel will tell you that he and his family bought a plot of land in order to establish the settlement of Cropsford north of the camp they are currently in, but the fact is that this place is located right in the middle between the lands of two warring factions of goblins. As a result, on the site of the proposed settlement, skirmishes of goblins took place all the time, which did not allow Gernand's family to settle down normally. Barthel asks you to stop the war between the goblin tribes and will give you advice to speak with the ranger Mirissa, who led his family from High Rock to a new settlement. Mirisa will tell you that the goblin tribes live in the Wooded Cliff and Broken Tree caves (both caves are located northeast of the Crestbridge camp) and are called Rock Gnawing and Bloody Hands, respectively, and will also offer two way to end their feud. The first option involves killing the shaman of the Bloody Hands tribe, and the second option is to confiscate the "Goblin Totem Staff" from the Rock Gnawing tribe. Whichever option you choose, it will come down to going into one of the caves and killing almost all the goblins in it. If you decide to act according to the second option, then take the extracted "Goblin totem staff" to Mirissa so that she makes sure that the war between the goblins is over. Then go to Bartel and tell him the good news that the goblins no longer fight, and he and his family can return back to the Cropsford construction site. I would not want to upset you, but he will not give you any reward, he will only say that if you look into the settlement in a month, you will be greeted as a hero. At this point, the task is considered completed.

This quest can be obtained from Elswell Settlement, which is located north of the Imperial City on the Red Ring Road. Enter the Elswell Tavern and Diram Sereti will start talking to you. Do not be surprised by his invisibility, he will soon explain the situation to you. Diram will tell you that a magician settled near the village a couple of years ago and began to conduct some kind of magical experiments. As a result of one of these experiments, all the inhabitants of the village of Elswell became invisible. At first, invisibility was even interesting for the villagers, but then various bad rumors about Elswell began to spread. As a result, the prerequisites appeared that invisibility would soon begin to scare travelers and merchants from the village, which would harm Diram's commercial activities. Therefore, he asks you to go to this magician, whose name is Ankotar, and make sure that the magician removes the invisibility from the inhabitants of Elswell. Ankotar lives near the southeast of the village in Fort Caractacus. On the approaches to this fort, invisible beasts will attack you, so be on the lookout. It's not worth defending especially aggressively, since the magician Ankotar can come to your aid, but since he is also invisible, you can hook him too. You should not go inside the fort (in the dungeon), Ankotar is located outside the fort, usually on the second floor. Of course, it will be difficult to search for it due to invisibility, however, all invisible ones are not completely invisible, and they can still be seen by a slight optical distortion. After talking with Ankotar, you will learn that the villagers fell under the influence of his spell by accident, and he is quite ready to rid them of invisibility. To do this, he will give you a scroll with the appropriate spell and say that this scroll will have to be used strictly in the middle of the village. He will also give you the "Ring of Ankotar's Weapon Protection", which will protect you if the spell in the scroll doesn't work properly. After this conversation, return back to the village and stand in the middle of the garden, which is located in front of the "Elswell tavern". Cast a spell here and the spell of invisibility should be broken. Enter the tavern and talk to Diram Sereti, he will thank you for removing the spell from the villagers and say that now you are always a welcome guest in his tavern and all services in the tavern are free for you. This is actually his entire reward. At this point, the task is considered completed.

The task is given by Savlian Matius. He will offer you to take part in lifting the siege of the Daedric army from Kvatch. To do this, you need to close the gates of Oblivion. The gate will be right in front of you. You can enter them by coming close and pressing activation when the door icon appears. After that, you will find yourself in the Oblivion plan, where you will immediately begin to attack different kinds Daedra When you fight them off, then carefully look around. Ahead of you, the gates will block the road, this time quite ordinary. In order to go further you will have to take a detour. I managed to go around them on the right, although there may be other ways around. But be that as it may, everywhere in the Oblivion plan you will have to fight various Daedra in order to advance at least a little further. Your main goal now is to go to the central tower, in which there will be a gate leading to the "Bloody Feast" location, that is, inside the tower. In the interior you will also not be able to walk quietly, in each new room you will be waiting for about two Daedra. Your goal in the tower is to climb as high as possible. About halfway you will come across a room with doors that are locked, in order to get the key you need to go to the neighboring tower of a smaller size, which leads to one of the doors in the same room. The passage is carried out through a long bridge, located at a high altitude. In the small tower, go to the very top, and you will see a man named Menien Goneld in a cage. After talking with him, you will learn that your final goal is the Sigil Stone, located on top of the main tower. After this conversation, a Daedra will suddenly appear and attack you, kill him and take the key from him. Head back to the main tower and open the locked doors. Go up again. In the tower, you will come across Bloody and Magic springs, in which you can replenish your health and magic. You will also come across "punished", these are simple containers in which you can find quite a lot of useful scrolls, potions and weapons. In one of the locations, to move, you will have to resort to teleportation services using a round platform called the Rune Portal. When you rise to the very top of the tower, you will see a shining sphere, this is the Sigil Stone. Take it (or rather activate it) and wait a bit, after a while you should be moved to the place where you entered the gates of Oblivion. Go to Savlian Matius, and he will offer you to join the liberators of the city. Together with the liberators of the city, you will need to clear the South Square from the remnants of the Daedra. When all the Daedra are killed, talk to Savlian again and then go with him to the Temple of Akatosh. There, he will speak with a warrior named Tiera and send people with him outside the city, to a safer place, to a temporary refugee camp from Kvatch. After that, talk to Savlian Matius again, and he will say that although the siege from the city has been lifted, he will again need your help. Therefore, if you have a desire to help Savlian in the future, then you just need to talk to him again.

This mission is a logical continuation of the previous task. To start its implementation, you need to talk with Savlian Matius after completing the task "Removing the siege of Kvatch". He will tell you that you need to help free Kvatch's castle from the Daedra. After Savlian is convinced of your readiness, he will rush through the door of the temple of Akatosh to the square in front of the castle (until you talk to him, you will not be let through this door). There you will be met by a crowd of Daedra, after killing them, talk to Savlian again. Here it turns out that the gates of the castle are closed from the inside, and they can only be opened from there. Soon he will have a plan of action. In one of the towers of the city wall there is a passage leading to the castle, and through it you need to get inside the castle and open the gate. Go back to the temple of Akatosh and find the warrior Berikh Inian there, who will agree to lead you through the cellars of the chapel to the northern city tower. By the way, reinforcements of imperial soldiers will arrive at the temple, they will not interfere with you either, so take these warriors with you. Daedra are waiting for you again in the basem*nt, but this is basically their rearguard compared to the army that is waiting for you on the street. After leaving the Temple, a tough fight awaits you, most likely a dozen different Daedra will attack you at once. When you kill them, move further along the ruined streets until you come to a ruined tower filled with boxes and barrels. In the floor of the tower you will find a hatch, so go down into it. Follow the corridor to the end, and then go upstairs. So you will find yourself near the gate itself next to the mechanism for lifting them. Turn the wheel near the wall and let in Savlian Matius. Here you will again have a hard fight with the Daedra, but already in the courtyard of the castle. Further, following the instructions of Savlian, you will go inside the castle to clear its inner chambers from the Daedra and find the count of the city of Kvatch. After " Great Hall Castle Savlian will direct you in search of the count. Along the corridor leaving the "Great Hall", go straight to the "Count's Apartments". In the apartments you will find Count Ormelius Cordwine dead. Search the corpse, take the signet ring from it and return to Savlian, Savlian will give you a Kvatch Breastplate enchanted with a couple of useful effects in gratitude for your help.

This task is given to you by Countess Chorrola Arriana Valga. The fact is that a painting was stolen from her, or rather, a portrait of her husband, the late Count Charus Valga. You are given the task to find this picture, and also the initial data for the search for the thief are reported. There are only two suspects: this is the porter Orgnolf and the court magician Chanel. There are also three people who may have seen anything suspicious: Herald Leith Vavrik, Majordomo Orok gro-Ghot, and Guard Captain Bittneldom. In addition, you will need to find material evidence and achieve a sincere confession of the criminal. First you need to interrogate the suspects Orgnolf and Chanel. Of course, they will not tell you anything interesting, both will have stories about what they were doing at the time when the theft was committed. Next, we turn to a survey of people who could see something by chance. Herald Leith Vavrik will tell you that Lately Orgnolf behaves in a strange way, for example, he often asks for money for drinks. Majordomo Orok gro-Ghot says that he recently found Orgnolf drinking in the western tower, but after a remark Orok made to him, Orgnolf seemed to be on the right track. Guard Captain Bittneldom will tell you that Chanel spends a suspicious amount of time in the west tower. After the survey, we proceed to the search for evidence. The first piece of evidence is paint stains in the castle's dining room. The second piece of evidence is quite well hidden, in order to find it, you will have to look into the western tower of the castle and look for a hatch (it is hidden behind the boxes) leading to its lower rooms. There you will see a painting and drawing supplies, from which it will be possible to conclude that someone in the castle is painting. Next, go to Chanel's private quarters, and when she's gone, inspect her room. On the table you will find a music stand, in which you will find brushes and paint, this will be the last third piece of evidence. After that, you can go to Chanel and charge her, she will confess everything and explain the reasons for her act, and also give you the stolen portrait. Return to Arriana Valga and report to her the results of the investigation. Here you have three options. The first is to hand over Chanel to Countess Valga, after which you will receive a decent amount of gold plus 8 precious stones in addition. Option number two is to say that they did not find anything, but get 4-5 times less money. Although if you later return to Chanel and tell her about your nobility, she will say that in three weeks she will draw a very good picture for you and allow you to train the "Destruction" skill with her. Come back in three weeks and receive a Chorrol Oak Painting worth over 500 Septims. Well, the third option is to blame the innocent Orgnolf for everything, having received about half the amount from the first option, but without precious stones. This concludes the detective mission.

If you have not yet killed the Grand Champion of the Imperial Arena Agronak gro-Malog, then you have the opportunity to take on the task from Agronak to find evidence of his noble origin. You can find Agronak gro-Malog in the arena building in the rooms where the fighters train. He will tell you where to start when looking for evidence, and will also give you a key, the purpose of which he will not know himself. You will need to go to a fort called Raven's Refuge, which is located in the very west of the province, north of Anvil. The fort consists of two locations, in the first of the opponents you will meet only wolves, and in the second you can not go at all (vampires live there), since the purpose of your trip is in the first part of the fort. Your task will be to find a door that will fit the key given by Agronak. Opening it, you will find yourself in the chambers of Lord Lovidicus, after examining which you will find his diary. Now you can return back to Agronak with evidence of his noble origin. In gratitude for the information obtained, he will increase your Swords, Parry and Athletics skills by three points. At this point, the task is considered completed.

The task is given to you by Count Marius Karo. He is very interested in an orc named Mazoga. Some time ago, Mazoga arrived at Llavin's castle, claiming to be a knight. At the same time, her purpose of being in the castle is not very clear. The Count asks to collect as much information as possible about the orc and tell him. After talking with Mazoga, you will get the impression that something is not right with her head, since the orc will claim that she was born from a rock and is a free knight. Holding on to Mazog would be very arrogant. The only thing you can learn from her is that she needs the Argonian hunter Weebam-Na, and Mazoga wants you to bring him to her. You can start looking for this hunter, the count will not mind. You will find Weebam-Na in his house in Llavin, he will agree to meet with Mazoga (if he does not agree, then raise his attitude towards you). At the meeting, Mazoga will ask Weebam-Na to escort her to a place called Fisherman's Rock. Wibam-Na will set the condition that he must know why he is taking Mazoga there. She refuses to say anything, as a result, Weebam-Na will not lead Mazogu anywhere and will go for a walk about her business. Approach Mazoga and offer her your help as a guide. By the way, if you ask her why she needs to go to the Fisherman's Rock camp, she will slightly open the veil of mystery for you. In the camp "Rock of the fisherman" there should be a certain Mogens the Master of the Winds, from whom she wants to learn some information. This camp is located on the right bank of the Niben River to the north of Lyavin. When you bring Mazoga to the camp, she will immediately start a conversation with Mogens. The orc will accuse Mogens of killing her friend Ra "Vindra, and although Mogens will deny everything, Mazoga will attack him. There is nothing left for you to do but help her deal with Mogens and his comrades. After all the bandits are destroyed, talk to Mazoga and learn the details of the story of the murder of Ra "Vindra and how Mazoga decided to become a knight. Return to Marius Caro and tell him everything that happened. He will be very inspired by the story of the nobility of Mazoga and will offer you and her the title of knights if you and Mazoga complete one of his instructions, however this is already the beginning of the next quest.

To become knights-errant of the White Stallion, you and Mazoga must eliminate the Black Bow gang, led by a certain Black Brugo. This gang is terrorizing the neighborhood of Lyavin, and Count Marius Caro really needs your help in ridding his county of these criminals. For the details of finding the Black Bow gang, Count Caro sends you back to Mazoga, because she must know the location of this group. Mazoga will be waiting for you already in Llavin's castle. She will tell you that Black Brugo usually comes to collect the proceeds at midnight in the Ayleid ruins of Telepe, which are located not far northwest of Llavin. Approaching the ruins, you will have to fight a little with the Black Bow bandits, and several bandits will be waiting for you inside. The Telepe ruins themselves are quite small, so you won't have much to do while waiting for the Black Brugo. Although it will be useful to collect all the black bows that you find from the bandits in your backpack. Black Brugo might arrive a little before midnight, around nine o'clock, so be on the lookout. He will appear not alone, but with assistants, but I think this is not a problem for a real hero. Kill all three, collect black bows and return to Marius Karo. For the murder of Black Brugo, he will dedicate you and Mazog (if she is still alive) to the Knights of the White Stallion, give the key to the White Stallion inn (it is located north of Llavin on the banks of the Niben River), and also promise a reward of 100 gold for each killed bandit from the Black Bow gang, that is, in fact, for each black bow brought to him. At this point, the task is considered completed.

This task is given to you by the sorceress Varula, who is in the port of Anvil on the ship "Awakening the Serpent". She will ask you to get her Crystal ball, which Varula brought back from Summerset Isle. She herself cannot do this, since all the interior of the ship is teeming with ghosts. After all the explanations, Varula will give you the key to the premises of the Serpent Awakening ship. As soon as you find yourself inside the ship, you can immediately go downstairs, where a couple of ghosts will attack you. Having dealt with them, go down to the deck below, into the hold. There you will also be met by a couple of ghosts, after which you can safely search for the Crystal Ball, it is located in one of the chests. Take it and go back upstairs, and if you want additional profit, you can look into the captain's cabin. A ghost will meet you in it, but after killing him, you can loot the treasure chest located in the cabin. Return the Crystal Ball to Varula and as a reward from her you will receive the "Blood Wave" saber with the effect of draining health. This task will be completed.


We wake up in prison, just like in Morrowind. You can look around, run around the little cell, and then we'll have to create our own character. Choose a name, gender, race, customize appearance, hairstyle and other parameters of the character's appearance. Further, after a while, King Septim VII will approach the camera.

Then just follow the group. On the way, one of the guards will die, and then the rest will die. Collect equipment from them and equip yourself. At one point, the side wall will collapse. Rats will appear. Kill them. Then go forward through the tunnel. Further passage will be almost linear. Our enemies will be rats, skeletons and goblins. Then you will meet the king and his guards again. Choose your hero's birth sign here.

