Wichita Falls Times from Wichita Falls, Texas (2024)

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Wichita Falls, Texas

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MONDAY SEPTEMBER 1 1130 WICHITA DAILY TIMES Twenty Years Ago Today From Files Wlchlia Tlmee The Otibe Over By a PHILLIPS NEW YORK WICHITA DAILY TIMES WICHITA PAUJ TEXAS Published by THE TIMES COJirAXY tally Aftcnonn gluts nd Btiixlny 'WICHITA PA UJ KKCOHO HKWI (Matnlnf) Small) Ml gntcrad at the PostofUes lb WlrJilU Kill Tmi as Second Class Hall Matter Under Act el March A im TIIE SITUATION IN ILLINOIS Anti-Saloon league leaden In Illinois) dlMatli-fled with the altitude of Mrs McCormick toward prohibition are threatening to put an independent Into tha aenatorial content Mra McCormick former ly a aupportcr of prohibition aaid recently that if the referendum resulted In a wet victory aha would vote accordingly That displeased tha league chief taina who had been prepared to aupport her candi- Police Trail New Leads in Slaying of Jack Zuta Tha Tlmra Publishing ta ncqulnd I ha Wlchlia ralla Record Heard April tod 1C2A ju i dacyuand rauacd them to atart laying plana for an independent An independent dry in the Illinoia penatorial rare would gum up tha rarda no little Such an independent could win if ho received the united sup-port of the dry while Ham Lew la and Mra McCormick were dividing the wet votea between them Lewia ia an outapoken wet and would probably Buffer lena from the entry of a dry candidate than would Mra McCormick We may aea auch a blurring of party lints in Illinoia that the Democratic and Republican labcla will become meaningless Without' a dry candidate in tha race Mra McCormick would get moat of the dry vole plua the vote of thoae who are Republican! first and anti-prohibitionist! afterward With auch a candidate in the contest chances would be greatly Ira- National Representative: Kata Special Advertising Aimer HIT North Hlchlpaa A vacua Chlrano Wax Fort lath Stmt New Vorfe Mona Cork Bullrtinit laa rnnelam Republic Bank Bunding Dallas Taxal -Wnklhain BulMlag Kaaaa City Ocncral Mutora Ruthling Iietrait Mich IM Uliana aad lauthcfu Bans Bldg Atlanta Oa In mac at nmr or onUss-on la Inal nr othar advertisem*nts tha cubllatirr duca not hold nlmsslf Hobla (or danraga further thaa tbo amount rccalvM by him toe cucB idrortlclng nriMraiPTioN bates The tally aod Maaday Thnn By earner in Wlcbitn rule and nU Texaa aad Oblahoeia townai TRACED TO INDIANA Concern Operated Only Month and Shipped 30 Guns at Time J- SOUTHAMPTON Yc-It had never occurred to me that the Imminence of tragedy could or would present a situation which later recalled something that might have been written by Ring Lardnar with a dash of Ernest Hemingway Yet hero It waa A man within a few feet of the chore was not only threatening to drawn but to cany the plump young blond girl at his aids along with him It happened something ilk this: I had been coating for weak fish and blueflsh In tha Yacht club channel at the National Golf dob point get a strlka My wife wandered nearby gathering sheila Dorothy lay upon tha aandamaaed at my patience A party of alx arrived Five were women All wore bathing suite Four of tha women were middle-aged One was elderly One was young: Tha man and tha youngest girl paddled on a long sandbar which suddenly plunged ta considerable depth In the channel The tide had turned A swift current was running I had rowed against a similar current the day before It was hard going "Let's go home not getting anytning" my wire waa saying Just a few more caste The Just I pleaded Tha man and tha gill had slid out Into deep water "What's that fellow trying to do anyway swim backward?" I heard my wife saying I looked up But the man wasn't trying tq swim backward Ha was trying to get ashore He swim well Ha had a weak "dog fashion" stroke He waa trying to get aehore and ha make- It Tha snoot desperate look I have ever seen waa carved upon hie faea Tha girl swimming at his aide was beginning to look Worried Then bis head disappeared When It reappeared the girl reached for 1C The man cried for help Hie voice carried weakly Tha four women in hit parte looked about la unbelief They al-taioat smiled My wife I saw was taking off her ahoea Bo waa Dorothy I picked np my fish pole and ran along tha sand bar plunging In with my elothea you reach tha pole?" shouted Tha struggling man didn't answer He just grabbed The struggling girl grabbed him