Treasury Bonds vs. Treasury Notes vs. Treasury Bills (2024)

The federal government sells fixed-income securities, including Treasury bonds, Treasury notes, and Treasury bills, prized by conservative investors for their low risk and predictable income. Treasury bonds are long-term government securities with a maturity period of more than 10 years, and you get twice-yearly interest payments and the bond's face value at maturity.

Treasury notes are medium-term, ranging from two to 10 years, and are otherwise the same, with semiannual interest payments and the face value when they mature. Treasury bills mature within a year, do not pay interest, and are sold at a discount to the face value that you get at maturity.

Key Takeaways

  • Treasury bonds (T-bonds), Treasury notes (T-notes), and Treasury bills (T-bills) are government-issued fixed-income securities that are very low risk.
  • Treasury bonds typically mature in 20 or 30 years and offer the highest coupons or interest, which are paid twice yearly.
  • Treasury notes mature from two to 10 years, with semiannual interest payments but usually lower yields than T-bonds.
  • Treasury bills have the shortest periods before maturity, from four weeks to a year.
  • While only Treasury bonds and Treasury notes pay twice-yearly interest, all earn the face value at maturity.
  • They are each auctioned at the U.S. Department of the Treasury's platform, TreasuryDirect.

Despite their reputation as conservative, not-very-exciting investments, Treasurys are a major pillar of the world's economy. Treasury bonds, Treasury notes, and Treasury bills are crucial for both the government and investors. For the federal government, they are a means of raising funds to cover public expenses and manage the national debt. For investors, they are a low-risk investment option—a calm port among the market's often roaring tides—and provide a safe way to earn interest and diversify investment portfolios. But this is also the case for people, institutions, and governments the world over, meaning they don't just provide stability to U.S. investors but to markets worldwide.

Treasury bonds, Treasury notes, and Treasury bills have different maturity dates and pay different amounts of interest (usually, the longer the term, the more interest). However, all Treasurys are treated as having no risk of default, since they are guaranteed by the U.S. government. Essentially, if the U.S. government stops paying its debts, the economic shock would make Treasurys the least of your worries. The safety they afford means that Treasurys have a lower potential return than alternative, riskier investments like stocks or corporate bonds.

Treasury yields rise and fall, depending on the market and economic conditions. For example, yields fell significantly during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Beginning in October 2022, the yield curve for Treasurys inverted, meaning that shorter-term Treasurys offer higher rates than longer-term ones. More typically, investors want more interest the longer they are parking their capital.

Since the 1950s, inverted yield curves have been a perilous sign, all but assuring a rocky economic road ahead, often with a recession about 12 to 18 months away. The early 2020s inverted yield curve, though, is more a result of the Federal Reserve's actions than anything else. To stave off inflation, in 2021 and 2022, the Fed began raising the federal funds rate sharply, moving from almost 0% at the beginning of 2022 to 5.5% in mid-2023. Shorter-term interest rates on Treasury bills reacted quickly, and since longer-term bonds didn't rise as much so fast, an inverted yield curve was the result.

As of mid-2024, rates for three-month T-bills were 5.395%, one-year Treasurys were at 5.187%, two-year Treasury notes were at 4.834%, three-year Treasury notes were at 4.593%, five-year Treasury notes were at 4.417%, seven-year Treasury notes were at 4.407%, 10-year Treasury notes were at 4.402%, and the 30-year Treasury bonds were at 4.537%.

Treasury Bonds

Treasury bonds are often called long bonds because they take the most time to mature out of government-issued securities. They are offered at 20 or 30 years to maturity.

Features of Treasury Bonds

Once you buy T-bonds, you get a fixed-interest payment called the coupon every six months. The coupon amount is given as a percentage of the bond's face value. For example, a bond worth $500 with a coupon rate of 5% would pay $25 in interest each year.

At maturity, you're paid the bond's face value. When you redeem bonds with a TreasuryDirect account at maturity, the proceeds are deposited automatically into the bank account on file. Compared with Treasury notes and bills, Treasury bonds usually pay the highest interest rates because investors want more money to put aside for the longer term. For the same reason, their prices, when issued, go up and down more than the others.