We reach the grate with a friendly one, and it is closed. We are being attacked here.

Oblivion gold edition walkthrough for orcs. Walkthrough Oblivion (1)#2

We'll have to protect the king! Before his death, Uriel will have time to roll out about his illegitimate son and the gates of Oblivion. He will also give us the amulet and ask him to give it to Jofri. Next, you will meet Baurus. He will set us free and tell us where we should go first. Then a little wandering through the linear catacombs and get out to freedom.

Deliver the Amulet

So, we need to take the amulet to Jofri. Use the map to get to Chorrol, and next to it you will find Weynon Priory.

Oblivion gold edition walkthrough for orcs. Walkthrough Oblivion (2)#3

Ask the monks about Jofri. He will be on the second floor of the monastery. Tell him everything that happened. Also ask him for help and get a good weapon from his chest, as well as armor and potions. Jofri will also talk about the illegitimate son of the king and the next quest will begin.

Search for an heir

The son of the king, it turns out, is a priest and he is in the chapel of Akatosh. We leave for Kvatch, it just so happened that Daedra attacked the city at night. Nearby, not far from the hill, you will see the gates of Oblivion themselves. The guard Savlian will ask us to close the gate, then he will be able to let us into the city and free the people who are hiding there. Martin must be among them.

Then in the church in the city you will find Martin. True, he will refuse to go to Weynon while the inhabitants of the city are in trouble. We'll have to agree to help Martin. This will automatically start the Breaking the Siege of Kvatch quest. You will have to fulfill it. In general, there is nothing complicated in it. So let's go to the gate. Then we break through on the left side of a small island.

Oblivion gold edition walkthrough for orcs. Walkthrough Oblivion (3)#4

The direct path will be closed to us. The final point is the main tower, at the end of the island with a yellow slot. Naturally, Daedra and various evil spirits will come across along the way. Entering the tower, climb to its very top along the stairs. Along the way, you will meet Goneld, the enslaved defender of Kvatch Keep. He will tell you how to close the gate.

We need to destroy the main Dremora and take the key from him, which we will do. Then return to the Blood Feast and open the doors. There will be three of them. Central and will lead us to the sigil stone, which is responsible for closing the gate. Going forward you will meet a portal. Use it. Then we will find ourselves in front of the door, which we will open with the key of the keeper of the Dremora. Then we climb the stairs even higher and you will see a stone. He sparkles brightly. Just activate it and the portal will close and we will immediately find ourselves near the fortress of Kvatch.

He again finds the guard Savlian and now, together with his army, attack the city and free him. We agree and attack. Then we just kill all the Daedra on the way, as well as on the square in the city and that's it. Then we speak with Martin again and he agrees to follow us to Weynon.

Weynon Priory

Returning, we immediately learn that the priory was attacked. Next, we kill the attackers who flooded the monastery. Further, it turns out that the Assassins from the Mythic Dawn group stole the medallion that King Septium gave you. Jofri will offer to deliver Martin to a safe place - the Temple of the Ruler of the Clouds. We take them there on foot, and both of them.

Oblivion gold edition walkthrough for orcs. Walkthrough Oblivion (4)#5

Then we get to the temple, where we learn more and more information about the Amulet. Next, we will be offered to join the squad of Blades. Of course, agree. As a bonus, we will get good equipment, as well as access to a local lodge and more.

path of dawn

The mission is easy. We need to find Baurus in the Elven Gardens area at Luther Brod's boarding house. Talk to him. He thinks he is being followed. He will go to the basem*nt. A man will follow him. Follow the man and when he tries to kill Baurs, kill him yourself. Search the corpse and find the first volume of the desired book called "Comments on the Mysterium of Xarks", and look at the video for obtaining the remaining volumes (there are four in total).

Sanctuary of Dagon

We find the sanctuary of Mehrunes Dagon. It will be near Lake Arrius, in the caves. At the entrance we will be accepted as a beginner, they will take away the equipment and put on a robe. You can refuse, then you will immediately have to fight, otherwise it will be possible to fool the enemies. We put it on and Harrow will lead us to the place of the ceremony.

We will have the honor of performing a ritual sacrifice. We'll have to kill the Argonian priest with a dagger. You can refuse, but they will immediately attack us, or you can agree. But you can cheat. We pretend that we agree to the murder, after which we wait until most of the cultists leave. Kill Harrow first, for he has all of our stuff. Then equip yourself and go into battle. You can even lure him into a dark corner and kill him quietly. The Argonian Priest can then be released. But keep in mind, if you take a book, then the priest will be crushed by a statue, so you must first cut everyone on the map, and only then come and free him, and at the end take the book.

Then with the lizard we run forward. He can be easily killed - try to save him. Then, escorting him through the cave, kill the enemies, open the exit from the cave by turning the lever and exit.

Oblivion gold edition walkthrough for orcs. Walkthrough Oblivion (5)#6

He will tell you where and how to find it. Upon meeting, he will increase your Alchemy, Mysticism and Recovery skill by 1. Then we give the book to Martin.

Martin will ask you to talk to Jofri. Jofri will send us to Stefan.

Oblivion gold edition walkthrough for orcs. Walkthrough Oblivion (6)#7

Then we speak with Burd. He will say that he did not meet unfamiliar faces. For strangers, talk to the beggars or the locals. You will learn that someone has recently stayed at Jerl's. Tell Burd about it. Come to her house and there will be spies. Kill them. They may not be at home, so just visit at night or later.

Blood Daedra

Martin will tell you that to open the portal you need 4 items and one of them is the blood of the Daedra Lord. Martin will also ask you to get Daedra artifacts for him, which is very difficult. Of course, not everything is so simple. Here comes the split storyline. We can bring artifacts to Martin, or you can fulfill Jofri's request. The easiest way is to go to the statue of Clavicus Vile, the local Daedra prankster, talk to the temple servants and get the quest by completing which you will get the Umbra. Give the sword to Clavicus, and he will give you his mask, which can be taken to Martin.

Blood of the gods

Martin found out that in order to open the portal, a second item is needed - the blood of the Gods. We go to Jofri and talk to him. He will tell you that in Sank Tor (ruins) you can find armor spattered with the blood of Tiber Septium himself. We will also be given the key to the catacombs.

There are a lot of evil spirits in the catacombs themselves, especially ghosts. As you know, ghosts cannot be killed with ordinary weapons, so stock up on everything you need for the trip. Inside the catacombs you will find an undead sword that must be broken. The soul will appear and tell the story. Without going into details, we will say that we need to find and destroy 4 more such blades, as a result we will clear our way to the tomb. Then just take the armor and go to Martin. Here he will talk about the third subject.

Bruma Gate

Martin will send you to Jofri. A new Oblivion Gate has been found near Bruma. We'll have to, you guessed it, help the guards. We go to the gate on the map, we meet Burda. They are coming with us.

However, there is little difficulty here. Again we go to the central tower.

Oblivion gold edition walkthrough for orcs. Walkthrough Oblivion (7)#8

Fortunately, the road is quite linear. Having reached the tower, we rise to its very top, where we kill the keeper of the key. With the help of the key we get to the sigil stone, which will allow us to close the gate. Then we return to the fortress and speak with Burd. We return to Joffrey.

Bruma allies

Jofri decided that Bruma's guards were incapable of defending the city on their own. He will send us to the Council of Elders in the Imperial City. Travel to Kvatch. If you completed the quest to save the city from the Daedra, you will receive one fighter, otherwise you will have to complete the quest.

In other words, the essence of the task is that we find a sufficient number of allies. To do this, simply go around all the cities. In each city, each count will ask you to protect his own city from the Oblivion gates that have opened nearby, and then you will receive help, so you will have to spend a little time. It is not necessary to bypass the entire city. We went around only 3. Returning to Bruma, we were informed that the troops were quite enough to defend the city.


The third item Martin needs for the ritual is an Ayleid item, the Great Welkynd Stone. Martin will send us to search for him in Miskarkand. We leave and find a stone, after which we take it to the temple of the Ruler of the Clouds.

Please note that while you find and take the stone, the Lich King, the former king of Miskarkand, will wake up. Killing him is easy, but be prepared in advance.

At first I wanted to write more detailed walkthrough, so the beginning may seem so clear and logical. Over time, I came to the conclusion that such a detailed and detailed description just don't. The plot is quite linear and it makes no sense to describe how and where to go. Lost intrigue and charm of the game itself. Therefore, by a certain chapter, I begin to shorten such descriptions and focus on especially difficult places. Do not blame me, this is a short walkthrough, not a complete and detailed one.


So let's start the game. After watching a video about fate and about letters, we realize ourselves in a mine. Nevertheless, we went to the mine because of an incomprehensible letter, but trouble befell us. And we need to get out.

We take out the torch and see how the young man bravely kills the troll. Then, after a dialogue with Celebro (that's what his name is), we turn around and pick up a pickaxe. She will be useful to us. We switch to the torch and with a brisk step (or run, as it suits you) we move through the tunnels. There is nothing complicated here, you can’t turn off somewhere to the side, the path is linear. We go through the locations, kill the meeting trolls.

In the Song of Darkness Mine (3rd location), Celebro sees a light and runs forward. And falls under the heavy paw of the black troll. He is too tough for us, we run away, pulling the first lever that comes across. The grate behind us falls and the monster is thrown with stones.

After a few turns and climbs, we run out into an open area, water will be visible in the distance. We rush to the cradle at the end of the site, jump onto the platform and pull the lever.

After a wonderful ride in an air boat, it's time to run and again from the same troll. We run to the door, fly into it, then along the corridor to the left, open the bars, enter ourselves and close everything right there. If the door is closed, you can pause, take a break, read the notes, pull the levers, and finally collect four torches. It's time for someone black to die!

Killing a troll is easy - you need to place four torches in four corners-racks. After the troll dies, rummaging through its burning body, we will find the key. And a new level!

Have a rest, admire the mine and go with the key back to where you took the torches. That's where the right door is.

Then everything is simple: we move along the corridor and pull the lever, at the exit we find ourselves on a small area with an abandoned house - a tavern. Be careful, there are trolls walking around. Actually, we don’t need to go to the tavern, but if you want, you can drop in and get hold of stronger weapons.

Now (if you still looked into the tavern, and I myself advise you to do this) quickly go upstairs, chop up the trolls and look for the corpse. And a skeleton nearby. And a hole into which you need to jump without hesitation.

Then everything is identical - we run along the corridors, kill the Frankenstein brothers (rotten creatures) and earn experience. Ah, yes. We still do not forget about the murder of the coal brother, the one next to the fire and ... another corpse!

By the way, if you come across an incomprehensible fiery icon in the style of the game icon, take it. Magic symbols are good. This experience, kindness and other joys of life.

We rise higher, up, fly past young trolls and run to the tension bridge, admiring open sky and we run further. By tradition, we crush monsters and do not forget to slow down at the very top, a large log will fly off from above. And a brood of trolls will run after him.

And then the fun begins! You run through the corridors and kill monsters. Until you reach a large area. Hooray, the exit is near!

Actually here you also receive answers to some questions. We can do without spoilers, but here it is the plot of the plot, it's a fact.

That's it, the mine is abandoned, and you are in the Valtrind Valley.

Chapter I: The Path to Power

Now you are ready to leave this place, but, alas, due to magic and bans on magicians, skirmishes often occur with the latter. Now this is the situation, the guards cannot let anyone out of here, because there are magicians outside the gates. And since there is nothing to do anyway, agree to any job that Porim and Merre will offer you.

Work in the mine

Goal: Get rid of rats.

Solution: plug three holes with large bricks. Burrows are areas with straw, to close them, take a brick (with the Z key) and while holding the key, drag the brick to the hole. To move a brick, you can also beat it with a weapon (pick).

Reward: some money (70-90 gold)

Proshlem Karik

Objective: remove the helmet from the head

Solution: You need to talk to the workers first, then go to Mortena and hear about the soap. Then you need to provoke the magicians. You need to do it carefully, because there will be no second chance. Take the Fireball spell (scroll) and shoot the ball exactly at the mage. Voila, the soap flew off the platform. Pick up all the pieces and run to Karika.

Reward: Unrefined Magical Ruby.

magical siege

Purpose: to help Morten in defense against magicians.

Solution: we get the key and go to the hated mine, maybe we will find something useful there. We need shovels. Well, pickaxes can also be taken. Having found this good in the mine, we go to the surface and observe the fight of the guards vs the magicians. The guards win, of course. Iron is stronger than magic. Approach Morten again and return the shovels.

Reward: None.

Talk to Porim again, he will offer you a boat trip to the monastery. I advise you to agree, you will get there faster.

There will be an old reconnaissance post next to the boat. Take a look there, there are interesting things there. It's worth it, believe me.

Then move to the boat and enjoy the journey.

After arriving at the monastery, give the letter to your teacher (he is sitting on the second floor of the Tirin monastery) and, having received parting words, go outside. If your hands itch, you can help different people.

After that, two new tasks will appear: "Finding the Roots" and "Into the Sanctuary". I advise you to go through one of the stages of the first quest.

Finding roots

To do this, you need to do the following: go up to the second floor and go to your chest. Be sure to check out "painted paper". If you understand everything, then go ahead. If you don't understand, I'll explain. You need to return to where you started to sail on the boat, to the neighboring island. In a hollow stump there will be a "stash", the discovery of it will begin the next stage of the quest.

After reaching the city of Steinfeld (do not use magic there!), go to the blacksmith. And talk about the blade. And move on to the next point.

Arriving in Ledur, move towards the city center. After a short vision, go down through the hatch underground and explore the dungeon.

Our goal is the sanctuary of a certain Order. Getting there is easy, especially since the destination is marked on the map. We go along the road to Giliad, do not forget to drop in to Marius and raise some skills, this will be useful to us in the future. And we move to the sanctuary.

On the right side of the fork from the "Old Mine" you can profit from something, be vigilant.

magical sanctuary

After arriving at the place and talking with the archmage, go to complete the Pilgrimage quest. You need to find the Temple and read the inscription. Just go south along the road, on the left you will see a statue - this is the temple. While reading the inscription, you will be transported to a strange place, unusual and somehow otherworldly.

Get down and run along the paths, jump on the rocks, ignore the Lost, run across the bridge, to the fortress, past the lava lakes straight into the "Hall of Doom". After Saranta's vague monologue, return back to the sanctuary.

After passing this quest, come to the Observatory at midnight, Merzul is waiting for you there. He will tell you about the world, about the Order. And, of course, you will receive a sign. There are 4 of them: Paladin, Mage, Warrior and Outcast.

The path of the gifted

When you come to the general, take the quest from him, talk and go in search of... Kim, possibly a slave. This is a guy (or a girl, depending on your gender) - Gifted, which means a potential student of the Order. The village where he lives can be found to the south, behind the Temple.

I'll give you just a couple of tips: you need to go outside and go to the very end, take the key and go back to the room where you were kept. Further along the corridor there will be a door that will open with a key taken from the street.

After finding things, take the key to exit the fortress - lies on the chest. Then go to the sanctuary.

Candidate for city guard

Come to Reman's house by 6 pm (this is next to the market), then follow the guard, and when he comes to the grave and kneels, cast the spell. Taking the key, return to the house, as soon as you enter there, a thief will run out of the house. Rush headlong after him and don't lose sight of him, he has our letter!