I began to pull them In And at that moment tha pole (or rather rod) I lulled spurt at tha jolnta But tha Ins atlU dangled I shouted to grab the line He did Tha four women In hla party had gathered around Wa pulled him ashore He collapsed In shallow water pal" ha aald waa a close call" Tha four women In tha party began to chatter like magpies or like Ring Lardner characters "Why they told me It waa perfectly safe here The Idea! I the slightest notion he waa drowning" "Thanks the fallow gasped' again And to my later amassment I found myself moralizing: "You want to look out for theaa channels when tha tide's running When caught that way tha only thing to do la to drift with It ana let It take yon In You'll drift on a sand bar "Thank you paL I'd of drowned If you hadn't been there" It was tha blond girl's turn waa right alongside of him and didn't know It until I saw him go down" Everyone began to talk at once "How did they dam tell ms It was safe bathing bars! I never aaw auch a treacherous place Wa were all pretty near drowned by an undertow ut Rockaway beach one time" "Yea I think they should have told to think we all sat then and even guess" Tha elderly woman wore a sickly allly -grln Tha man fell limply on the sand and after a minute came weakly to hla feet and held out hla hand pal" for tha umpty-eecond time know what I would have dona I waa Just about gone" Suddenly It all seemed funny began to laugh So did my wife and Dorothy Wa walked away leaving Hie group chattering: a heck of a reporter" my wife suddenly remarked didn't even ask him hla name" bad It wasn't soms beautiful young millionaire society girl' commented Dorothy And that apparently la tha way things happen at a near-drowning Or at least at this one SWAN One moulb ddd Delivered with the WkhIU Mia Haeerd Newi (Morning gig tayal (ir ItlW Per Month By wall In Tenaa aad Oklahoma advaaoa: On month tint To Tana month! iegeapeeteeggobeebedbeMeidaaeabOba llUI Wn months MTI One year BH By mall ouUlda of Turns aad Oklahoma ta advance: One month dftc Them monthe din month! One year MAUO Tha Sunday or Weekly TUara by mail ta nay address eoilret: Six month It 78 One year 1M REGULAR cm CARRIER SERVICE -Should you not receive vour copy of Vim Tlmra by tamer by I adoek In I hr evening on ureen dnye and 7:10 o'clock oa Sunday morning plrua 'ileptons the etmilatton department 4311 before 7 oclodl In the evrnlng or before 1:30 on Sunday morning and a copy will bo oont out by eperlal memenger It le our dndra to giro oubatrthvm prompt and aatlelactnry eervlet and wo will nppeeelato your notlfytag ua during the Washington Hews (As it may coma through now that President Hoover has had that Tom Thumb golf course made on his Rapldan retreat) President Hoover held a conference today with Chairman Legga of tha farm board regarding a taps to relleva tha farmer of hia surplus wheat Tha senelon las ten two hours Chairman Legga beating tha president by four putts Federal expense are rising at such an alarming rate against shrinking revenuee that the govern ment faces a financial crisis tha presldont waa told by Secretary Mellon In a spirited discussion "Continuance of the Income tax out la aald Ms- Mellon who then startled tha president bjr getting an ace on tha difficult No I hole sending his ball up a wooden Incline through a hole In a log and Into the cup on a rolling green President Hoover when asked what steps the government would take to Increase revenues said: should have seen mo yesterday I went around In even threes Mwraw Conferences of tha Wlckersham anti-crime eommlaslon are continuing at President Hoover'd woodland camp It la understood tha commission ia greatly disturbed by tha growing evldencea of lawlessness and seeks preeidential Indorsem*nt of radical proposals to curb crime The sessions have been private and no details of what has taken place have leaked out but it was reported through a source claee to the White House today that Mr Wlckersham had told the president that his putting waa lousy Other members of the commission contended that Mr Hoover would do better if he used a shorter grip and stood over the ball more President Hoover today Met with Secretary of Agriculture Hyde and six governors on tha drouth crisis which all declared had now been averted main thing note la rehabilitation" aald Secretary Hyde miming a ot e-foot putt for an easy four on tha third green farmer has beta hit hard declared President Hoover although