You can wait to redeem your T-bond until it matures or sell it in the secondary market. However, you must first wait at least 45 days. After that, you're unlikely to get the face value if you sell it before maturity, so you could see a loss between what you paid initially and what you get selling it.

Treasury bonds are sold at monthly online auctions at TreasuryDirect, the U.S. Treasury's securities platform. Sold in multiples of $100, their prices and yields are decided during the auction. T-bonds are also traded in the secondary market and can be bought from a bank or broker.

Retail investors typically use T-bonds to keep part of their savings risk-free and to receive a steady income during retirement. Treasury bonds can also be used as savings for education or other major expenses. Retail and institutional investors buy Treasury bonds to diversify since they are low-risk, decrease the overall volatility of a portfolio, and provide a steady income stream.

Treasury bonds, Treasury notes, or Treasury bills sold before their maturity date could mean a loss, depending on bond prices at the time of the sale. Simply put, the face value is only guaranteed if the Treasury is held until maturity.

Treasury Notes

Treasury notes are like Treasury bonds but have shorter terms, like two, three, five, seven, and 10 years. Like T-bonds, Treasury notes are backed by the U.S. government.

Features of Treasury Notes

Treasury notes pay interest every six months until they mature. Typically, Treasury notes pay less interest than T-bonds since T-notes have shorter maturities. Like T-bonds, the yield is determined at auction, and upon maturity, you get the face value of the bond.

Treasury notes are also auctioned by the U.S. Treasury and sold in $100 increments. The price of the Treasury note can change based on the auction results. It can be less than, more than, or equal to the note's face value.

You can redeem them the same way as Treasury bonds, and Treasury notes, too, can be held until maturity or sold in the secondary market before they mature.

Treasury Notes vs. Treasury Bonds

Treasury notes and Treasury bonds are fixed-income securities issued by the U.S. government but differ in maturity dates. Treasury notes have maturities of up to 10 years, while Treasury bonds have maturities of up to 30 years.

Both notes and bonds pay interest every six months and the face value is at maturity. Because of their longer maturities, Treasury bonds generally offer higher interest rates than Treasury notes to compensate investors for the additional risk of holding the securities for a longer period. However, this also means that Treasury bonds are more sensitive to changes in interest rates than Treasury notes.

Why Treasury Notes Are Important

The 10-year Treasury note is the most closely watched government bond. It is used as a benchmark rate for banks to calculate mortgage rates. Typically, the 10-year Treasury note is in high demand since it's often used to lower the volatility of an investment portfolio.

During a recession and when there's market uncertainty, demand for the 10-year Treasury notes might increase significantly, leading to major changes in its prices and yields. Meanwhile, when the economy expands, investors might sell their 10-year Treasury notes to have funds for higher-yielding bonds and other investments since there's a reduced risk of loss at those times.

Since the 10-year Treasury note is very popular with institutional and retail investors, central banks, and governments, it always has steady demand. This means it has excellent liquidity should you need to sell it before maturity.

Treasury Bills vs. Treasury Notes vs. Treasury Bonds
Treasury BillsTreasury NotesTreasury Bonds
MaturityUp to one yearTwo, three, five, seven, or 10 years20 or 30 years
Interest Payments/CouponsNoneEvery six monthsEvery 6 months
PricingSold at a discountSold at par, premium, or discountSold at par, premium, or discount
LiquidityHighHighRelatively lower
Interest Rate RiskLowModerateHigh

Treasury Bills

Treasury bills, or T-bills, have the shortest terms of all and are issued with maturity dates of four, eight, 13, 26, and 52 weeks.

Features of Treasury Bills

Unlike Treasury bonds and notes, T-bills do not pay interest. Hence, they're call zero-coupon bonds. Instead, Treasury bills are auctioned off to investors at a discount to their face value. Your return, then, is the difference between the face value and the discounted price you initially paid.

Suppose you buy a Treasury bill with a $1,000 face value for $950. At maturity, you will be paid $1,000. The $50 difference between the $950 purchase price and the $1,000 face value is considered the interest.