After descending into the sewers, follow the thief and go to the thieves' hideout. There, I advise you to talk to everyone, so the task for teachers will be updated, in addition to what you are doing.

Then return home. In the blink of an eye, you will be sent to Melvin. Before you go to him, check your uniforms, stocks of potions and other things.

Critical charge

As soon as you come to him, you will be transferred to another magical sanctuary that serves as an outpost. Communication with him has ceased and you need to determine why it happened. Just follow Melvin and follow all his instructions.

Not far from the sanctuary, they will give you a dagger and say that there is danger nearby - golems. These magical creatures are not so easy to kill. First you need to weaken them - with a simple weapon, then remove the protection when the golems go to regenerate - with the golem's dagger, and when they become completely motionless - with the "Strike" spell. You need to kill three golems in three stages. And yes, save often, it's a tricky place. After destroying them, go inside.

There you will again have to kill the golems, since there are only three of them and they appear one by one. Slash with your sword until the golem turns gray, then finish it off with a dagger and develop it.

After completing all magical passes, move to the sanctuary.

An island of devastated land

Arriving at the Merzul tower (you can get there through the portals in the Magical Sanctuary), take the quest, Kima and move to Wellenwells to the marauders. First go to the East Passage, then move towards the Wellenwels. When you are in the city, go to the pier. The sailors will send you to the innkeeper, and he, in turn, to the hut on the outskirts of the city ( South part). Save the captain, and then go with him to the ship.

Arriving in Stormvend, move to the tower, or rather its remains. Downstairs, you can talk to the ideological founder of the Order and the god of Arktvend - Ark. He will send you back.

However, during your absence, the sanctuary was attacked, most of the magicians were killed. You, along with a bunch of magicians, must make your way to the tower of the sanctuary.

Chapter II: Decision Time

The escape

You have been placed in jail, but that does not mean that you are locked up there forever. Melvin is nearby, which means you can break the magical barrier around the cells.

Reman, who appeared during the time, will help you, and you will get to your things. After that, take the key from the body and run to the basem*nt, you need to leave the prison as soon as possible.

After going down to the basem*nt, you will reach the gate, which you need to open with two keys. The keys can be found in the rooms on both sides of the hallway. Then, on the count of "three", open the gate at the same time (there is a lock on the wall).

Armed with your sword, run through the prison. You need to find a gate with a glowing lock. While Melvin is trying to remove the protection, you need to fight off the guards. After removing the lock, go down and jump into the sewers. However, as soon as you run down the corridor, a trap is activated and Melvin will fall asleep with stones. You will have to save yourself.

Wandering through the sewers, you will come across a gate that blocked your path. To the left of the gate there is a door that opens by turning the steering wheel (the wheel is also to the left of the door). Run forward until you reach a platform with a large wooden floor on iron ropes. You need to rotate this design. To do this, climb to the very top and turn the lever. Having gone down (from above, by the way, you can jump directly into the water), turn the boards and go forward.

After going forward, you will find the wheel and take it away from the goblins. Go back to the gate, open it and get out!

Ruins of Treomar

When you get to the monastery, you will find Kim there, he was transferred there by Arkt. Talk to Callisto and then run to save the monastery from uninvited guests. From hour to hour it doesn’t get any easier - you are sent alone to the city of Treomar to the library so that you can find information about the stay of the founder of the order there.

Once in the library, kill the altar boy and do not forget to pick up all the activation stones. Then run to the left (from the entrance), there will be a descent to the lower levels. When you run down, we will need to open the gate. This is done quite simply. In adjacent rooms, you need to press the switches and then turn the cells. When the light floods the central cell opposite the gate, turn it. The gate will open and the path will be clear.

Going down even lower, you will need to arrange 4 stones on the racks. If you can’t throw a stone next to the iron bars, use the Z key. After installation, you can go down, there are books and notes waiting for you - they are on the table.

By the way, here you come across some guy stuck in Treomar for hundreds of years. He will give you the map that the gnomes once needed and rush away. Save the map, it will come in handy.

Returning to the monastery, the situation will repeat itself. As soon as you hand over the notes, you will be informed that the monastery was attacked. Which means you're the only one who can escape. To the gnomes!

In the mine, everything is simple - run wherever your eyes look. In any case, go to 3 heads, and from them you will be taken to the underground city.

Having fallen and miraculously not being killed from a multi-kilometer height, climb up the remains of wooden beams, then go a little forward and you will see lava, a fiery wall and a narrow passage above the lava. That's where, on the other side, we need it.

After passing through the ruined city, you will come to the once large square. Now it is flooded with lava. There are three branches around the square. In one - the throne, in the other (closest to you) - a gear, the one that will help open the gate on the opposite side.

Wandering around the city, you will stumble upon the tomb of King Daromith. Activate the plate on the ground next to him and stand on iron bars. The elevator is going up!

After climbing up, the path will become linear again. After some time, you will meet a lying figure above the gate. Buzz the bugle, buzz until a stone falls and opens the way for you to the giant.

In the place where you will need to turn the lever, turn and go back a little, the steps will be behind you.

In a room with behind closed doors hum the bugle and kill all the carrion. Go back a little and climb up to Daromith's trumpeter.

As you kill the minotaur - follow the lights.

Long, short (the path is linear, I remind you), you will get to the station. Yes, right there. And then everything is simple. We go to Anka, we speak with the king, we get out to the surface.

Having reached Cabaet, you meet with the king of the city and enter into a deal with him - we find his detachment of the best warriors and fight off the siege together. In return, Taranor helps the order and the head of the Callisto monastery.

Follow the captain along the ruined Kabaet to the canals, past the "eye of Sauron". After going down, run through the sewers. When you meet the soldiers, don't forget to inspect their bodies and pick up the sewer key. Do the same for the next location.

After getting out, take a little to the south and run around the camp and the Baratheon warriors. When you reach the detachment's parking lot, read the note, then look around, behind the stones you will find a chest. Write a word on the note and get a spell. Cast on yourself from time to time to see pillars of light.

Arriving at the cave, become under the command of a lieutenant and run to repel Cabaet. After the destruction of the guards, rush to the king with good news.

reckless design

Taranor suggests recklessness. Report to Erofin's Keep and steal all the notes from Baratheon's bedroom.

Arriving in Erofin, go to the palace and activate the crystal at midnight. As soon as the hype begins, run to the forests for the guards and go up to Erofin's fortress. Once inside, move only along the roofs and beams. After reaching the locked gate, look at the upper level of the gatehouse. Then move on.

After entering the castle, examine everything carefully, go around the booby traps, take everything you want and then enter the Baratheon's study. You need to activate three levers. One lever behind the books, the second - above one of the entrances, the third - at the left stairs leading up. Hurry up, when you activate the lever, a ball appears in the center. All levers must be open at the same time. Then grab a scroll from the chest and run to Kabaet.

Upon arrival at Taranor, you will be read a monologue and given the key. Move to Wellenfels (if you have the rune) and then to the island. After entering the tower, dismember the soldiers and go down.

Chapter III: One will fall

Going down a little lower, you will see a stone sticking out of the wall and some plants nearby. Click on the stone and move on. Make your way along the corridors and catacombs of the prison. When you get to the seraphim and the guards, you will have to do something with them and remove them. Anger some guard and stand up so that the guards pass through the current. As soon as the guardians die, the seraph attacks you. Repeat this three times.

Once in the Temple of the Soul Tormentor, follow Aranthil, he will tell you what to do and how.

When you get into a room with magic balls, activate all the balls, then click on the panel behind the central one. Use the two levers to rotate the central ball, first to the left, then to the right, so that the green ball rises in the center of the room. Translate a beam of light on it and move on.

In the place where you need to run across the bridges at speed, shoot from the bow (it and arrows are in the hatch behind you) at the large panel on the right side. After gaining fast travel, move as fast as you can to the blue portal.

Then, dodging the fireballs, run to the next portal.

After going into another room (location), move on. Suddenly, gas will start flowing to Aranthill, you need to save him. The difficulty is that there are spiders nearby, and further along the corridor there are moving walls and sharp stakes around. Be carefull.

Then you need to get past the magical traps. Listen to Aranthill and he will help.

A light-phobic creature is easy to kill, but takes a long time. Find the lever in the room and turn on the light. Make the creature run through the light to lower its defense and then finish it off.

Arriving in Kabaet, you will have the choice of who to fight: Taranor or Aratnhil.

I chose Aranthil, but I think that it will not be difficult for Taranor either. There is no difference.

The fate of the king

Then with Aranthill move to Erofin, there you need to find Kim and attack the castle with him (her). Rebellious peasants will help you.

Follow Narel to Erofin's courtyard, kill the guard and take his key. After opening the gate and letting people into the castle, join them.

After entering the fortress, follow Aranthill and then Baratheon.

Forgotten Fortress

Aranthill needs a record from an old fortress to complete the quest. Aranthil will move you as close to there as possible. Together with Kim, you need to get the record.

Move to Sarnor, there, after talking with the digger Mario, you will get a new destination.

Arriving at the Temple of the Creator, move along the corridors and kill everything that moves.

After reaching Father Aranthill, listen to his speech, then kill all the skeletons, take the book and return to Naratzulu. He will tell you that the south is under the dominion of the gods and there must be uprisings. Now the task will be coordinated by Callisto.

Chapter IV: The Beginning of the End

After arriving at Wellenfels, follow Callisto. At the outpost of the Southern Kingdom, he will convince the guards that he has the right to pass. After that, you will need to meet with the agent - Nikki, she is our help in the south.

After reaching Ostian and gaining some experience, meet Nikki. After a dialogue with her, there will be a small skirmish, then you need to proceed to the house in the port.

After a couple of days, you will be able to continue the task, continue to perform sabotage in the south.

After entering the Temple, go forward and pull the switch. Then move to the left, having reached the hall with light, move the high platform closer to the door, when the wall moves to the side, move on. Turn left at the turn and walk forward.

Meet Kim, now you move together as the ruins underground connect.

After passing through the tunnels and passages, you will stumble upon the door of the temple. Summon Callisto, you can go there. There you will have to collect three components for poisons.

Jogter oil - it can be found in the laboratory, the oil lies in a dresser on the wall, the key to the dresser behind the books on the opposite wall. Pick up frosty salt there.

A nightmare tendril is obtained by adding two tomatoes and frost salt to a special apparatus. Use the Z key to place the components there.

The elixir of fortitude is in the bedroom - activate the three retractable levers on different walls and go to the barrel.

Everything, all components on hand. Go to the kitchen. As soon as you spread the poison on plates, you will be discovered and you will have to separate. Grab the key from the table and run out the door. Move along the corridors, find a secret door, jump down and move along the rope ladder to the spider world.

Wandering through corridors, caves and whatnot, you stumble upon spikes. More precisely, they will stumble upon you and at some point you will fall underground. Once in a living cave, be careful. Deadly spikes pop out of the ground, slime generally kills with one touch. In the place where you will come across a box that can be moved, go forward a little, climb up and activate a strange living thing (it is in the center of the descending spikes). She will open the way for you. Go ahead, a little more and you are free!


Upon returning to the house, you are immediately sent to a strange guy who lives in the desert, only he can help you with explosives. Meanwhile, Callisto and Kim come up with a plan to divert attention from the statue.

Having come to Gabor, go down to the basem*nt. He's in trouble and the fire is about to reach the explosive barrels. Move all 9 barrels to the rock, then take the rod and free the blaster. As a reward for saving, he will agree to help you.

Shot for freedom

As soon as you solve this problem, when you return to the house, a new one will appear. Callisto had a fight with Kim and left, now you two need to somehow make a revolution in the south.

Your task now is that at night you must sneak onto a moored galleon and fire a cannon at the city. While everyone is confused, the statue will explode.

Go to the boat on the shore, sit down and swim to the ship. On the lower deck near the cannons you will find a letter. Scotty himself - a deck below. Take the key, then pull out the gunpowder from the captain's cabin. Place it in the cannons, then drop the cannonballs, and when you get a chance, run away from the ship. Kim will be waiting for you on the shore, he also succeeded.

Follow Kim and watch the enchanting destruction of the tower. Then you need to wait out the storm, return to the cave. However, an ambush awaits you there, you are surrounded by Jagal with his guards. Callisto came to the rescue and killed them, but Jagal quickly destroyed Callisto himself, another friend died for the glory of the Order. You need to avenge the death of a friend and kill Jagal himself. After a long and sustained attack, Jagal will fall. And a citizen of Ostian who suddenly appeared will report a revolution. I run to the palace.

At the palace we finish off the remaining guards and the leader of Janus. Appeared Naratzul, informs us¸ that he has a special plan. Having moved to Erofin, he says that all the gods have gathered in the ruins of Stormwend, they can be killed at once. However, suddenly Kim leaves you and you and Naratzul move to Stormwend, in a dovey against the gods.

After opening the portal, Naratzul will disappear, you should also leave Nehrim and move to Arktvend. There, through another portal you get to Tirat, where you need to find a powerful sword.

In the large round hall, you will need to activate the switches under the bowls in order to lower the bowls themselves. Run in a circle, activate the switches. Then, dodging the blades, lower the bowls. When everything stops, a passage to the old dwelling of Tyr will appear behind the throne, pull the lever on the right and enter.

Chapter V: Predestination

As soon as you take the sword, Arkt will appear, listen to him, then pull the lever on the table and run to the exit, on the left against the wall there will be a passage to the room with portals. There are portals to each of the worlds of the gods.

But alas, they do not work, we need to go back. Then, following Naratzul, we go to kill the gods - Born of light. It is enough to kill three, but before that, Malphas needs only vitality, or rather sources. Search all the bowls at each source and take away the energy stones. Get down into the ruins and ... watch.

After Arkt will take you to the Dwarf Shipyard to the Starship.

After a short fight with the giants, you will get to Inodan, where you will need to activate 4 bowls of fire to open the way to Tyr. Take the scrolls and use them on the bowls. After that, go to the center to Tyr. You will have a choice:

Refuse and kill Tyr or absorb Tyr. The choice is purely moral.

Then Arkt will suddenly speak to you, congratulate you and reveal something about the world. After his departure, the Soul Thief, or rather the soul of Naratzul, will speak to you, he realized what is happening in the world and is ready to help you. Go down, go left, then through the Cathedral Hall to the library, from there to the portal room and then to Erofin for the records of Destiny.

After taking the notes, settle all your affairs and return to the Inonada Library, there is an entrance to the "Heart of the World" - a magical place. Get down lower and lower, then, when in the crate you will go down to the big hall, find there a deep-sea helmet and swim out into the ocean.

Swim along the bottom to see the passage inland. At the end you will find another hatch. Go inside and move forward until you meet a large spark - Elias. Naratzul will tell you what to do with her.

Once in the Soul Eater, go to Naratzul, he will tell and tell you. And then .. then everything is simple. Follow the plot twist.

Have a good game! And thank you for accepting my such a clumsy and sometimes slurred walkthrough.