heavy rains have saved his crape we must now unite Here he tapped hie ball ever so carefully and elatedly watched It roll through a pipe and into the cup for a hole in one '1 took my time that time continued the president think most September 1818 One of the mast enjoyable social vent -of tha antlr weak waa ths danea and moonlight picnic on Wednesday ovenlng at ths Colonnade given by the young men of the city In honor of four vlaltlng young ladles The names of the hoa-orees were engraved on the first page of tha program and were as follows: Mies Lillian Denney Mies Lanean Kenner Miss if ary Cates REVOLVER NUMBER IS Miss Colli Fires Fourteen program numbers and a number of encores wars given by an excellent orchestra Tbs evening proved one of unusual merriment and tha personnel of the party Included besides tha honor! ee if lazes lets White Sadia Willie Mss and Carrie Kelt Bell Kate Ssuterfit Lena Matlock Della King Edna Goa ton Adel Gibson UUIon Avia Mlsaea White-lock lleiera Marlon Lamar and Ernest Fain Smith Wilson Bennett Thomas Darnell MeGlasson Meyer Bonner Taylor Pyle Britain Johnson Jonas Heath Witt-mn Dr Mackechney Mr and Mrs Woods Mr and Mrs Moors Mr and Mra Low ray Mr and Mra Costa Mr and Mrs Frith Little Note Book BY USE PAPE Pop waa smoking to himself and was darning holes out of stockings saying Its a strange thing Wlllyum but there reely seems to be such a thing ad a taw of com-tensation in this Ufa Ws seem to ra capable of feeling Just so much Joy or sorrow as ths case may ba and after that wt're btasxayi and then on the other hand if ha vent hod many thrills or sorrows it takes Uttta or nuthing to thrill us or make us sad aha ted I bleeve yours rite pop sad It seems to ms Ivo herd some auch opinion expressed before but I bleeve your rite Failure and success both become monotonies If taken In largo teddy doses With tha possible exception of drawing a royal strata flush at poker I dont bleeve any grata moment In a man's Ilfa could xlve him the am thrill twice But what grate dlzslllualonmen) has overwhelmed rou Into this depth of fillaaophy? ie zed Well HI tell you im aed I was around at Gtaddlaea house today to help her with some window curtains that she had tha mistaken Ideer she could do herself and suddenly out of blua sky aha caned me in an excited voice to run up' end look at tha baby Well to say that my hart stood (till would be a mild understatement axually seemed to go bockwerde I hod unexpressed visions of the mast inexpressible calamities How I ever got up to the nerscry Thomas Edison himself could never of found out And here Ini ted of a calamity It was ths baby's 2nd tooth Just coming out through hie lower gums Well would you bleeve me the alts scarcely moved me at ill Of eons I woe glad to ae It and aU that but In comparison to the exaltec tat I was In when hla ferat tooth earn through I waa Ilka a frost bitten Sflnx In tha desert And that what gives me the Impression that when It comes to ths amu moments of life each human bean ta etrlckly limited to one thrill of each kind she aed Ita sad to think of she aed -We better not think of it pop And he got behind the sporting page and mi kepp on darning holes out of stockings CHICAGO Sept cry of a mail order firm guns to gangsters set on the trail today of two In the slaying of Jack northalde gang leader Numbers on a revolver aside when an attempt was on life ia tha loop months ago ware traced to order concern at Gary Ind operated only for one month wee known to have received guna In one 4hlpmept In consequence of tbe detectives were seeking known ae A Darling times used the name of Darling Identified as the of the gun firm was ba living in tha East with wife of a Chicago The other men drawn Into was Ted Newberry tang ter who formerly ha Moran gang which Zuta as business manager Newberry was reported "kept under cover" for a cottage occupied by Darling wife near Millar Ind Hi with Derilng and the of the bullets which ended Uta In a Wisconsin roadhouse he was "put on tha spot' was fired from a revolver to those shipped to Darling to link Newberry with that of Zuta police said AMERICAN MATADOR AGAIN AFTER MASTERFUL CALAHORRA Spain Striving valiantly fb his waning prestige by doubly the flamboyant spirit of audience tbe American Sidney Franklin two bulla In tha oday Hie masterful feat awarded wide acclaim bringing a mile to weary Since suffering the home of several bulls occasionally to dispose of the animals Franklin