Like Treasury bonds and notes, T-bills have no default risk since they're backed by the U.S. government. As a result, T-bills tend to pay less interest than corporate bonds since corporate bonds have the potential of defaulting, which leads investors to demand more interest to compensate them for the added risk of investing in them. When they mature, the process for redeeming them is the same as the others.

Treasury Bills vs. Treasury Notes

Treasury bonds and Treasury bills are both debt securities issued by the U.S. government, but they have different maturity dates and payment structures. Treasury bonds have maturities of 20 or 30 years and pay interest every six months. In contrast, Treasury bills have much shorter maturities, from a few days to 52 weeks. Treasury bills are sold at a discount to their face value and do not pay interest before maturity.

Cash Management Bill (CMB)

The U.S. Treasury also offers a short-term security that is like the T-bill called a cash management bill (CMB). The main difference between the two is that a CMB has a much shorter maturity date, ranging anywhere between seven days to three months. CMBs are bought in $100 increments.

Investors can have their federal tax refund deposited into their TreasuryDirect account to buy securities.

Treasury Auctions

Treasury bonds, notes, and bills are sold through U.S. Treasury auctions on the TreasuryDirect platform. The demand for them helps set the rates and yields during the auctions, which can change based on interest rate changes and other market factors.

All auctions are open to the public and can be found on the Treasury's list of upcoming auctions at TreasuryDirect. You can buy securities directly through one of these auctions or your bank or broker.

Auctions are announced several days ahead, with the amount to be auctioned and the maturity date. There are three ways bidding happens:

  • Competitive bids: You set the acceptable rate, yield, or discount margin. Competitive bids are limited to 35% of the offering amount.
  • Noncompetitive bids: Here, you agree to the rate, yield, or discount margin set during the auction. Bidders are limited to $5 million per auction with noncompetitive bids.
  • A single-price auction: This is when Treasury bonds, bills, and notes are sold at the highest rate, yield, or spread of the accepted competitive bids for all competitive and noncompetitive bidders.

The Treasury also auctions previously issued securities, called reopened securities. Like the originals, the reopened securities have the same maturity date and interest rates. The only difference is the issue date and the price.

How To Buy Treasury Bonds, Treasury Notes, and Treasury Bills

You can pick up Treasury bonds, notes, and bills through the U.S. Treasury at or from a bank or broker. Since the last two will lead you through the process, let's prepare you to buy them yourself.

Setting Up an Account

  • You'll need to register for TreasuryDirect. Visit and create your account. You'll have to choose the account type: individual, business or organizational, or estate or trust account.
  • Let's say it's an individual account. You'll need your Social Security number, your driver's license or state ID number, a U.S. address, an email address, and your bank account information.
  • Follow the prompts to complete the registration , including those for your security questions. Make sure to verify your email address at the end of the process.

Linking Your Bank Account

  • Enter your bank account information (routing number and account number), both for where the funds will come from to pay for Treasurys and where you'll be depositing when they mature.
  • TreasuryDirect will verify your bank accounts. This could include test deposits, which you'll need to confirm.

Purchasing Treasury Bonds, Treasury Notes, and Treasury Bills

Once your account is set up, log in to TreasuryDirect. Go to the “BuyDirect” tab and choose which security you want to buy: Treasury bills, Treasury notes, or Treasury bonds.

Next, fill in the details: how much and the time to maturity. You'll then confirm your purchase details and payment method—you'll likely pay directly from your bank account. Once you're ready, hit submit and then you'll get a confirmation for the transaction along with its details.

What To Do at Maturity

You can hold your Treasury bonds, Treasury notes, or Treasury bills until they mature and let them be redeemed automatically at that time, with the deposit going right into the bank account you selected.

Also, you can reinvest the proceeds into another Treasury security. Before your Treasurys mature, go to your TreasuryDirect account. There, you can set up reinvestment instructions, making it seamless to roll over the matured security into a new one.

If you have Treasury bonds held by your bank or broker, you'll need to check with them about how to redeem your bond.

Tax Implications

The tax consequences for Treasury securities are very similar. The interest you earn from Treasury bonds, Treasury notes, and Treasury bills is taxed by the Internal Revenue Service, but they are free from state and local taxes.