Task #1 (MS02) Exorcism
This quest falls into two categories at once. For non-plot assignments and for buying houses. First, find Welwyn Benirus, he usually spends time in the Count's Arms tavern. Velvin will tell you that he is selling a mansion in Anvil for only 5,000 Septims. Considering the size of the mansion, the deal looks very tempting. If you have such a sum of money, give it to Velvin, and in exchange you will receive a bill of sale for the house and a key to it. The house is called "Benirus's mansion", inside you will see complete devastation and chaos and gradually begin to understand that since it was sold to you for only 5000, then not everything is so simple. Come to this house in the evening and sleep a little, you will wake up either yourself or from ghosts attacking you. There will be three of them in total and you will need to kill them, the ghosts attack mainly with frost balls. After killing them, go down to the first floor and carefully inspect the place near the closet near the front door. There should be a broken pot and among its fragments a small piece of paper and a skeleton hand. Take your hand and read what is written on a piece of paper. Here you will finally understand that you got the house at a well-deserved price, if not overpriced. The diary will describe how the necromancer Lorgren Benirus practiced necromancy in order to make himself immortal, and you will also find there a description of a certain portal that can only be opened by one in whom the blood of the Benirus flows. You have few such acquaintances, so go in search of Velvin Benirus. In the Count's Arms tavern, you will be told that Velvin has already left for the Imperial City, and you need to look for him there. To be precise, in the Imperial City you can find him in the Elven Gardens area, in the King and Queen tavern. Velvin will tell you a story about his grandfather Lorgren Benirus and agree to help you clear the house of ghosts. He will appoint a new meeting for you in an already familiar place in the tavern "Count's coat of arms", from there you will slowly walk with him to the house of Benirus. Before going to the house, it is advisable to stock up on some potions or artifacts that protect against the cold. In the house, you will need to reach the door to the basem*nt, killing ghosts along the way, and then do the same in the basem*nt itself, until you and Velvin reach the closed portal. At the portal, Velvin will make various passes with his hands, and as soon as the portal opens, he will shamefully leave you alone to deal with ghosts further. Opening the portal will mean that a secret door will open in the wall, behind which another room will be found, in which you will see the remains of Lorgren Benirus lying on the altar. Then his spirit will speak to you, tell a tearful story that he repented, and now the only thing he would like is to rest in peace. To rest, he needs a mere trifle, namely the "skeleton hand" (his hand), which you found next to a note from his diary. You, of course, will give Lorgren his "hand" and will be immediately punished for gullibility. The vile necromancer will rise from the dead, laughing in the best traditions of Hollywood horror stories. What else can I say, "machite kazla." As soon as you kill him, then return to the tavern "Count's coat of arms" and talk to Velvin. He will apologize for the escape and say that he is leaving for the Imperial City. After that, the mansion really becomes yours, and the furniture of the house comes back to normal. At this point, the task is considered completed.

Assignment #2 (MS04) The Sirens' Deception
To get this task, talk to Gogan or Maelona. Gogan's house will be second to the left of the Anvil Docks Gate. Talk to his wife Maelona first, she will tell you that her husband was robbed by an all-female gang. Then talk to Gogan, and he will tell you where it happened and what those women look like. After his story, we go to the "Alcoholic Drinks" tavern, which is located immediately to the left, as soon as you exit the "Anvil Docks Gate". In the tavern, talk with the owner Maenlorn, who will tell you that criminals periodically appear in his establishment, but he cannot do anything with them, since they do not violate anything. After waiting literally 10 seconds after the conversation, you will see how two pretty women (Signy Ruined and Faustina Kartia) will enter the tavern, one of which will come up to you and offer an unforgettable night of pleasure. All that is required of you is to come by 11 pm to the "Gweden Farm", which is located in the southeast of the city. Enter the house, there you will be met by Faustina Kartia, and will offer to get down to business, that is, to undress until her girlfriend came up. You will accordingly refuse, after which three women will attack you. As soon as you deal with them, Gogan and Maelona will appear in the house in the form of guards. In principle, they won’t tell you anything particularly important, they will pay 500 septims for the mission and say “Thank you”.

Task #3 (MS05) Through the Nightmare
In the Guild of Mages, the head of the guild Kud-Ei asks you to help his friend Enanthir get out of the world of dreams, where he accidentally went and has not returned for three days. Once you are ready, she will take you to his house, where you will see Enanthir sleeping on the bed. After a brief briefing, she will give you the "Amulet of the Dream World", after which you will have to go to the bed and go to bed. As soon as you fall asleep, you will find yourself in Enanatir's dream, without armor, without weapons and the ability to use magic. After talking with Enanthir, you will find out that he could get out of sleep, if only he was not afraid of the tests that must be passed for this. Let's start with a tolerance test. You will find yourself on a stone platform, and ahead you will see posts with holes from which small arrows will fly out. You will need to jump over the pillars, and then walk along the sides of the pillars. At first glance, everything is simple, but in fact, after the second column you will not be allowed to jump, you will have to wait and constantly try alternative paths, after a certain time one of them will be available. In general, you will have to stumble into an invisible wall, waiting for the path to open. That is, you have to be patient. At the end you will see a glowing ball, go up to it and activate it, after which you will return to Enanthir's room. Take in the closet, which is located on the first floor, a few healing potions. Now let's move on to the test of determination. You will find yourself in the Arena, only without weapons. Unfortunately, you will find enemies here, and they are formidable and armed. But they are not actually dangerous if done correctly. As you enter the Arena, jump onto one of the side ledges near the exits to the Arena. Then from there you jump onto one of the columns that stand in the Arena, and from there you have to jump over to the balcony, where the corresponding stone stands. As you activate the stone, you will again find yourself in a room with Enantyr. It remains to pass the test of courage. It is actually very simple - after drinking a bottle of breathing potion under water for 30 seconds, swim along a long underwater and rather winding corridor. As soon as you emerge, you will see a stone of courage in front of you, activate it and move back to Enanthin. This will open the way to the fourth and final test of perception. Here you will need to go along the road, consisting of many traps. Immediately it will be necessary to take a fast pace, you can not stop. At the end, the corresponding stone will be waiting for you, by activating which, you will again return to the room to Enanthin. Now talk to him, after which you will return with him back to the real world, and he will reward you with a scroll.

Task #4 (MS06) Lone Guard
This task can be obtained by talking with someone from Bravil on the topic "Lone Guard". You will be sent for more information to the tavern keeper Gilgondorian, the owner of the Silver House on the Water. He will tell you about the ghost of a sailor who appears every evening at eight o'clock at the Bounwatch camp, and then walks along the coast. This has been going on for quite some time and is a little annoying for the locals. To find out all the features of this phenomenon, Gilgondorian invites you to go to the Bawnwatch camp, which is located southeast of Bravil on a small island off the coast, a little north of the Ayleid ruins of Bown. There are even conditions for comfortable waiting on the island - a tent with a bed. Exactly at eight o'clock, the ghost of a certain sailor Grantham Blakeley will appear on the island. He will stay a little on the island, and then go to the shore along the bridge connecting the island with the mainland, then he will go along the coast a little further than Fort Irony and stop. This is where you can go and talk to him. He will ask you to release him in "Panther's Roar". By "Panther's Roar" Blakeley means the remains of a ship located on the opposite side of the Niben River at the confluence of the Panther River. It’s hard not to notice the ship, but the entrance to it is not clearly marked in any way. Entry into the ship is made not through the hatch on the deck, but directly from its starboard side. Inside you will immediately meet a couple of ghosts, as you deal with them, then go to the cabin and find the ship's log on the table, then go downstairs, kill a couple more ghosts and then go down into the hold of the ship. There you will meet a particularly strong ghost. As it turns out, it will be the spirit of a certain Gable the Traitor, who mutinied on the ship. The field of how to deal with the ghost, take the key from his remains and free the chained skeleton. Here the ghost of Grantham Blakeley will appear, he will thank you for the release and give you a map on which it is drawn where his treasures are stored. This place is located underwater on the Panther River, in the place where the Blackdog camp is located on the river bank. There you will find a chest with Grantham's belongings, but nothing of particular value is stored in the chest. At this point, the task is considered completed.

Task #5 (MS08) Hunting
This quest can be obtained by talking with the inhabitants of Bravil, who will tell you that Ursanna Losh's husband has disappeared. For details, we go to Ursanna herself. She will tell you that her husband Aleron Losh was an avid gambler and owed a large sum of money of 500 coins to the local orc pawnbroker Kurdan gro-Dragol. The last time she saw her husband, he was just about to go to this pawnbroker. Also, Ursanna will warn you to be careful with this orc and will tell you that he can be found at the Lonely Petitioner inn. Go to the Lonely Petitioner, you will find Kurdan gro-Dragol on the second floor of the inn. In a conversation, he will not at all deny his involvement in the disappearance of Aleron Losh, but will even begin to set conditions. If you so want to free poor Aleron, then you should get Kurdan's family heirloom - "Dragol's ax" from Fort Grif, and he will even kindly provide his boat so that you can get to the fort faster. Leave the tavern, go down at the city pier down, there you will see a boat. You just need to click on it to move to Fort Vulture. Go to the entrance to the fort and open the door with the inconspicuous lever located at the bottom right of the door. As soon as you enter the fort, the doors will immediately close behind you (don't worry, this is a common trap). Inside the fort you will meet Aleron Losh safe and sound, he will dedicate you to the true essence of the matter. It turns out that our wonderful orc is not as simple as it seems. He receives the main income not even from usury, but from manhunting. You and Aleron, respectively, are the victims, and you will be hunted in the dungeons of the fort, and if you survive, you will even have to be released. Aleron, however, will immediately ask you to go to the dungeon yourself, since he still does not know how to fight and is not your assistant. There is nothing to do but go to the dungeon. In the dungeon, you will immediately notice a locked door on the left, you don’t have to try to open it, they will give you the key to it, only at the very end. Go ahead and destroy the hunters who are hunting you. After the bridge (which one you will understand), or rather, on the bridge itself, traps will begin, so look very carefully around and under your feet (among the traps there is also a pit with stakes). In total, the dungeons consist of two locations, in the first there are two hunters, in the second - one. Once you've killed everyone, return to the surface. In the fresh air, at first, you will be "paralyzed", and you will watch the sad scene of the murder of Aleron Losh by Kurdan gro-Dragol. Then Dragol, without hesitation, will attack you already. Kill the bastard, take the real key from him and return inside the dungeons, there open the door on the left with the real key and turn the lever inside. After that, the door of the Fort will open, and you will finally be able to get out. But do not rush to leave the Fort. Climb to the very top of Fort Vulture, there you will find a chest in which there are two bottles of "Wine of Expelling Shadows". Do not drink wine and do not sell it, you will need it for one of the settlement quests called "Ancient Wine". Now go to the boat and return to Bravil to Urasanna Losh. Tell her about the death of her husband and Kurdan gro-Dragol. Of course, she will be very upset by the death of her husband, but she will be consoled by the fact that Aleron is at least avenged. In gratitude for this, she will give you the book "Biography of the Wolf Queen", which increases the skill of Eloquence by one point. At this point, the task is considered completed.

Task #6 (MS09) Two sides of a coin
I want to warn you right away, this task is not for a noble knight on a white horse, but rather for a hardened thief, and get ready for the fact that in the process of passing it you will definitely have to go to jail. The task can be obtained only by talking with the locals of Bruma about the rumors, the characters themselves do not give the task. In the city you will be told that Arnora Auria wants someone to return the money stolen from her. Arnora will tell you a whining story that her accomplice forced her to commit crimes, and even killed a man on the last of them, but before he was caught by the Bruma guards, he took and hid all their money somewhere, and now she remains without a penny in your pocket. Now she asks you to somehow find out from her accomplice, whose name is Jorundr, where did he hide the stolen goods, for this she promises you half the booty. Arnora will also tell you where Jorundr is, he is in Bruma prison. You can not try to find out from him where the stolen money is, he still will not believe you and will think that one of the guards sent you. In order to ingratiate himself with him, you yourself will have to go to jail. When you find yourself in the same cell as Jorundr, talk to him about the stolen gold and he will tell you a completely different story. According to Jorundr, it was Arnora who persuaded him to commit the last crime, and it was she who killed the tax collector. She turned it over to the Bruma guards, but fortunately Jorundr managed to hide the stolen money. Now he wants revenge and asks you to kill Arnora, and in return promises to tell you where the stolen goods are hidden. As proof of Arnora's death, Jorundr asks you to bring him her amulet. Now return to Arnora's house, and here you have two options to choose from: kill Arnora and take all the money for yourself, or tell Arnora about everything and agree to her proposal. Arnora is ready to give you the amulet, but in return she wants half of the stolen money, and if you want to escape with the money, she promises to put you on the wanted list. The choice is yours. If you agree to her terms, then she will give the key to the chest where her true amulet lies, and not the one that hangs around her neck. Return to Jorundr in the prison (now you can come there as a visitor) and show him evidence of Arnora's death. He will tell you where the money is hidden, and you just have to go for it. The chest with money lies literally ten meters from the North Gate of Bruma, but as it turns out, you are not the only one who knew about all the ups and downs of this story. You will be approached by a man named Turelius Logellus, who serves as a guard in Bruma's castle. He overheard your conversation with Jorundr and also wanted to profit from the stolen gold. While you went to Jorundr, he killed Arnora and now wants to get rid of you as the last contender for gold. There is nothing to do, kill him and take the gold that is in the chest. You just have to check if Turelius really killed Arnora. Return to Arnora's house, where you will find her corpse. All the gold is now yours, but you are advised to quickly leave the city before you are suspected of all these crimes. On this story with the stolen money is considered finished.

Task #7 (MS10) Corruption and conscience
This quest can be obtained in Cheydenhal by talking to the locals. The new head of the guard, Captain Ulrich Leland, began to collect large fines from the inhabitants of the city for all sorts of trifles. It seems that there is nothing criminal, but the people are very dissatisfied. You are instructed to deal with the situation. Accordingly, you are sent to start with one of the most dissatisfied citizens, Levana Nedaren, who lives in a house on the square near the chapel of Arkay. It is not always possible to find her at home, Levan can walk along the streets of the city. She won’t tell you anything of particular value, she will mention a certain poor fellow Aldous Otran, who was recently kicked out of his house for fines, and sent to Ulrich’s deputy, Garros Darrelyun, who is dissatisfied with his boss, and accordingly will be able to somehow help with his exposure. You will find Garros in the central hall of Chadenhall Castle. Garros will inform you that he suspects his boss of embezzling the money that comes from fines, and will ask you to help find a person who could testify against Ulrich. This is where you will remember about Aldous Otran. Since he is homeless thanks to the efforts of Ulrich, then, accordingly, he can only be found on the street. Aldous Otran will immediately complain about the fate and call you "to his" home. Near his former home, he will quarrel with the guard, and he will quickly cut him down. After this sad event, you will be asked (with a sign) to go and tell Levana Nedaren about this incident. She will be outraged by what happened and will ask to lure Ulrich to her house, after which she herself will deal with him. But you, being a law-abiding citizen and just a prudent person, go first to Garros and ask him for advice. He will also be outraged by the death of Aldous Otran, but he will offer to do without bloodshed. To do this, you will need to get some evidence from the house of Ulrich Leland. The whole difficulty lies in the fact that you will have to do this illegally, so if you are caught, it will be exclusively your problems. But Garros will make it a little easier for you by giving you the key to Ulrich's house. Ulrich lives in a small room in the barracks of the Cheydenhal guards, which are located to the left of the entrance to the castle. As you enter his room, on the right you will see a chest of drawers on which lies a book, and on it is a small square of paper, that's what you need. This is Ulrich's letter to his relatives. Take it and return to Garros. Garros will be immensely happy and will say that he will immediately deliver the letter to the count, and he tells you to wait for him near the Cheidenhall Bridge Hotel. Two hours later, he will come to you at the appointed place and say that Ulrich Leland was arrested, and he was appointed head of the guard. He will thank you with a good amount of gold.