has been subjected to boo in ths arena' HAROLD LLOYD AND WIFE ADOPT HOLLYWOOD Calif Wide-eyed little Elisabeth for the first time five yean of life will Save home beginning tomorrow And her hom*o will be than the sumptuous Benedict mansion of Harold film comedian It waa today Tomorrow A THOUGHT FOR TODAY Let ant the mm go down upon your wrath 4:28 -Anger manages everything 8tadlus ALL CONVENIENCES Windows you open with chisel and frequently ehiiel them ahut Bedsprings that Bag in tha middle a roof that Iraki bucketaful but Describing the cottage in winter with something of pride in our tone 1 We tell that our home for the summer has every convenience known We've an ica box shy a few hinges and six or seven doors without locks If the children get rough on the porch swing the upper floor jiggles and rocks The window shades fly from the rollers tha carpets are thredded and frayed Dut please don't forget for a minute every convenience made WASHINGTON LETTER Dtocov that supplied police new figures Zuta tossed male eaveral a mail which end 30 discovery a mml who et Denman operator reported to the divorced physician the inquiry Capone was with served-' to have time In a and hie connection fact one Zuta's when apparently simitar served staying IS FAVORITE FEAT Sept 1 restore pleasing a Spanish matador qnlckly dle-istehed ring here him pleased countenance Injury at and falling quickly recently and derisions ORPHAN Sept 1 Marjorie In her real none other Canyon Lloyd ta-moui teamed the noted lawyer will present in court a formal request for tha adoption of Marjorie Elisabeth by Mr and Mrs Lloyd who discovered the child In a Pasadena orphan's home about a year ago ana have been planning for monthe to make her a little slater to their own daughter 6-year-old Gloria Lloyd Reve cold water always and sometimes on lucky trouble in putting comes ae a re- suit of hurrying the stroke days water that hot The conference broke up later In we've mirrors you see your face in a clock the day due to a fight between the that strikes twelve when fts not governor of Nmth Carolina and tha We've a radio burdened with static a lawn that for weeks has been brown But still it is true that our cottage has every convenience of town governor of South Carolina over the aetlon of the governor of Kansas In moving his ball from under an inverted water bucket on the ground it waa out of bounds GENERAL HENRY ALLEN When the national army was being formed in 1918 the task of training the troops from Texas and Oklahoma wag aiaigned to a veteran officer General Henry Allen lie performed that task so well after heading tha 90th diviiion in France he Was given a new and more difficult task that of commanding tha American army of occupation in Germany That task involved military skill plus some of the arts of the diplomat and tha statesman It waa a task that could very easily have been bungled The man assigned to it did not bungle General adventure into politica in 1028 when he fought the Democratic vice presidential nomination availed him nothing He exemplified the traditional ineptitude of the soldier in politic But no one questions that he richly curved the honor he Bought Thoae who served under him will remember General ilen ae a highly efficient officer a commander who combined military leadership with human understanding a man who did his work well By RODNEY DUTCHER NEA Service Writer It may seem funny to think '6f tha federal board of tax appeals as an agency for the censorship of fne speech and suppression of academic freedom but the Idea la not too funny to be There will be no meeting of the true resident's cabinet this week due to In Its own little way the board ard feelings caused by an accuse- of tax appeals has stepped up tion by the secretary of the in- alongside the postofflee department terior that the secretary of com- customs service and tha Meth-merce took a seven on the fifth and odist board of temperance prohl-gavt himself a par four bltlon end publie morale! whose This place is all right for the summer we love it up here the pines tut weary of flies and mosquitoes and bugs of tremendous designs Though every convenience heard of I often remark with a smirk 111 be glad to back to the city where all the conveniences work In Ita educational activities Whether Ita education Is controversial political or immediately pr remotely effective I think beside the point" The ruling In the I case war made some months ego but