If you hold Treasurys, you'll receive a 1099-INT form. For any security held at TreasuryDirect, as much as 50% of the interest earnings can be withheld to ease your tax bill. You can specify how much you want withheld online.

What Are Other Ways To Invest in Treasury Bonds, Notes, and Bills?

Investing in Treasurys isn't limited to directly buying bonds, notes, and bills through TreasuryDirect. Besides getting them through your bank or broker, another alternative is to invest in mutual funds or one of over 50 exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that focus on Treasury securities. These funds offer a convenient way to gain exposure to a diversified portfolio of Treasurys without the need to manage them yourself. ETFs for Treasurys trade like stocks on the major exchanges, giving you far more flexibility than when holding them yourself. You can also choose the fund based on the ETF's risk and range of maturity dates. Another advantage is that these funds are overseen by professional portfolio managers who know how to navigate the complexities of the bond market. But these advantages come with fees, lowering your potential returns.

Should I Buy a Treasury Note or a CD?

If you're deciding between Treasury notes or certificates of deposit (CDs), you'll need to weigh the risks, potential returns, the potential for trading them, and tax implications. Treasury notes, backed by the U.S. government, offer a very low risk of default, making them a secure choice for risk-averse investors. CDs are also low-risk since the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. insures them up to $250,000. They also usually offer higher coupon rates than Treasury notes, particularly when interest rates are rising.

However, the interest rates on Treasury notes could be higher when there's economic uncertainty, making them even more appealing to those who prefer stability. Treasurys also have the advantage of being more liquid since you can sell them on the secondary market before they mature. CDs typically have early withdrawal penalties, which can diminish your earnings if you access the funds before they mature. They are also treated differently for tax purposes. The interest on Treasury notes is exempt from state and local taxes but not federal taxes, while the interest earned from CDs is taxable at both the state and federal levels.

Which Are Riskier, Treasury Bonds, Notes, or Bills?

Treasury bonds, notes, and bills have no default risk since the U.S. government guarantees them. Investors will receive the bond's face value if they hold it to maturity. However, if sold before maturity, your gain or loss depends on the difference between the initial price and what you sold the Treasury for.

Should I Invest in Treasury Bills, Notes, or Bonds?

Whether you invest in Treasury bonds or bills depends on your time horizon and risk tolerance. If you'll need the money sooner, a Treasury bill with a shorter maturity might be best. If you have a longer time horizon, Treasury notes with maturities of up to 10 years might be better. Typically, the longer the maturity, the higher your return on investment.

The Bottom Line

Investing in U.S. Treasury bonds, bills, and notes provides a measure of safety and convenience, given the ease of using TreasuryDirect today. Whether through direct purchases via TreasuryDirect or indirectly through ETFs and mutual funds, Treasurys are a reliable vehicle for getting interest income while diversifying and lowering the risk in your portfolio.

Treasury Bonds vs. Treasury Notes vs. Treasury Bills (2024)


Treasury Bonds vs. Treasury Notes vs. Treasury Bills? ›

The most significant difference among Treasurys

United States Treasury securities, also called Treasuries or Treasurys, are government debt instruments issued by the United States Department of the Treasury to finance government spending, in addition to taxation. › United_States_Treasury_security
is their maturity. T-bills are issued in maturities of a year or less. T-notes are issued in maturities of two to 10 years. T-bonds are issued in maturities of 20 or 30 years.

What is the main difference between Treasury bonds Treasury notes and Treasury bills responses? ›

Key takeaways

Treasury bills have short-term maturities and pay interest at maturity. Treasury notes have mid-range maturities and pay interest every 6 months. Treasury bonds have long maturities and pay interest every 6 months.

Should I buy bonds or Treasury bills? ›

Treasury bills function more like cash in your portfolio and can be a safe harbor during turbulent economic times. Treasury bonds can provide a dependable stream of income, but can suffer a loss of value on secondary markets if interest rates go up.

Why don't people buy T-bills? ›

However, should interest rates rise, the existing T-bills fall out of favor since their return is less than the market. For this reason, T-bills have interest rate risk, which means there is a danger that bondholders might lose out should there be higher rates in the future.