Assignment #8 (MS11) Brotherhood Faithful
This quest can be obtained by talking about rumors in Bruma, or by going to Bradon Lirrian's house. Let's start with Bradon's house, as you will be sent there anyway. As soon as you get into the house, the brave guard Carius Runellius will immediately approach you. And if you raise his attitude towards yourself a little, then he will tell you what happened in the house of Bradon Lirrian. The fact is that the murder of the owner of the house took place in the house and happened on completely legal grounds, because the investigation has every reason to believe that Bradon Lirrian was a vampire and himself recently dealt with a couple of beggars. By the way, the body of one of them was found right there in the house, in the basem*nt. Karius tells you that the matter is clear that a certain vampire hunter Reinil Dralas did everything right and there is actually nothing to investigate here. However, if you go, for example, to Olav's tavern and talk to local regulars, they will tell you that they don't really believe in the official version of the investigation. Talk to Bradon's wife, Erlene, and she will give you additional information that makes the evidence base of the investigation very shaky. Bradon's killer, the vampire hunter Reynil Dralas, is the most suspect. To complete the picture, it would be nice to hear what he has to say about Bradon's murder. Go to Olaf's tavern and talk to its owner, Olaf himself, about Reynil. He will tell you that Raynil stayed with him for a couple of days, but just recently left the tavern, and will also give you the key to the room in which Raynil lived, since he himself really wants to know the truth about what happened after all. In Rayneel's room, behind the chest of drawers, you will find Geleburn's diary. From it you will learn that Rayneel, Geleburn and Bradon knew each other in their youth, and also organized a brotherhood of adventurers and searched for various artifacts. In the end, they found some valuable artifact and hid it with the intention of studying the artifact later. After talking again with the owner of the tavern, you will learn that Geleburn was recently killed in Skingard by the same Rayneel and according to exactly the same scenario, that is, the justification for killing Geleburn was that Geleburn was a vampire. Go now to the guard Karius, who is investigating, and try to convince him. He will agree with you surprisingly easily, immediately put Reynil on the wanted list and offer you to meet him at Olaf's tavern in an hour. An hour later, in Olaf's tavern, he will inform you that Raynil was seen on the way to the North Stone Cave, and he will offer you to deal with Raynil, as he is afraid to frighten him away. Go to this cave, it is located northwest of Bruma, a little northwest of the Eplotch farm. In the cave you will find Rayneel, he will not want to surrender and will attack you. The enemy is strong, but not extraordinary, so you can easily deal with him. After that, you can take an artifact called "Earth Amulet" from the chest and return to Bruma to the wife of the deceased Bradon. Erlin will say that the artifact does not manifest its properties until a secret word is uttered over it, which only she knows after the death of all three members of the Brotherhood. Erlin will ask you for an amulet to activate it, and after saying a simple word, the amulet will become truly valuable. In gratitude for the revenge of her husband and the whitewashing of his name, she will give you the amulet. This completes the task, but if you want, you can still look into Olaf's tavern and talk with Carius.

Task #9 (MS12) Raise the Veil.
Most likely, you will receive this task from the manager of Countess Bruma, Talgan. He will give you an invitation from the Countess, who wants to meet you at her castle. The Countess receives visitors from 8 am to 6 pm. Upon meeting, the countess will tell you that she is a collector of Akavirian artifacts. Quite a few artifacts are already in her collection, but recently information about the approximate location of one very valuable Akavirian artifact, the Dragon Stone of Madness, fell into her hands. In general, the stone should be in the ruins of the "White Passage", but no one knows where these ruins are located. Her scouts were only able to establish one of the landmarks leading there, this is the top of the "Dragon's Claw". She also managed to find the key to the White Pass ruins, she will give this key to you, because it can come in handy if you are lucky to find these ruins. She will also give you a "Map of the White Passage" with landmarks, which she managed to copy from one old Akaviri diary, and a fragment of the legible text of this very diary. It is with such initial data that you go on a mission. Dragon's Claw Summit is northeast of Bruma, on a well-marked road from the city's eastern gate. You will not see rocks as such, it is just a small rocky elevation. Now it's time to take out the map and check with other landmarks. After the "Dragon's Claw", it's the warrior statue that is to the west of the claw. If you go a little to the west, you will indeed find a statue of a sentry. From it, go north until you find the cave "Snake Passage". There is nothing particularly interesting in it, just in case, pick up the tablet lying next to the skeleton. After leaving the cave, you will again find yourself in the fresh air. Follow the path (you will encounter quite a few ogres along the way) until you reach the fort. The fort itself is teeming with skeletons, so consider your strength. From the first location of the fort there are two exits in the location "Eyes of the Serpent" and "Snake Scales", whichever one you go to, you will still find yourself in the location "Fangs of the Serpent", and from there you will get to the location "Poison Serpent". There you will immediately meet the ghost of Commander Akaviri Mishahhi. He will take you for a fighter who is entrusted with delivering orders to him. Here you have the choice of what to answer him, but I would advise you to say that the orders were delivered to him. After that, a hidden passage will open in the room where the amulet of the "Dragon Stone of Madness" lies. Take it and return to Bruma to the Countess. In gratitude for the artifact delivered to her, she will give you the Viper's Eyes ring. At this point, the task is considered completed.

Task #10 (MS 13) Stubborn Knight
This task is given to you on the passage of one of the stages of the main Quest. The task will be given either by Count Andel Indarus, or one of the guards near the Oblivion Gate, which will be open next to the western gate of Cheidenhal. The young, hot and rather arrogant son of the local count, seeing that the gates to Oblivion had opened near the city, decided to close them together with his friends. This company of the local "golden youth" called themselves the "Knights of the Thorn" and they climbed into the gates to gain glory and honor for themselves. At the time of your appearance, there has been no news from them for two days. The guards are afraid to meddle in the gates of Oblivion, so there is no one except you to pull them out. Before climbing into Oblivion for a young count and his friends, purchase a health restoration spell “on target” or “on touch”, it will be very useful to you later. Now you can step into the gates of Oblivion. As soon as you appear in the plane of Oblivion, you will see the dead body of one of the knights of the thorn. Get down the road down. Of course, the road will not be clean, as you will constantly come across various Daedra along the way. When you go down the road, you will see an inconspicuous door, that's where you go. You will see a hole in the floor, jump into it, then again and again you will find the body of a dead knight. Go outside and go down the road until you reach another dead knight. Look for the door again, go inside, then jump into the hole in the floor and go down until you exit. There you will be met by the young Count Farvil Indarus and the only survivor of his friends. You will need to get to the Sigil stone with them and close the gate. Despite the fact that the count will say that he and his friend will go behind, when they meet the first enemy, they will run to attack the enemy. Unlike many other quest NPCs in the game that are protected from death, these two are deprived of such protection, and for this you will need a spell to restore life on “touch” or “on target”. You will need to constantly ensure that they do not die during the next battle, and periodically heal them. If the count still dies, take the signet ring from his body in order to give it to the count later. After you meet them, a little ahead you will see the beginning of a monolithic slab going forward, this is the road to the tower. The tower itself is pretty standard, so it makes no sense to describe it. When you rescue the young count from the world of Oblivion and close the gate, talk to him. Farvil Indarus will give you the title of "Honorary Knight" of the Order of the Thorn and give you a medallion of the Knights of Thorn, which increases your eloquence by 15 points. Go and talk to his father Count Indarus, he will also offer you a gift for saving his son. It will be a choice of either the "Staff of Indarus" or the "Blade of Thorn". The staff has 10 points of strength debuff plus 30 points of electricity damage, and the blade has 120 points of armor destruction on hit. Choose a gift to taste, and this task will end.

Task #11 (MS 14) Dangerous Arts
You can either learn about this task from the city rumors, or go to the house of Rita Litandas. There you will meet his wife Tivela Litandas, who will tell you that her husband is quite a good artist, and that Rit usually works very long hours in his workshop, leaving only to eat. But a few days ago, he never left the workshop. After waiting a few hours, Tivela nevertheless decided to enter there, but her husband disappeared from the workshop, and now you are her only hope to find him. After this story, she will give you the key to his workshop so that you can explore the place of her husband's disappearance yourself. There is absolutely nothing to look for in the workshop, just immediately go to the picture to the left of the entrance and climb into it (everything is fine, everything is in order with my head). Next, you will find yourself in a painted world, where you will meet Rita Litandas. He will immediately upset you with the fact that from the drawn world it is very difficult, because you can return to the normal world only with the help of the “Brush of True Mastery” (Rit himself will tell you everything about this brush in detail), which some Bosmer stole from Rita . This Bosmer turned out to be an extremely bad creature, because with the help of a brush he painted trolls, which attacked him. The brush remained with the Bosmer, but there is no way to meet him, because Rit cannot reach the Bosmer, because the painted trolls block his way, and Rit does not know how to fight at all. Well, since Rit can't get to the Bosmer, then you should. Rit will give you 6 bottles of turpentine to help you, which adds an additional +250 points to attack when fighting painted trolls. Further, the task is quite simple for a hero above level 20 (then turpentine is not required either), you need to go through the painted forest and successively fill up 6 trolls. At the end of the path, you will find a dead Bosmer from whom you will take the “Brush of True Mastery”. Return to Rita, he will draw a portal to his workshop, and you will be transported there with him. In gratitude for the fact that you pulled him out of the painted world, he will give you the "Apron of Agility", which adds +10 to dexterity and intelligence. At this point, the task is considered completed.

Task #12 (MS 16, MS 16A, MS 16B) Separated from birth, lost heritage, father's sins.
In Chorrol, you will be told about Raynald Jamen's suspicious behavior. He walks the streets and does not recognize his acquaintances, in addition, he suddenly became a teetotaler, although he was previously known as a drunkard, and you will also be told that he was seen several times in Cheidenhall, which is also suspicious. First of all, you need to find Raynald Jamen himself and talk to him. You will find Raynald in the Gray Mare Inn, which is located to the right of the south gate of Chorrol. He will most likely be drunk, but still able to tell you that he has never been to Cheidenhall and will ask you to deal with the person who pretends to be him. In Cheidenhall, ask the first person you meet about Raynald Jayman, and he will tell you that he only knows Gilbert Jayman, who lives at the Newlands Orphanage Hotel. It is located to the left of the western gate of Cheidenhal. After talking with Gilbert, you will learn about a family tragedy. It turns out that Raynald is his brother, whom he thought was dead. Gilbert will ask you to go to his brother and say that he will soon arrive to him. Return to Cheidenhall, talk to Raynald, and soon his brother will enter the tavern, after a while a sign will appear that the brothers have reunited. After that, talk to Gilbert, and he will thank you with 500 gold. The first part of the assignment ends here. Next, Gilbert will ask you to clear the Weatherlich estate, which once belonged to his father, from ogres-cannibals. The whole problem is that he does not know where it is, since they had to leave him at a very early age. He only knows that it is south of Chorrol and north of "Fort Camarl." You can walk around and look around for it yourself, or you can ask someone in the city about this estate. You will be redirected to Sabile Lol, who will tell and show you where it is. Sabila herself can be found either at the Fighters Guild or at the Fire and Steel Forge. Go due south from Chorrol to "Fort Camarl", then southwest until you reach the estate, or rather the farmhouse. There you kill three ogres and the task is actually completed, just do not forget to walk around the house so that two signs appear in front of you in sequence that you found this house and that you killed the ogres. Return back to Chorrol and tell the good news to Gilbert Jamen. After that, he will ask you to deliver him and his brother to Weatherlich. Talk to him again when you're ready to complete this mission, and lead the brothers with you. As soon as you deliver them to the Weatherlich, talk again with Gilbert, he will complain about the precarious financial situation, but will thank you with 375 septims. The second part of the assignment ends here. Returning to Chorrol, you will most likely stumble upon a certain Fatis Ules on the street. He must come to you. Fatis will tell you that Albert Jamen, the father of the Jamen brothers, once deceived him by not returning to him one valuable thing that he stole on Fatis's order. With this thing, Albert Jamen ran away from him and settled in the wilderness called "Weatherlich", but this thing was not found there after his death, from which it follows that the ogres most likely dragged it to their lair, which is located in the cave "Valley of the Redguards ". It lies far south of Chorrol, in fact between Chorrol Skingrad a little east of the Weatherlich. In general, you need to go there and kill all the ogres. About a dozen ogres are stationed in the cave, the item you are looking for is in one of them and is called the "Honorary Sword of Chorrol", for you it does not represent a special combat value, but however, someone other than Fatis Ules can thank you for returning this sword. If you don’t want to get the despicable metal in the amount of 1500 Septims, but something more memorable, then go to the castle and find Lath Vavrik in it. During the day, Vavrik usually stands next to Countess Arianna Valga. Give him the sword, and in return you will receive the "Call of Chorrol", which is given for special services to the city. You don't have to go to Fatis Ules, he won't talk to you anyway. You need to actually go back to Weatherlich Manor and talk to Gilbert Jamen about his father. Gilbert, of course, will be a little upset, but, in general, he will be pleased and will give you 4 great soul stones as a reward. This is the third, it is the last, part of the task ends.

Task number 13 (MS 18) Deadly field
In the King at the Gray Horse Inn, an old man named Valus Odiel will accost you, lamenting that his two sons are going to hunt monsters in the forest near Chorrol. He himself is too old to somehow protect them, so he asks you about it. His sons should be waiting for him just west of Weynon Monastery. Go there and you will really see two guys with weapons in the agreed place. Their names are Rallus and Anthus. From a conversation with the sons of Odiel, you will learn that monsters are attacking their farm from the side of the forest, and they were just about to go to repel one of these attacks. Only now they thought that their father would go with them, and not you. But they will not be particularly upset with your company and will take you to the farm. On the farm in the middle of the garden, Rallus and Anthus will stand in a fighting stance and wait for the attack. I want to warn you right away so that you don’t particularly rely on the guys, but rather protect them from the attackers, since the quest protection is removed from them at this moment. The enemy will not wait, and soon a small group of attackers from three monsters will run out at you (I had goblins). Kill all three, and after a while the attack will repeat on the right. The last attack will come from the left, but this time there will be four attackers. This will stop the attacks, and you will need to return back to the Gray Horse tavern to Valus Odiel. His sons will immediately arrive in time, Valus, in gratitude for their protection, will give you a sword called "Cooler", which strikes with cold, while also imposing vulnerability to cold. At this point, the task is considered completed.