received no general attention at the time The is expected to make a test eaee of It by appealing to the federal circuit court of appeals for a review of the decision NEGROES GUARDED FROM MOB AFTER ATTACK ON WOMAN AND HUSBAND PUEBLO Cols Bept 1 Fear of mob violence caused offlcera lost night to remove three negrdea who hod been arrested earlier tor on alleged assault on a white woman Tha woman was attacked by three men after they hid bound and gaged her and her husband in holdup on the PuebloOuion City highway The three men left In the couple's car The three suspects Bam Johnson Pueblo 22 Ellis Byrd IB and Jim Thbmss 24 both of Hasway Texas were taken to another city for safe keeping YOUNG BELGIAN COUNT KILLED BY WAITRESS IN FIT OF JEALOUSY The Market Oh crash the brace And sound the horn For Steel la up An eighth this mom! Assail the drum With might and main For motors nearly Held a gain! Oh lead the fatted Calf to For "Can" is almost Up a quarter! 84th street 38 McKenna furnished room brothers or The New York World Another rap at family ties! i King Carol has bestowed on Mussolini the iGreat Cordon of Carol the highest Rumanian order As if Mussolini been In enough trouble lately As a follower of the Ladles Air Derby Emory Kluck wants to know If an lakes off by parachute without first powdering her nose? PERU OFFICIAL STILL PRISONER ON SKIP EDDIE CANTOR'S WIFE LOSES 20000 GEMS IN Q0TEL BURGLARY Problems of 1930 GLENN FRANK of Wisconsin and Former the Century Magaslna McClure Ntwepaser Brsdieaiei the National Council of the League a crop of the elected separately from each ballot voted on the problems paramount in American life in 1930 picked in the order of relative established and with the number problem received are given below: Justice 2209 votes 2068 votes Disrespect for Law 1609 votes 1842 votes IHI votes 1235 votes Relief 096 votea 877 votea 882 votea Limitation of Armaments 811 votes Natural Resources Government 810 votes 735 votes SHALL CALIFORNIA DIVIDE ITSELF7 Since the victory of Mayor James Rolph of San Francisco in the California Republican gubernatorial primary tha talk of dividing California has been heard with more earnestness than ever before San Francisco and the more northerly counties of California gave "Sunny Rolph a heavy vote which proved sufficient fora plurality when Gov Young and Buron Fitts divided the Los Angeles and southern California vote between them If California had the double primary system Rolph would probably lose in tha rnn-off For southern California would give its united aupport to Young who ran second and tha drya would likewise offer solid opposition to Rolph Rolph has been five times mayor of San Francisco Ua Is a municipal politician of the old school Ipdieving firmly in taking chre of his friends and rewarding tha faithfuL He la just exactly the sort of man that southern California want to see become governor The Los Angeles Times has been sounding the tocsin very loudly since the primary The J- RellloB northern and southern parte of California differ in uc Paramount By President of University Editor of 1 comment Early in the year National Economic alert and able minds state by preferential they considered The problem! they importance they of votes each 1 Administration of 2 Prohibition A Lawlessness 4 Crime 9 Law Enforcement A World Peace 7 Agriculture Farm A Taxation A World Court 10 Reduction 1L Conservation of IA Efficient Democratic IA Individual Liberty BRUSSELS Belgium Sept Lte) Count De Brockhoven 22-year-old member of the Belgian nobility was shot by a 20-yea cold waitress In a Brussels cafe today and died shortly after being admitted to hospital The waitress who le alleged to have fired the shots In a fit of JeaV-ouay was held by the police Her name ia Marie Scheer She attempted to commit suicide but succeeded only in wounding herself In 'the thigh RIOTING MOSLEMS AND HINDUS ARE DISPERSED ATLANTIC CITY Sept Jewelry burglars again Invaded the exclusive Ambassador hotel here for the third time within month police were Informed today when tha wife of Eddla Cantor famous stag and eorecn star reported theloes of 82tMI00 worth of jewelry The theft waa discovered by Mrs Cantor upon tha return of neraelf and husband from a theater party Tha loot had been taken from a bureau drawer Mr and Mrs John Edward Johnston of Baltimore hod reported the theft of several thousand dollars worth of Jewelry earlier In the day On Aug 1 Mra Ruth Rnrry of