What's better, CDs or Treasury bills? ›

Choosing between a CD and Treasuries depends on how long of a term you want. For terms of one to six months, as well as 10 years, rates are close enough that Treasuries are the better pick. For terms of one to five years, CDs are currently paying more, and it's a large enough difference to give them the edge.

Do you pay capital gains on Treasury bills? ›

Are Treasury bills taxed as capital gains? Normally no. However, if you buy a T-bill in the secondary market and then achieve a profit, you may be liable for capital gains depending on your exact purchase price.

How do you avoid tax on Treasury bonds? ›

The Treasury gives you two options:
  1. Report interest each year and pay taxes on it annually.
  2. Defer reporting interest until you redeem the bonds or give up ownership of the bond and it's reissued or the bond is no longer earning interest because it's matured.
Dec 12, 2023

What are the disadvantages of investing in Treasury bills? ›

The biggest downside of investing in T-bills is that you're going to get a lower rate of return compared to other investments, such as certificates of deposit, money market funds, corporate bonds or stocks. If you're looking to make some serious gains in your portfolio, T-bills aren't going to cut it.

Are T-bills more risky than bonds? ›

If you're looking for a short-term investment with low risk, Treasury bills are a great choice. However, if you're looking for a longer-term investment that yields semiannual income with a consistent interest rate, buying Treasury bonds is likely the better choice.

Why does Warren Buffett buy T-bills? ›

Buffett favors three-month and six-month T-bills. Bid/ask spreads are tight—usually just a penny, or equivalent to one basis point in yield, or a hundredth of a percentage point. Fees are low, at about a tenth of a percentage point annually. There is very little price volatility due to the short maturities of T-bills.

What's better than T-bills? ›

Compared with Treasury notes and bills, Treasury bonds usually pay the highest interest rates because investors want more money to put aside for the longer term. For the same reason, their prices, when issued, go up and down more than the others.

What is the current 12 month treasury bill rate? ›

Treasury Yields
GB6:GOV 6 Month0.005.18%
GB12:GOV 12 Month0.004.86%
GT2:GOV 2 Year4.384.44%
GT5:GOV 5 Year4.254.14%
3 more rows

Do banks charge to buy T-bills? ›

When you buy T-bills through your bank, it may charge you additional fees and expenses such as sales commissions or transaction charges. These extra costs can add up over time and eat into your returns on your investment.

What are the best Treasury bills to buy now? ›

7 Best Treasury ETFs to Buy Now
ETFExpense RatioYield to Maturity
Vanguard Short-Term Treasury ETF (VGSH)0.04%5.1%
Vanguard Long-Term Treasury ETF (VGLT)0.04%4.9%
iShares U.S. Treasury Bond ETF (GOVT)0.05%4.7%
Global X 1-3 Month T-Bill ETF (CLIP)0.07%5.3%
3 more rows
Jun 11, 2024

Are T-bills FDIC insured? ›

Investments in T-bills: Not FDIC Insured; No Bank Guarantee; May Lose Value.

How do U.S. Treasury bonds differ from U.S. Treasury notes quizlet? ›

Treasury notes - commonly a short-term type of security. Treasury Bonds - represent a liability wherein the issuer agrees to pay the principal obligation as well as any interests attached to it in future periods. It is a government-issued bond.

What is the difference between Treasury bills and Treasury strips? ›

Treasury securities with a fixed-principal, such as notes, bonds, and TIPS are eligible and may be stripped. Bills and FRNs can't be stripped. The idea of STRIPS is that the principal and each interest payment become separate securities that are treated individually.

What is the difference between bonds and notes? ›

Bonds are long-term securities that mature in 20 or 30 years. Notes are relatively short or medium-term securities that mature in 2, 3, 5, 7, or 10 years. Both bonds and notes pay interest every six months. The interest rate for a particular security is set at the auction.

What is the difference between the Federal Reserve note and the US Treasury note? ›

The only real difference is who issued them. From 1963 on, both were fiat currencies backed by Treasury securities. Before 1963, both could be redeemed for “lawful money”. FRNs are issued by the Federal Reserve, while USNs were issued directly by the Treasury.


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