Assignment #14 (MS 21) The Collector
You get this quest by finding one of the Ayleid figurines. There are ten figurines in total, all located in various Ayleid ruins, one in each location. These figurines are sought after by a very wealthy man, whose name is Umbacano, he is a well-known collector of Ayleid artifacts. If you have not received a note from him, then you can come to visit him yourself, his mansion is located on Talos Plaza in the Imperial City. Only first you will have to talk to his butler Yolring and show him the Ayleid figurine. After that, you can talk to Umbacano himself. He will pay you 500 gold for the figurine, and will also inform you that if you find all 10 figurines for him, he will double the amount of your reward. After you find the second figurine for him, he will tell you that he has information about five Ayleid ruins where similar figurines can still be found. These are Moranda, Macamentein, Venyandavik, Ninendava and Fanakas. When you get the third figurine for Umbacano, he will tell you that he has one more task for you. This task is called “The Thirst for Possession”, you can read about it a little lower in the text. The list of Ayleid ruins below will help you find the other seven figurines:
1. Vilverin - located northeast of the Imperial City on an island that is located on Lake Rumar (Lake Rumar refers to the body of water surrounding the Imperial City). The Ayleid ruins of Vilverin consist of four locations (Vilverin, Vilverin Canosel, Vilverin Wendezel, Vilverin Sel Sancremati). In the first location there are bandits, in the rest - evil spirits, and in all locations there are various kinds of traps. In the second location, it may be difficult to advance further, since no obvious doors or passages are indicated. In order to open them, you need to press the button in the floor. The figurine that you are looking for is located in the last location of Vilverin Sel Sancremati, from there there is a passage immediately to the first location almost to the exit, but for this it will be necessary to kill the necromancer.
2. Fanakas - located north of Cheidenhall and east of Arrius Lake. These are small Ayleid ruins inhabited by vampires. Finding a figurine in them will not be difficult. The only unusual detail is that in one of the places you will have to swim under water to get to it.
3. Vedir - located south of Chorrol. The ruins consist of two locations (Vendir and Vedir Nogasel), inhabited by various evil spirits. The figurine is located in the location of Vendir Nogasel.
4. Ninendava - located between Chorrol and Bruma, northeast of Sancre Tor. These Ayleid ruins are inhabited by vampires and some undead. To get the figurine, at the first fork, turn left in the direction that leads up.
5. Moranda - located a little north of the Orange Road, between Chorrol and Bruma, a little south of Ninendava. Your opponents in these ruins will mainly be northern monsters. The ruins consist of three locations (Moranda, Moranda Abaspania and Moranda Aratazel). From the location of Moranda, you can go to two locations at once: Moranda Abaspania and Moranda Aratazel ​​The figurine is located in the location of Moranda Abaspania.
6. Venyandavik - located northwest of Bravil and south of the Imperial City. The ruins consist of two locations (Venyandavik, Venyandavik Edesel), the figurine is located in the location of Venyandavik Edesel. The ruins are inhabited by the undead, and there are also a small number of traps.
7. Kulott - located in the southeast of the Imperial City, on the banks of the Niben River. You can safely go into the ruins and walk along them. You won't meet anyone in Culotte until you enter the room where the Ayleid figurine is located. Exiting it, you will find that the ruins are now filled with zombies of all kinds. Then you act as you like best, you can arrange a sweep, or you can quickly retreat from Kulott, taking advantage of the slowness of the zombies. Most importantly, do not forget to take the figurine with you.
8. Macamentein - located southeast of the Imperial City, between the rivers "Reed" and "Silver Fish", east of the Yellow Road, near a small lake. In total, there are three locations in these ruins (Macamentaine, Crypts of the Undead, Sanctuary of the Necromancer). Basically, your enemies there will be necromancers, but you will also have to fight against the undead. The figurine is located in the last location "Necromancer's Sanctuary", from which there is a secret exit immediately to the first location.
9. Velke - located far southeast of Bravil, on the south bank of the Panther River. These Ayleid ruins consist of three locations (Velke, Velke Seyede, Velke Edesel), your opponents in the ruins of Velke will be undead. The figurine is located in the last location of Velke Edesel.
10. Wendelbeck - located southeast of Bravil, on the banks of the Panther River, northeast of the Ayled ruins of Velke. In terms of internal layout, these ruins are very similar to Macamentaine. Opponents by the way are the same - necromancers. Yes, and the figurine is in the same place, only the location is called differently - Vendelbek Aran Matmedli.
After you bring the last figurine to Umbacano, he will pay you its cost of 500 septims, plus another 2500 gold for the fact that you were able to collect a complete collection of these figurines for him. At this point, the task is considered completed.

Task No. 15 (MS 22) Lust for Possession
This task is given to you after you get the third Ayleid figurine for a high elf named Umbacano. The task to find the Ayleid figurines is described a little above, it is called "The Collector". Now Umbacano asks you to find a "carved panel" from the "High Cathedral" and gives you an Ayleid stone, which is some kind of key in this "High Cathedral", but Umbacano does not know where the "High Cathedral" is located. After the end of the conversation, leave his house, and a man named Claude Maris will immediately approach you. He will introduce himself to you as a treasure hunter and say that he also works for Umbacano, and also hint that he knows where the High Cathedral is, but to further continue the conversation, he will suggest that you go to the Tiber Septim tavern. There he will tell you everything he knows about the "High Cathedral" and where it is located and what it is now called, and will also try to dissuade you from further travel to this place. In addition, he will mention the book "The Cleansing of the Temple", in which you can read about the events that took place in the "High Cathedral" earlier. You can go and buy a book in the First Edition store, which is located in the Imperial City's shopping district, or you can immediately go to the island ruins called Malada, which is how High Cathedral will be in Old Elvish. Malada is located in the Valus Mountains, which is far east of Bravil, in fact, already on the border with Morrowind, north of Lake Canulus. In Malad, your opponents will mostly be the undead, but in the beginning you will most likely be met by the usual representatives of the fauna of Cyrodiil. In fact, you won’t have to walk long in Malada, in fact, the “carved panel” will be right behind the door, the key to which was given by Umbacano. Grab it and head back to the Malada exit (although you can explore these Ayleid ruins if you wish). As soon as you find yourself on the surface, Claude Maris will immediately come up to you with a proposal to give the “carved panel”. I do not even consider the possibility of transferring the panel to him. Therefore, you have two options: either run or fight. Please note that Claude is not alone, he has three or four assistants with him, one of which is even on a horse. If you decide to run, the Argonian S'Razirr can meet you not far from the entrance and offer his help in eliminating Claude Maris in exchange for part of the reward for the "carved panel". I leave the decision to your discretion, I myself would offer to “make legs” so as not to waste time on these racketeers (well, it will be better for the next task). Umbacano will pay you a pretty decent amount for this "carved panel" and will want to give you another task. It is called "Secrets of the Ayleids" and will be described separately, below in the text.

Assignment #16 (MS 23) Order of the Virtuous Blood
In the Temple District (though possibly also in the Waterfront District) of the Imperial City, a woman named Ralsa Norvalo will run up to you. She will say that her husband, Ghylen Norvalo, sent her. He has some urgent business with you, and he wants to meet with you at the house of a certain Seredur. There are two reasons for accepting the assignment. First, this is a simple curiosity - with what fright they run up to you, ask you to go the devil knows where and meet it is not clear with whom. The second is that you will not be able to complete this quest later if you refuse now. Therefore, I continue to describe further the passage of the task. Seredur's house is right there in the Temple District, go inside and chat with Seredur himself. He will take you to his basem*nt and fill you in on the course of events. The fact is that he, Helen Norvalo and Gray Throat form the "Order of the Virtuous Blood", whose goal is to destroy vampires. The other day, Comrade Seredur just spotted how one of the vampires sucked the blood out of his victim. Now they want to kill the vampire, but the fact is that they are too old for such feats, and your reputation is quite trustworthy to entrust this task to you. The vampire you need to find is called Roland Jenseric and he lives nearby right there in the Temple District, but the fact is that he went on the run and you have yet to find him. Seredur advises to start the search from his house. We'll have to break open the door to Roland's apartment and make a small search. Be careful, the area is actively patrolled by guards. The apartment itself does not need to be searched for a long time, you need a small piece of paper lying on a table in the hallway. It follows that Roland is most likely hiding near the Imperial City in his hut in the Great Forest. The hut is located northeast of the Imperial City, just north of the Blue Road. At first, Roland will be outraged by your appearance, but if you talk to him in detail, it turns out that he is not a vampire at all, but Seredur slandered him, and in fact Seredur himself is a vampire who chose a very unusual, but nevertheless very effective cover for yourself, it's an order to fight vampires. To check his words, Roland sends you to the store "First Edition", which is located in the shopping district of the imperial city, to the seller of books Fintias. The bookseller will tell you a lot of interesting things about Seredur, including that Seredur likes to go southeast of the Imperial City to the Memorial Cave area to visit his ancestor's grave. Phintias will even mark this place on your map. As you understand, you need the cave itself, it is located a little south of Fort Magia, on the shore opposite the Imperial City. A bunch of vampires roam the cave, which must be killed, and at the end, Seredur himself is waiting for you. Kill the reptile, return to Roland Jenserik in the hut and tell how it all ended. Roland will be glad that everything is resolved, and will tell you that he considers it necessary to take up the task of exterminating the vampires. He will also offer you to visit the basem*nt of Seredur's house in order to present you with an award at the headquarters of the "Order of the Virtuous Blood". Go to the basem*nt of Seredur, where Roland will meet you and give you the "Ring of Solar Fire" with pretty good characteristics of magic reflection and disease resistance. In addition, if you talk to Roland about Vampires, he will offer you to pay 250 gold for each killed vampire. Vampire Ashes can serve as proof of killing a vampire. Given that the maximum cost of Vampire Ashes as an ingredient is 50 Septims, this is a very generous offer. This quest is considered completed.

Assignment #17 (MS 26) Imperial Corruption
You can receive this task in the Imperial City from one of two people, either from the Redguard Ruslan, or from the orc Luronk gro-Glurzog. Orc and Redgarl will tell you that when they were visiting Jensine's Nearly New Merchandise store in the Imperial City's shopping district, a guard walked in, accused them of stealing, and demanded a fine from them. No conviction on their part that they did not commit theft had no effect on him. The owner of the store also could not say anything, since the guard had long intimidated all the merchants in the city, and they cannot say a word to him. After this conversation, go to the store to Jensin and talk to her. She will confirm everything told by Ruslan and Luronk and will also name the racketeer guard, it will turn out to be not just a guard, but the captain of the Imperial Guard, Audens Avidius. She will also casually say that the captain of the Imperial Guard can only be arrested by another captain of the guard. In total, there are three such captains in the city, in addition to Audens Avidius, these are also Servantius Quintilis and Itrius Gain. Servantius will refuse to help you, arguing his refusal by the fact that he was only recently appointed to this position, and he is afraid to arrange such investigations. Itrius Gein will tell you that he can help you, but only if two witnesses testify against Audens Avidius. You will need to find Luronk and Ruslan again and convince them to give such evidence. They will be reluctant, but still agree to testify (if not, then use your eloquence). Next, you will need to wait about a day, after which you will be told that Audens Avidius has been arrested. At this point, the task is considered completed.

Task #18 (MS 27) Secrets of the Ayleids
This task is given to you by a wealthy aristocrat named Umbacano after completing the task "The Thirst for Possession", which is described by me above. This time he asks you to get him the "Crown of the Last King of the Ayleids", but now not in any ruins, but from another collector Herminia Kinna. Umbacano says that he himself will not be able to redeem this crown in any way, since Herminia will not give the crown to him on principle, and you may succeed. He will pay you the reward for the crown in advance. The amount that will remain after completing this task will be yours. Before proceeding with its implementation, I would strongly advise you to get for Umbakano all the Ayleid figurines that he asked you to find you on the "Collector" task. Returning to the task with the crown, I can suggest several ways to complete it. The most effective, easiest and fastest is to steal the crown from Herminia. Her home is located in the Imperial City in the Elven Gardens area. The crown is locked, on the second floor of the house, in an Ayleid container. Alternatively, there is another way to complete Umbacano's errand. It is longer, but more correct (conscious) from the point of view of the game. If you talk to Herminia herself, she will tell you that Umbacano wants to get the crown not just as another Ayleid trinket, but as a powerful magical artifact, the misuse of which can lead to disastrous consequences. In exchange for the "Ayleid Crown of Nenalath" in her possession, Hermina offers you the "Ayleid Crown of Lindai". She is convinced that Umbacano will not notice the substitution, since he has not seen any of them. Hermine will give you the key to Lindai's royal tomb, where you can find the crown. Now your path lies to the Ayleid ruins of Lindai. To get to them, you must go due east of Chorrol. These ruins do not represent anything special, they consist of two locations, in which your opponents will be ordinary undead. Lindai's Ayleid Crown is located in the second location of Lindai, Inner Crypts in an Ayleid container. Take it, return to Umbacano and give Lindai's Ayleid Crown to him. Umbacano will be a little surprised that the crown does not quite fit the description, but he will not notice the forgery. He will offer you to complete one more of his tasks, but now you won’t have to look for anything for him, you just need to be a guard for him when he himself goes to the Ayleid ruins of Nenalat. Umbacano will make an appointment with you near these ruins in three days and ask you not to be late. Nenalata is located east of Bravil on the banks of the Niben River at the confluence of the Silver Fish River. Umbacano will meet you near the entrance to the ruins, and if you have not killed Claude Marich, he will also keep you company. The ruins consist of three locations and are inhabited by the usual undead. Take care of Umbakano, since the quest protection will be removed from him, I would even advise you to clear Nenalat alone first, and then lead Umbakano there. At the end of the last location "Sel Aran Arpen" there will be a hall in which you will see a rectangular recess in the wall. As you guessed, in order to go further, you need to insert a key into it, namely the very “carved panel” that you obtained for Umbacano earlier. Since Umbacano has the panel, he will do it himself. So you will find yourself in the throne room of Nenalat. Umbacano will go to the throne, utter some words and sit on it. After that, you will see a beautiful light show, and then, depending on which crown Umbacano puts on, he will either die or turn into a monster. In addition, secret niches will open on the sides, and from there all evil spirits will climb on you. The diary entry will advise you to run. If you decide to follow this advice, then it is better to run away along the opened side passage, which will lead you immediately to the exit from the ruins, and if you decide to stay, then the fight will not be so difficult, you will only have to fill up with a dozen units of various undead. On this, in principle, the task ends.