Cleveland waa robbed of gema worth 85500 The thief or thieves have been using a muster key to gain admittance to the room of the marked ueeta police beilove Despite all heir vlligance however no traces have been uncovered of the burglars HURLEY AND SHIPPERS i CONFER ON CHANNEL rlimatc soil and traditions The division often talked of but seldom seriously urged would be a rather logical one victory may hasten it custom of censoring reading matter le one of long standing Control Over Education The board bee ruled that-contributions to educational Institutions whose teachings are controversial end critical of tha prevailing economic and social system cannot be deducted In making federal income tax calculations Whether It can make such ruling stick probably will be decided in the federal court If tha ruling standi thle mall section of the government will be given an Important hold on American educatibnal Institutions because If the tax board does not approve an educational Inetitutlon ae an educational Institution within the meaning of tha federal revenue act Ite entire Income le bereft of the tax-exempt privilege The com where the board made Its unusual ruling was that of Mrs Berthe Weyl of New York who claimed she was entitled to make Income tax deductions for contributions to the League for Industrial Democracy In 1922 and 1928 bureau of Internal revenue challenged the deductions holding that the contributions did not come under taxation act provisions covering contributions to non-profit-making associations "organised and operated for exclusively educational purposes" The board admitted In lti ruling that the was engaged In for new social order baaed on production for use and not for profit'' and that it activities consisted of and eeonomlo research the preparation end distribution of perfiphlete 'among Ite members colleges and others tha arranging of lectures conferences and debates tha quarterly publication of a Newa Bulletin1 end the organisation of students societies at unlveraltlen end college" But the board said this an association and operated exclusively for educational purposes" It went out of ita way to assume a prerogative for that would aeem to set a precedent tor ruling against some inetitutlon In the future on the ground that It taught the sphericity of the earth Tha board aald In effect that the I I waa not entitled to consideration because the board Hka tha things It was teaching "The leaguef literature area dl-- Tvcted very largely to political mst- CBept Liters rather than educational said the majority opinion written by Judge Rogers Aran-dell league advocated drastic political and economic changes which are directly at oddb with existing economic theories and practices upon which society la founded In this country and which pervade our ayatem of government end it ia hardly to be presumed that congress Intended to foster ouch Institutions ter Including them within the classification of Institutions TORONTO Sept Capt which arf encouraged ae a matter Errol Boyd hopped off from here of public policy ae to good thii morning bound for Montreal preparatory To the start of hia pro- Judgea John Stem ha gen and jeeted transatlantic flight John Marquette dlaaentcd from Captain Boyd's furthar progress that opinion upholding Mrs Weyl depends on tha weather He hopes deductions however to take off for England Aeaall Majority Ruling within the next few days I "There are few branches of learn-Captain Boyd bid farewell to htatng which escape controversy1 family at his summer home on Rternhagen wrote "Freedom of LIMA Pern Sept 1 (UP)-The prefect of Lima told tha United Praia today he wee authorised to announce that turner President Auguste Lsguia still was held prisoner on board the cruiser Admiral Grau The prefect said previous announcements that Leguia had been removed to Ban Lorenzo prison tele were Incorrect ae officials hod decided at the Inst minute to follow tha advice of physicians not to remove tha former president who ta ill Improvement In Legula'e condition will be awaited before removing him to the prison tela the prefect aald GIRL FUER OFF ON CANADA-MEXIC0 HOP VANCOUVER Ruth Alexander California giri flyer hopped off at 2:15 this morning on a non-atop flight to Ague Uallenta ex lea The youthful avlntrtx hope to establish a new record of 14 hour for the Canada to Mexico flight CANADIAN FUER OFF TO START OCEAN HOP The HOOVER AND CUESTS SPEND DAY AT 8 PRESIDENTIAL CAMP' RAPI-dan River Vo Bept President Hoover and hla guests arcs early today and started to get In aa much relaxation and recn-tlon aa they could before 2 o'clock when the party will leave hy motor for Washington As usual the guests selected their own pastime some playing miniature golf and ether games while others went horseback riding and talking along tha mountain trails Mr Hoover moved up hla hour of departure in -order to get a full night's rezt pt the White House tonight before making hla motor Journey to Baltimore tomorrow whrio he will review pared to be Ringed by tko Veterans of Foreign Wars In convention 1 4 FIVE OF 7 ESCAPED i CONVICTS AT LARGE HOUSTON Cent 1 WFiv white convicts of seven who rs eiped from the Imperial etuis prison farm near 3rgarland shortly after midnight still were at liberty early trdny Prison offlclels mid those ttlll free were A Bruton Robert Jncknnn 28 cervlng 10 yet re and Bill Reed 24 and Jim Talley 21 serving from five to 10 ytars 672 votes 654 votea 644 votes 613 votes 611 votea 592 votes 670 votes 567 votes 554 Votes 521 votes 512 votes NR votes 500 votes 465 votes 455 votea 449 votea 440 votea 435 votes 435 votea 432 votea 434 votes 411 votes 400 votes LONDON Sept 1 (INS)-Riot-Ing Moslems and Hindus In ths Bhatpura mill area wars dispersed by police today after many of ths rioters suffered Injuries according to Calcutta Central News dispatch-os Charging Into ths screaming mob police seised and Jailed 20 of tbe ringleaders driving off ths others FIVE MEMBERS OF ONE FAMILY DIE IN WRECK I A Law Revision Federal and State 17 League of Nations IA Unemployment IB Political Corruption 20 Child Welfare 2L Flood Control 22 Consolidation and fiergera 28 rim 24 Eugenie Defectives 28 Desecration Nat Beauty in America 26 Moral and Ethical Standards 27 Election Laws 28 Economic Distribution 29 Highways and Waterways 10 Group Banking 81 Penology Prison Reform 32 Cooperation vs Competition 13 Motor Traffic Regulation 34 Freedom of Speech and Press J5 Stabilisation of Business In addition to these 35 problems receiving from 400 to 2209 votes there were 15 problems that received 300 to 400 votes in the following order of Importance: Drug Truffle State Rights Citizenship Centralization of Money and Power Immigration Aviation Old Age Tensions and Insurance Public Health Installment Buying Marriage and Divorce Investment Trusts Speculation in Storks and Foodstuffs Foreign Trade Policy Use of Leisure Time and Latin American Relations Thera were 14 problems that received from 200 to 300 votes in the' following order of importance: Religion Labor Problems Finance Thrift end Extravagance Public Utilities National Defense Calender Simplification Public Bafety Industrialism end Agriculture Negro Problem Federal Reserve System Russia Country Life Problems and Radicalism There wen 18 problems that drew from 70 to 105 votes' in the following order of importance: Railroads Lobbying City Life Problems Federal License and Control at Corporations Radio Mftchant Murine Governmental Principles and Politics Civil Service Land Policy Interstate Commerce Housing Publie Charities and United Steles Patent Lews Look at this list segregate the problems that cell for kind of technical equipment that democracy rarely gets In its elected leadership end one of basic difficulties strikes you full in tha face I I Visit the Big House MINNEAPOLIS Minn Bept 1 Bocratary of War Hurley met today with Twin City shipper and elvle officials in an attempt to reconcile whatever divergencies remain between their view on development of the upper Mississippi river after which he planned to begin hie long Journey down the river to New Orleans Minneapolis and St Paul business men presented to Hurley memorandum explaining why they believed a nine-foot channel should be dredged from St Ixmla to the Twin Cities without delay Although tha secretary and local Interests or thoroughly in accord os to tha necessity of ultimata creation of the channel the time and manner of the development still are under dlacueeon WOMAN HITCH-HIKER STABS FARM HAND IN RAGE OVER ADVANCES THE PROPOSED CRIMINAL COURT REFORMS A The proposed reforms in criminacourt procedure which were endorsed last week by the state organisation of county and district attorney of Texaa constitute a sound and sensible program for making the administration of justice more -effective and less cumbersome The changes recommended are PasMge of a error" or anti-technicality