Task #19 (MS 29) Unfair Competition
Speak with Vendor Jensin, who runs Jensin's Almost New Goods in the Imperial City Market District, about Thoronir. She will tell you that Thoronir is the owner of a shop in the commercial district of the Imperial City, which has fallen on suspicion that he is engaged in dishonest trade. His wares are suspiciously below the price they are sold at by other merchants. Jensine from the Society of Conscious Traders will hire you to investigate why Thoronir's goods are cheap. She suggests starting the investigation by spying on Thoronir to find out where he gets his goods from. Thoronir's shop is called the "Bottomless Purse" and is opposite the "First Edition" bookstore. If you talk to Thoronir himself on this topic, then you will only waste your time, as he will still deny it. Better watch where Thoronir goes after the end of the day's work. At first, he will go to the Merchant's Tavern, where almost all the shopping brethren of the shopping area really hang out, but at 11 pm Thoronir will suddenly leave this wonderful place and go to a secluded place in the shopping area. There he will meet with a certain Agamir, and you will listen to their dialogue (to listen, you need to come close to them). From the conversation it will become clear that it is Agamir who supplies things to Thoronir and now your task is to find out where Agamir himself takes these things from. Follow him to his apartment in Talos Plaza, then wait until he leaves it (approximately at nine in the morning), and then enter Agamir's apartment and search it. You will need to get into his basem*nt, and there it will become clear where Agamir gets things for Thoronir's shop. Turns out he's just digging graves. Grab a book called "The Spooky List" from the basem*nt and return with it to Thoronir for a detailed conversation. He will be terribly upset after learning all these facts, and will say that he was not aware of where Agamir takes things for his store. He will also want to provide all possible assistance on his part to your investigation and will tell everything that he remembers from recent conversations with Agamir. From what Thoronir tells you, it will follow that Agamir is going to dig a new grave again today, and you, of course, will have to catch him in this dirty deed and stop him. This means that the road to you is straight to the cemetery, and it is located not like in all normal cities on the outskirts, but right in the center of the city. Go around the cemetery in a circle and near the "Trentius Family Mausoleum" you will notice that the seal has been broken on it. That's where you need to be. In the mausoleum you will be met by Agamir and his friend Rolgarel. After a short conversation, they will attack you. Kill them both, take the keys from the corpse of Agamir and take the evidence with you, namely the "Agamir's shovel". Now return to Thoronir and tell him about everything. This will finish him off, he will repent of all sins and say that he will give the dishonestly earned money as a donation to the Temple, and also tell that he has already gone to Jensin and told her about everything. In the end, in gratitude for the fact that you saved his life (Agamir would have killed him if not for you) and for guidance on the true path, Thoronir will give you the "Ring of Weather Protection", which gives protection from fire and cold. After visiting Thoronir, go to Jensin for the promised reward. She, on behalf of the society, will thank you with the amount of 600 gold. At this point, the task is considered completed.

Task #20 (MS 31) Unforeseen Journey
In the Waterfront, there is a ship called the Floating Tavern near the pier. In principle, there is nothing special about it. Just a ship converted by an enterprising businessman into an eatery. Get on the boat and go to bed. After sleep, you will want to leave the cabin to take a walk on the deck, but then some bandit named Lynch will block your path. Your presence will come as a complete surprise to him. During the conversation with Lynch, it turns out that the ship was captured by a gang of bandits and taken to the open sea. You don’t have to stand on ceremony with him, since Lynch will attack you anyway, just remember the phrase “... three months” from your conversation with him. By the way, you will find the key to the warehouse and a paper called "Lynch's instructions" on it. Having opened the warehouse, you will find the local helmsman and part-time bouncer Graman gro-Marad. He will not mind returning the Floating Tavern back to the Imperial City, but on the condition that you kill all the bandits on the ship. Climb up to the deck above and there you will meet another bandit (or rather a bandit), whose name is Minh. Before starting to fight with her, it is better to talk first and remember what the conversation was about. In the end, you will have to fight, but the information from the conversations will still be useful to you. This time, remember a snippet of the phrase "... Golden Galleon." You will also find a key from her, but this time from the upper deck. Go up to the stern and there you will meet another bandit with an interesting name Fury. It will be useful to talk to him before getting into a fight, this time remember the word "Bravil". Then you can kill Fury, but do not forget to search the body to find another key. This time, it's the key to Ormil's cabin (the tavern owner). Go there to meet with the leader of the Black Water Gang, the elf Selen. Do not rush to kill her, like the rest of the gang, this is where the point in long conversations will be. To begin with, inform that you took the key from the Fury, after which the questions will begin. Then consistently answer about "three months", "Golden Galleon" and "Bravil". Your last answer should finish her off, Selen will understand that you killed all the other members of the gang and will surrender. She will give you a sword called Black Water Blade with a stamina absorption effect. Ormil will ask you to take Selena to the cabin on the lower deck and lock her there. Next, he will urge you to sleep, and after sleep you will again find yourself in the Imperial City in the Waterfront. Before leaving the ship, talk to Ormil, and he will tell you that he handed over Selenium to justice, for which a good reward was paid, which is due to you. He will give you 450 gold rewards for Selenium, and then you can go outside. At this point, the task is considered completed.

Task No. 21 (MS 37) Tears of the Savior
This task will be given to you by S'Drassa, a member of the Llavin Mages Guild. He will tell you that he collects rare crystals called "Tears of Garridan" and that he is willing to pay you quite a lot of money for each such crystal. S'Drassa will also tell you part of the story of the origin of this name. It is said that these crystals are indeed the frozen tears of Knight Garridan Stalrus. For more information, he will refer you to his friend Julien Fanis, Head of the Department of Alchemy at the University of the Sacraments in the Imperial City. Go to the Imperial City to the University, in the "reception of the Archmage" Julien will be waiting for you. She will tell a beautiful but sad story about the knight Garridan, but again, for a more detailed study of the material, she will direct you to another source, the book The Decline of Chivalry, which you can buy in the Imperial City Market District in the First Edition bookstore. Having bought the book and read it, you will find out the place where such sad events took place with the knight Garridan, this is a cave called the Glade of Frosty Fire. You will also learn that in order to get into this cave, you must have "Purified Frost Salt" with you, which can be bought from Julien Fanis. Return to it, buy salt and head to this cave. It is located southeast of Bruma, east of the Silver Road, northeast of the Sanctuary of Mephala. The first part of the cave will be quite ordinary, and the most ordinary little animals will be the opponents there, but to get into the second part of the cave, you will need purified frosty salt. Entering the frosty door, you will find yourself in the Glade of frosty fire itself. Closer to the center of the clearing, you will see a freezing area, where you will meet a frost atronach, which you can safely kill. Next, your task is to strain your eyesight and collect five pieces of Garridan's Tears. By the way, Garridan himself will show off in a block of ice at the time of the fight against the ice atronach (the picture is beautiful, you can take a screenshot as a keepsake). It is better to look for tears from a hill, for some reason they are better seen from there. After collecting five tears, return to Llavin to S'Drassa. For them, he will give you more than a generous gold reward, one of the largest in the game. This is where the task ends.

Task #22 (MS 38) Paranoia
In Skingrad, a wood elf named Glarthir will approach you and, with a feeling of obvious fear for his health and life, will offer to meet at midnight behind the Skingrad Chapel, while emphasizing that you will not regret this meeting. At the meeting, he will tell you that he is constantly being monitored in order to silence him, since he knows some information about the affairs of influential people in the city. There are many options for completing this task, so I will reveal the main intrigue. Glarthir is paranoid in a severe form, there is no surveillance of him, so you don’t have to stress too much. Following his standard instructions means that you follow three individuals in sequence: Bernadette Penelis, Tutius Sectius, and David Surili. If you want to play spies, you can follow them around the clock, but you are unlikely to see anything interesting. You can also immediately hand it over to the guards (more specifically, to Captain Dion), leaving them to sort it out. There is also a very mercantile option, to follow Glarthir's lead and receive an order from him to kill all three as a result. For each he will be ready to pay 1000 septims. I also want to warn you that when you inform Glarthir that all three suspects are not following him, Glarthir will attack you, not believing in the information you provided. A relatively peaceful option can only be if Glarthir is informed that one of the suspects is following him (or if any of the three are dead, if this happens). The task is actually too invariant to recommend any specific ending to you, so decide for yourself.

Task #23 (MS 39) Finding Your Roots
This quest begins with you finding your first Nirnroot. Next, you need to go to the nearest alchemist and tell him about your find. The alchemist will send you to Skingrad to his colleague Sinderion, who specializes in herbal alchemical ingredients. Sinderion's dwelling is located in the Western Forest Tavern, in the basem*nt. Sinderion will tell you that he needs 10 Nirn Roots to prepare the Elixir of Exploration, which is used primarily for exploring various kinds of dungeons. He will also give you the "Notes of the Nirnroot" and in addition, Sinderion will tell you the best place to start your search, this is the Great Forest, and more specifically, the "Shady Leaf Grove" northeast of Skingrad. In the grove you will find only one root near a small lake. In order to further your searches more fruitfully, I will give you a brief summary of all useful information about Nirnrut. It boils down to one thesis - Nirnrut always grows near water, so if you set out to complete the task as quickly as possible, then go to the Imperial City and start exploring both shores of Lake Rumar. I think you will find even more than 10 nirn roots there. Once you have collected the required number of Nirnuruts, return to Sinderion. He will tell you that in a day he will prepare a "Weak Elixir of Research" for you, and ask you to bring him another 20 Nirn Roots to prepare a more powerful elixir. If the stocks of roots near Lake Rumar have exhausted themselves, then I can advise you to go to the Niben River and gather Nirnruts on its banks. Return in a day to the alchemist and take the “Weak Elixir of Research” from him, and Sinderion will also give you the opportunity to buy an elixir from him if you need it in the future. Now give twenty Nirnroots to Sinderion, from which he will prepare the "Medium Elixir of Research" for you, and go for the next batch of Nirnroots, this time already in the amount of 30 pieces. The Niben River has a fairly large number of tributaries, so that you can get hold of the roots by going around their banks. In addition, Nirnroots also grow on the sea coast of the province of Cyrodiil. Come to Sinderion in a day or when you find 30 roots and get a ready-made “Medium Research Elixir”. Then you can give him the 30 Nirn Roots you found so that he will prepare for you the “Strong Elixir of Research”. The first trial portion, as usual, will be ready in a day, but for now you can start looking for a new batch of Nirnroots, this time forty pieces. From the experience of communicating on thematic forums, I know that such a figure is shocking for many, but I want to assure you that there are a lot of Ninruts in the game, the developers have put more than 300 roots into it, and it’s quite possible to find them. Personally, I have already found 180 roots, so do not give up, I will tell you where else you can find the roots of Nirn. In the southeast of the province there is a swampy area, and if you carefully walk there, then at least 20 roots can be collected. There are also small lakes scattered throughout Cyrodiil, each with one or two Nirnroot growing on its shores, and it is quite common to find Nirnroot growing in flower pots, especially among wealthy city dwellers and guild offices. At the end of the term, return for the "Strong Elixir of Research" to Sinderion, as always, he will give you one bottle for free. If by this time you were able to collect forty Nirnruts, then you can give them to the alchemist, and he will begin to prepare the “Great Elixir of Research”, the first portion of which you can pick up in a day. At this point, the task of collecting roots is considered completed, but Sinderion will be happy to buy Nirnruth roots from you in the future, in batches of 10 roots at a price of 250 gold per batch.

Task No. 25 (MS 43) Who annoys the gods
You will most likely receive this task by talking with one of the inhabitants of Llavinsky about Rosentia Gallenus. You will be informed that a strong stench has been emanating from her house for several days, and strange sounds are heard. Go visit her to see what happened to her. In the house you will see Rosentia walking around the house with a staff on her back, accompanied by four scamps. Talk to Rosentia and hear a rather entertaining story from her. It turns out that Rosentia collects Daedric artifacts, and a few days ago, when some warrior-mage passed through the city, he, having heard about Rosentia's hobby, offered her to buy a Daedric staff from him for a fairly low price. Rosentia gladly agreed and the other day decided to study a new Daedric acquisition. As a result, she discovered a runic inscription on the staff, translated it, but did not understand the meaning of this word, and when she said this word aloud, scamps appeared next to her. She simply could not throw away the staff, because every time she tried to get rid of it, Rosentia immediately lost the desire to do so. Now she cannot leave the house with this staff and scamps as her retinue. However, Rosentia was able to give a letter to her friend from the Llavin Mages Guild to find out more about this staff. Rosentia asks you to go to her friend Alves Uvenim in the Mages Guild and find out from her what information she was able to get. Alves will tell you that this staff is a joke of the god Shigorat. It is called the "Eternal Scamp Staff" and can only be given to anyone if they wish. In addition, if the staff is activated, four scamps will appear, which will begin to accompany the owner of the staff everywhere. It is useless to kill Scamps, since a new one immediately appears in the place of the killed Scamp. You can get rid of the staff only if you take it to the Black Fatum cave to the Sheogorath sanctuary. She will also add that the staff significantly slows down the movement speed of its owner. Return to Rosenetia with this sad news for you (well, it has already become clear to you that it is you who will carry the staff). Take the staff and go to the Northeast Gate of Llavin. You are lucky, the Black Fatum cave is located very close to Llavin to the southeast. In the cave, you will meet various Daedra as opponents. So that you do not wander too much along the forks of Black Fatum, I advise you to turn right all the time. When you get to the Shrine of Sheogorath, just throw away the staff next to the altar and you can go back to Rosentia Gallenus. In gratitude for getting rid of the staff, Rosentia will give you the "Eidolon Borders" ring, which increases the "Parry" and "Swords" skills. At this point, the task is considered completed.

Task No. 26 (MS 45) Shadow over Hikdirt
The task will be given to you by the Argonnian Sid-Nius from the Northern Goods store in Chorrol. She will tell you that a few days ago she sent her daughter Dar-Ma to take goods to the small settlement of Hakdirt to the merchant Ethira Moslin, but several days have passed, and Dar-Ma has not returned. She will also say that with Dar-ma was her horse, which was called "Flower". Sid-Nius asks you to go to Hackdirt and try to find her daughter. You can get to Hackdirt in the following way: exit through the southern gate of Chorrol and go due south. I think it will be hard for you to miss such an unusual settlement in the forest. Upon arrival in Hackdirt, you will have the opportunity to investigate, but you can immediately go to the final goal of the task. For lovers of detective stories, I will describe the sequence of the investigation, and those who have little time will simply skip this part and immediately go to the place of imprisonment of Dar-Ma. First of all, go to the "Moslin Tavern" and talk to its owner, Vlanonder Moslin. He will say that he knows nothing about Dar-Ma, but it will be clear that Moslin is lying. Next, go to Aethira Moslin at the Moslin Manufacture store and talk to her. You really won’t achieve anything new, except for the understanding that you are not welcome here and everyone here is only doing what they are trying to deceive you to put it mildly. You can go back to the inn and look for the "Dar-Ma's Diary" there, or walk through Hackdirt and find Dar-Ma's horse named "Flower", but this will not give you anything, Ethira and Vlanonder Moslin will say that they do not know anything. In order for the matter to move forward, you can talk with Jiv Hiriel. He will ask you to meet after dark at his house. Come at the appointed time, and Jiv will tell you that Dar-Ma is being held captive in the caves under Hackdirt to be sacrificed. He will also give you the key to these dungeons, which you can access from any house in Hackdirt (even those that burned down). He will advise the Argonian to be released at night, when everyone gathers for prayer in the catacombs. In one of the burnt houses there is a hatch into these caves, it will be safest for you to go down from there. The hatch is opened with a master key or the "Key to Hackdirt". Below, you will most likely be met by dirty brothers, kill them and search the catacombs to find a cage with Dar-Ma. Open the cage and bring the prisoner to the surface. Here a cruel surprise awaits you, Dar-Ma will not go further obediently after you, but will head towards his horse on autopilot. Here you will have to protect her from all the crazy city brethren. When Dar-Ma gets to the horse, he will finally begin to obey your commands. After that, it is enough to take her a little away from the city, and she will switch back to her travel program. You can leave Dar-Ma alone and return to Chorrol to her mother. Sid-Nius will thank you for saving his daughter's life and increase your trading skill by 5 points in gratitude. At this point, the task is considered completed.