law which would limit the cause on which tha court of criminal appeals may reverse eases To permit the prosecutor and the jury to discuss the failure of defendant to testify' In hla own be-' half Making It optional' with the judge as to whether persons Jointly Indicted shall have separate trials Permitting tha wife of a defendant to ba cross-examined on all points of the cbm Requiring affidavits of belief of Insanity after conviction to be by two reputable physicians before a hearing In ordered The enactment of any of these changes would be step forward The enactment of all of them would effcc a healthful change In criminal procedure If we might choose one of the1 recommendations rs being most desirable our choice would be a law permitting discussion by attorneys and jurors of a defendant's failure to testify for himself Innocent men do not need do not ask the tremendous ad- vantage which the present rule gives to defendants Thf failure of a defendant to testify is a circ*mstance that weiglu with every juror even though he is not permitted to discuss it and is presumed to perform the mental gymnastics necesnary to prevent hia even thinking about it In many cases the defendant ia kept off the witness stand in the hope that some juror will forget or ignore the rule and thus make reversal sure Common sense demands that the rule be changed It ia encouraging to note that the member of the organization unanimously approved the recommendations It ia encouraging also to note that the new presiding officer Senator Witt approves the program lie can help materially to get legislative action 1 TURNER Ora Sapt 1 Flva adult members of one family wen killed outright here today when the Southern Pacific's Went Coast Limited struck and demolished i car it the Battle Creek crossing just Inside the city limits The dead are: Mix Briggs Turner Mlia lues Earnest Turner Mrs A Robertson Turner 1 Mrs Herbert Briggs Portland Mine Irene Robertson Turner THere were no witnesses to the tragedy except the angina crew of the limited and It had not been determined a few hours after tha wreck whether the automobile had tailed on ths tracks or whether the occupants failed to ace the approaching train Tha cor was driven by Mrs Robertson FOUR BURNEDIN BLAST -ABOARD FISHING BOAT i BAN PEDRO Calif Sept 1 A 40-foot fishing boat woe destroyed four men were seriously burned and targe lumber dock woe threatened by an explosion and fir aboard the commercial fishing craft Klvern early today Two fire bonis and four shore-fire companies bottled the fire The lira bool towed the biasing craft to Lake Slmcoe yesterday thought and difference of opinion are essentia! to education and progress Thera Is no Justification for reading Into ths Statute qualifies' Oklahoman Killed In Fall OKLAHOMA CITY Sept (UP) Easley SO was Instant-! Hons that we must be In agrre-ly killed here today when he fell ment with the thesis or that ths from the top of a 70-fnot derrick In subject is one which os we gums ths Oklahoma City oil field Eat- congress wanted to taster To SACRAMENTO? CaUf Bept 1 Enraged by the unwelcome attentions of a farm laborer while she wee hitch-hiking from Ogden Utah to Ban Francisco Mra Myrtle Bell 28-yearold divorcee early today stabbed to death John Rlrhetta 40 at the ranch home of Thomas Ferrari Bear Wilton 20 miles north of her Do you have a spare bedroom or vacant apartment? Why not run elaeriftrd advertisem*nt In the I Times aad Record Adv REDUCTION on All Want Ada appearing in The Times and Record News by bringing your ml to the office and paying cash Do your Want Ad buying on the "rash and cany" plan Phone J1 and Information Want Ad Department me It seems that the tax deduction waa to foster any educations corporation described In 'the statute whether lie teaching barring extremes was In my opinion sound or unsound llhral or ranaervntlve Bologna 43 Ann Pedro John Mnrk iso king ns It waa genuine and pur 128 Los Angeles deep water where It submerged The (Injured nil members of the craw of the Elvers were Capt Frank 1 Turlglnne 05 Ban Pedro Jrenmo Iturao 24 and Dominick toy' wife lives at Enid School opens soon Why not rent your bedroom or apartment to traehen or students? A small want ad In (he Times anil Rertlrd News way bring results- Adv.

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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Author information

Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.