Assignment #27 (MS 46) Goblin Trouble
This task, due to its specifics, should generally be attributed to settlement quests. You can get it from Bartel Gernand in the Crestbridge camp, which is located southeast of the Imperial City on the Yellow Road. Barthel will tell you that he and his family bought a plot of land in order to establish the settlement of Cropsford north of the camp they are currently in, but the fact is that this place is located right in the middle between the lands of two warring factions of goblins. As a result, on the site of the proposed settlement, skirmishes of goblins took place all the time, which did not allow Gernand's family to settle down normally. Barthel asks you to stop the war between the goblin tribes and will give you advice to speak with the ranger Mirissa, who led his family from High Rock to a new settlement. Mirisa will tell you that the goblin tribes live in the Wooded Cliff and Broken Tree caves (both caves are located northeast of the Crestbridge camp) and are called Rock Gnawing and Bloody Hands, respectively, and will also offer two way to end their feud. The first option involves killing the shaman of the Bloody Hands tribe, and the second option is to confiscate the Goblin Totem Staff from the Rock Gnawing tribe. Whichever option you choose, it will come down to going into one of the caves and killing almost all the goblins in it. If you decide to act according to the second option, then take the extracted "Goblin totem staff" to Mirissa so that she makes sure that the war between the goblins is over. Then go to Bartel and tell him the good news that the goblins no longer fight, and he and his family can return back to the Cropsford construction site. I would not want to upset you, but he will not give you any reward, he will only say that if you look into the settlement in a month, you will be greeted as a hero. At this point, the task is considered completed.

Task #28 (MS 47) Zero visibility
This quest can be obtained from Elswell Settlement, which is located north of the Imperial City on the Red Ring Road. Enter the Elswell Tavern and Diram Sereti will start talking to you. Do not be surprised by his invisibility, he will soon explain the situation to you. Diram will tell you that a magician settled near the village a couple of years ago and began to conduct some kind of magical experiments. As a result of one of these experiments, all the inhabitants of the village of Elswell became invisible. At first, invisibility was even interesting for the villagers, but then various bad rumors about Elswell began to spread. As a result, the prerequisites appeared that invisibility would soon begin to scare travelers and merchants from the village, which would harm Diram's commercial activities. Therefore, he asks you to go to this magician, whose name is Ankotar, and make sure that the magician removes the invisibility from the inhabitants of Elswell. Ankotar lives near the southeast of the village in Fort Caractacus. On the approaches to this fort, invisible beasts will attack you, so be on the lookout. It's not worth defending especially aggressively, since the magician Ankotar can come to your aid, but since he is also invisible, you can hook him too. You should not go inside the fort (in the dungeon), Ankotar is located outside the fort, usually on the second floor. Of course, it will be difficult to search for it due to invisibility, however, all invisible ones are not completely invisible, and they can still be seen by a slight optical distortion. After talking with Ankotar, you will learn that the villagers fell under the influence of his spell by accident, and he is quite ready to rid them of invisibility. To do this, he will give you a scroll with the appropriate spell and say that this scroll will have to be used strictly in the middle of the village. He will also give you Ankotar's Weapon Protection Ring, which will protect you if the spell in the scroll doesn't work properly. After this conversation, return back to the village and stand in the middle of the garden, which is located in front of the "Elswell tavern". Cast a spell here and the spell of invisibility should be broken. Enter the tavern and talk to Diram Sereti, he will thank you for removing the spell from the villagers and say that now you are always a welcome guest in his tavern and all services in the tavern are free for you. This is actually his entire reward. At this point, the task is considered completed.

Mission #29 (MS 48) Lifting the Siege of Kvatch
The task is given by Savlian Matius. He will offer you to take part in lifting the siege of the Daedric army from Kvatch. To do this, you need to close the gates of Oblivion. The gate will be right in front of you. You can enter them by coming close and pressing activation when the door icon appears. After that, you will find yourself in the plane of Oblivion, where various types of Daedra will immediately begin to attack you. When you fight them off, then carefully look around. Ahead of you, the gates will block the road, this time quite ordinary. In order to go further you will have to take a detour. I managed to go around them on the right, although there may be other ways around. But be that as it may, everywhere in the Oblivion plan you will have to fight various Daedra in order to advance at least a little further. Your main goal now is to go to the central tower, in which there will be a gate leading to the Bloody Feast location, that is, inside the tower. In the interior you will also not be able to walk quietly, in each new room you will be waiting for about two Daedra. Your goal in the tower is to climb as high as possible. About halfway you will come across a room with doors that are locked, in order to get the key you need to go to the neighboring tower of a smaller size, which leads to one of the doors in the same room. The passage is carried out through a long bridge, located at a high altitude. In the small tower, go to the very top, and you will see a man named Menien Goneld in a cage. After talking with him, you will learn that your final goal is the Sigil Stone, located on top of the main tower. After this conversation, a Daedra will suddenly appear and attack you, kill him and take the key from him. Head back to the main tower and open the locked doors. Go up again. In the tower, you will come across Bloody and Magic springs, in which you can replenish your health and magic. You will also come across "punished", these are simple containers in which you can find quite a lot of useful scrolls, potions and weapons. In one of the locations, to move, you will have to resort to teleportation services using a round platform called the Rune Portal. When you rise to the very top of the tower, you will see a shining sphere, this is the Sigil Stone. Take it (or rather activate it) and wait a bit, after a while you should be moved to the place where you entered the gates of Oblivion. Go to Savlian Matius, and he will offer you to join the liberators of the city. Together with the liberators of the city, you will need to clear the South Square from the remnants of the Daedra. When all the Daedra are killed, talk to Savlian again and then go with him to the Temple of Akatosh. There, he will speak with a warrior named Tiera and send people with him outside the city, to a safer place, to a temporary refugee camp from Kvatch. After that, talk to Savlian Matius again, and he will say that although the siege from the city has been lifted, he will again need your help. Therefore, if you have a desire to help Savlian in the future, then you just need to talk to him again.

Mission #30 (MS 49) Battle for Castle Kvatch
This mission is a logical continuation of the previous task. To start its implementation, you need to talk with Savlian Matius after completing the task "Removing the siege of Kvatch". He will tell you that you need to help free Kvatch's castle from the Daedra. After Savlian is convinced of your readiness, he will rush through the door of the temple of Akatosh to the square in front of the castle (until you talk to him, you will not be let through this door). There you will be met by a crowd of Daedra, after killing them, talk to Savlian again. Here it turns out that the gates of the castle are closed from the inside, and they can only be opened from there. Soon he will have a plan of action. In one of the towers of the city wall there is a passage leading to the castle, and through it you need to get inside the castle and open the gate. Go back to the temple of Akatosh and find the warrior Berikh Inian there, who will agree to lead you through the cellars of the chapel to the northern city tower. By the way, reinforcements of imperial soldiers will arrive at the temple, they will not interfere with you either, so take these warriors with you. Daedra are waiting for you again in the basem*nt, but this is basically their rearguard compared to the army that is waiting for you on the street. After leaving the Temple, a tough fight awaits you, most likely a dozen different Daedra will attack you at once. When you kill them, move further along the ruined streets until you come to a ruined tower filled with boxes and barrels. In the floor of the tower you will find a hatch, so go down into it. Follow the corridor to the end, and then go upstairs. So you will find yourself near the gate itself next to the mechanism for lifting them. Turn the wheel near the wall and let in Savlian Matius. Here you will again have a hard fight with the Daedra, but already in the courtyard of the castle. Further, following the instructions of Savlian, you will go inside the castle to clear its inner chambers from the Daedra and find the count of the city of Kvatch. After the "Great Hall" of the castle, Savlian will direct you in search of the count. Along the corridor leaving the "Great Hall", go straight to the "Count's Apartments". In the apartment you will find Count Ormelius Cordwine dead. Search the corpse, take a signet ring from it and return to Savlian to give him a valuable ring. In gratitude for your help, Savlian will give you a Kvatch Breastplate enchanted with a couple of useful effects. This is where the task ends.

Assignment No. 31 (MS 51) Canvases in the castle
This task is given to you by Countess Chorrola Arriana Valga. The fact is that a painting was stolen from her, or rather, a portrait of her husband, the late Count Charus Valga. You are given the task to find this picture, and also the initial data for the search for the thief are reported. There are only two suspects: this is the porter Orgnolf and the court magician Chanel. There are also three people who may have seen anything suspicious: Herald Leith Vavrik, Majordomo Orok gro-Ghot, and Guard Captain Bittneldom. In addition, you will need to find material evidence and achieve a sincere confession of the criminal. First you need to interrogate the suspects Orgnolf and Chanel. Of course, they will not tell you anything interesting, both will have stories about what they were doing at the time when the theft was committed. Next, we turn to a survey of people who could see something by chance. Herald Leith Vavrik will tell you that Orgnolf has been behaving strangely lately, for example, often asking for money for drinks. Majordomo Orok gro-Ghot says that he recently found Orgnolf drinking in the western tower, but after a remark Orok made to him, Orgnolf seemed to be on the right track. Guard Captain Bittneldom will tell you that Chanel spends a suspicious amount of time in the west tower. After the survey, we proceed to the search for evidence. The first piece of evidence is paint stains in the castle's dining room. The second piece of evidence is quite well hidden and in order to find it, you will have to look into the western tower of the castle and look for a hatch (it is hidden behind the crates) leading to its lower rooms. There you will see a painting and drawing supplies, from which it will be possible to conclude that someone in the castle is painting. Next, go to Chanel's private quarters, and when she's gone, inspect her room. On the table you will find a music stand, in which you will find brushes and paint, this will be the last third piece of evidence. After that, you can go to Chanel and charge her, she will confess everything and explain the reasons for her act, and also give you the stolen portrait. Return to Arriana Valga and report to her the results of the investigation. Here you have three options. The first is to hand over Chanel to Countess Valga, after which you will receive a decent amount of gold plus 8 gems in addition. Option number two is to say that they did not find anything, but get 4-5 times less money. Although if you later return to Chanel and tell her about your nobility, she will say that in three weeks she will draw a very good picture for you and allow you to train the “Destruction” skill with her. Come back in three weeks and receive a Chorrol Oak Painting worth over 500 Septims. Well, the third option is to blame the innocent Orgnolf for everything, having received about half the amount from the first option, but without precious stones. This concludes the detective mission.

Assignment #32 (MS 52) Origin of the Gray Prince
If you have not yet killed the Grand Champion of the Imperial Arena Agronak gro-Malog, then you have the opportunity to take on the task from Agronak to find evidence of his noble origin. You can find Agronak gro-Malog in the arena building in the rooms where the fighters train. He will tell you where to start when looking for evidence, and will also give you a key, the purpose of which he will not know himself. You will need to go to a fort called Raven's Rest, which is located in the very west of the province, north of Anvil. The fort consists of two locations, in the first of the opponents you will meet only wolves, and in the second you can not go at all (vampires live there), since the purpose of your trip is in the first part of the fort. Your task will be to find a door that will fit the key given by Agronak. Opening it, you will find yourself in the chambers of Lord Lovidicus, after examining which you will find his diary. Now you can return back to Agronak with evidence of his noble origin. In gratitude for the information obtained, he will increase your Swords, Parry and Athletics skills by three points. At this point, the task is considered completed.

Task #33 (MS 91) Mazoga Orc
The task is given to you by Count Marius Karo. He is very interested in an orc named Mazoga. Some time ago, Mazoga arrived at Llavin's castle, claiming to be a knight. At the same time, her purpose of being in the castle is not very clear. The Count asks to collect as much information as possible about the orc and tell him. After talking with Mazoga, you will get the impression that something is not right with her head, since the orc will claim that she was born from a rock and is a free knight. Holding on to Mazog would be very arrogant. The only thing you can learn from her is that she needs the Argonian hunter Weebam-Na, and Mazoga wants you to bring him to her. You can start looking for this hunter, the count will not mind. You will find Weebam-Na in his house in Llavin, he will agree to meet with Mazoga (if he does not agree, then raise his attitude towards you). At the meeting, Mazoga will ask Weebam-Na to escort her to a place called Fisherman's Rock. Wibam-Na will set the condition that he must know why he is taking Mazoga there. She refuses to say anything, as a result, Weebam-Na will not lead Mazogu anywhere and will go for a walk about her business. Approach Mazoga and offer her your help as a guide. By the way, if you ask her why she needs to go to the Fisherman's Rock camp, she will slightly open the veil of mystery for you. In the Fisherman's Rock camp there should be a certain Mogens the Master of the Winds, from whom she wants to learn some information. This camp is located on the right bank of the Niben River to the north of Lyavin. When you bring Mazoga to the camp, she will immediately start a conversation with Mogens. The orc will accuse Mogens of killing her friend Ra'Vindra, and although Mogens will deny everything, Mazoga will attack him. You will have nothing left to do but help her deal with Mogens and his comrades. After all the bandits are destroyed, talk to Mazoga and learn the details of the story of the murder of Ra'Vindra and how Mazoga decided to become a knight. Return to Marius Caro and tell him everything that happened. He will be very inspired by the story of the nobility of Mazoga and will offer you and her the title of knights if you and Mazoga complete one of his instructions, however this is already the beginning of the next quest.

Task #34 (MS 92) Knights of the White Stallion
To become the wandering knights of the White Stallion, you and Mazoga need to eliminate the Black Bow gang, led by a certain Black Brugo. This gang is terrorizing the neighborhood of Lyavin, and Count Marius Caro really needs your help in ridding his county of these criminals. For the details of finding the Black Bow gang, Count Caro sends you back to Mazoga, because she must know the location of this group. Mazoga will be waiting for you already in Llavin's castle. She will tell you that Black Brugo usually comes to collect the proceeds at midnight in the Ayleid ruins of Telepe, which are located not far northwest of Llavin. Approaching the ruins, you will have to fight a little with the Black Bow bandits, and several bandits will be waiting for you inside. The Telepe ruins themselves are quite small, so you won’t have much to do while waiting for the Black Brugo. Although it will be useful to collect all the black bows that you find from the bandits in your backpack. Black Brugo might arrive a little before midnight, around nine o'clock, so be on the lookout. He will appear not alone, but with assistants, but I think this is not a problem for a real hero. Kill all three, collect black bows and return to Marius Karo. For the murder of Black Brugo, he will dedicate you and Mazog (if she is still alive) to the Knights of the White Stallion, give the key to the White Stallion inn (it is located north of Llavin on the banks of the Niben River), and also promise a reward of 100 gold for each killed bandit from the Black Bow gang, that is, in fact, for each black bow brought to him. At this point, the task is considered completed.

Mission #35 (MS 93) Anvil Ghost Ship
This task is given to you by the sorceress Varula, who is in the port of Anvil on the ship "Awakening the Serpent". She will ask you to get her Crystal Ball from the hold of the ship, which Varula brought from Summerset Isle. She herself cannot do this, since all the interior of the ship is teeming with ghosts. After all the explanations, Varula will give you the key to the premises of the Serpent Awakening ship. As soon as you find yourself inside the ship, you can immediately go downstairs, where a couple of ghosts will attack you. Having dealt with them, go down to the deck below, into the hold. There you will also be met by a couple of ghosts, after which you can safely search for the Crystal Ball, it is located in one of the chests. Take it and go back upstairs, and if you want additional profit, you can look into the captain's cabin. A ghost will meet you in it, but after killing him, you can loot the treasure chest located in the cabin. Return the Crystal Ball to Varula and she will reward you with the Blood Wave Saber with the health drain effect. This task will be completed.

(c) Extinct
I want to express my deep gratitude to Karrambe for their invaluable help in preparing this material.

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