Times Record News from Wichita Falls, Texas (2024)

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Wichita Falls, Texas

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Heavy Rains Fall in Area WICHITA PAILS RECORD NEWS WICHITA FALLS THAI Page Tuas( May 17 1955 US Enters New Atomic Weapon Phase Guided Missiles Will Be Tested Next Court Rejects Securities Tax Child Guidance Class Scheduled Second class of the Child Guidance and Opportunity Center Faith Village will open next week it was revealed Monday night A White president of the center said 13 handicapped children will be included in the second class which will be divided into two groups White said the children will be classified into play groups by Dr Jack Maxfield medical adviser to the center The second class will make a total of 19 children enrolled in the center now located in All Saints Episcopal Church There are another 24 handicapped children awaiting expansion of the center White repeated an appeal for more volunteer workers White also announced that a child psychologist from the Texas Crippled Children Society will be here sometime during the month of June to give children examinations for purpose of evaluation White said he was notified by Dr Martin Ricker Dallas who has been aiding the local group After the business meeting held in the Health Unit three movies were shown one on cerebral palsy one on hearing problems and one depicting a San Antonio educational institute for handicapped children from Quanah to Vernon but only a trace at Childress Monday morning where 40 of an inch was recorded Sunday For the wheat farmer the rata came too late for maximum good though much of the late wheat wiu receive great benefit Heads will fill out and much of the grain will develop more heads Many acres of wheat are beyond help however especially west of Vernon Alfalfa Sudan Silage crops and oats will also make better progress The rains are tailor-made for the cotton farmer though some will have tr replant as a consequence County Agent Haws estimated that only about half the crop was planted and much of it up Following the showers tanners will be able to put the entire crop in the ground The rain also will help fill stock tanks Fanners and ranchers who plan to spray mesquite will be happy with the rain Moisture must have fallen some 15 days before spraying if the chemical is to be effective in brush control Sodding project along the banks of the Wichita River also was aided by the moisture Little washing damage was expected A humid 90 degrees was the high for Sunday while the high for Monday was expected to be in the 80s More rain is seen for the area if the mild cool front pushing against the warm moist Gulf air in this region stalls for a day or so This appears to be the prospect for the present according to weather forecasters (Cea tinned Fram Paga 1) evening receiving JO of an Inch from 7 am to I a Monday High winds also lashed the area along with a light electrical storm but no damage was reported Moderate to heavy showers measuring up to 25 inches at Lake Kemp and averaging above an inch over most of the Wichita Falls area swept across this section during the early morning hours Monday CUy Gets J4 The Weather Bureau here reputed 84 of an inch Monday for Wichita Falls At Childress Tex and Hobart Okla skies were clearing while at Decatur and Mineral Wells in Texas and Ardmore Okla heavy showers fell Monday morning Recording of 135 Inches at Lake Kickapoo and heavier rains up the lake were expected to boost the city water supply substantially A two-inch rise was recorded immediately following the rain according to officials of the Wichita Falla city water department City Re parts Within the city limits fire station officials listed 160 inches at the Buchanan Fire Station an Inch at Kemp Warford and Jefferson Fire Stations but only A0 at Rosewood Station Other gauges showed 77 at the City Water Plant on Jasper in Edgemere and 107 In Country Club estates At Vernon the early morning precipitation which included heavy showers some hail and wind blit no damage totaled 135 inches Ex-tending northward Oklahoma points ranged from 40 of an inch at Tipton to 125 at Altus both in Jackson County Weather Bureau reporting stations listing rain by 6:30 sm Monday included Hobart Okla 122 Oklahoma City 63 Fort Sill Okla 63 while at this same time none was reported at Ardmore Okla and Mineral Wells Texas By 8:30 am both Ardmore and Mineral Wells were reporting heavy showers while rainfall repots from Texas points Included Graham JO Olney 125 and No-cona 50 Soaking rains were reputed by mid-morning east through Henrietta Nocona Ringgold and Bel-cherville with heavier rains along the banks of the Red River Missouri-Kansas-Texas Railroad listed heavy rains along its line to Wellington Texas and Woodward Okla as follows: Wellington Texas 15 Dodson Texas 175 and Oklahoma points Ilollis inch Duke 1 inch Hollister 150 Forgan 1 inch Gate and Supply J0 each Hooker 235 Turpin 170 Mangum 150 Elk City 130 Hammon 1 inch Beaver JO and only a trace at Woodward A Burkburnett 1 inch was recorded Monday rains at Alius brought the May total to 417 inches Fort Worth A Denver Railway reported an inch along the line THE ARMY'S CORPORAL MISSILE: A unclear charge la Ua bom I Memphis Names Top Students MEMPHIS May It Baddy Bice eon of Mrs Ruth Bice hai been named valedictorian of the 1955 graduating class of Memphis High School according to an announcement by Principal Weldon McCreary Bice is the third consecutive boy to take high scholastic honors for his class His four years average was 98750 Another boy Harold Aspgren son of Mr and Mrs Harry Aspgren of 1322 West Main Street was close behind Bice and took salutatorian honors His four year average was 96243 Min Bobble Nell Long was the highest among the girls In the class Her four year grade average was 92(11 She is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Long of RED No In the eighth grade graduating clan id the Memphis Elementary school Jerry Hickey and Glenda Noah were named as having the highest one year grade averages for boys and girls School officials did not release their averages Jerry Is the son of Mr and Mrs Gerald Hickey of lilt Dover and Glenda is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Eugene Noah of 722 South Fifth Street The commencement1 exercises for the high school will be held Friday night May 27 In the high school auditorium Speaker will be Rev Gaston Foote pastor of the First Methodist Church of Fort Worth author and world traveler The baccalaureate services wiU be held Sunday night May 22 in the high school auditorium Min Tom Posey minister of the loca Christian Church will deliver the message Maybelle Man Still Missing SEYMOUR May It (SpeclaD-A widespread search between Ma-bdle and Mankins was expected to be resumed in the seven-day old search for missing Emmett Barker of Mabelle Sheriff Wesley Styles of Baylor County said Monday night The Seymour Remunda Riding Club rode parts of the area out Sunday Sheriff Styles said but turned up nothing The sheriff issued this description of Barker: age 66 five feet nine inches weighing 165 pounds with grey hair He was last seen wearing a brown shirt brown pants with ne hat and carrying a leather Jacket Sheriff Styles requested anyone having information on Barker to can him collect at 2577 or 3333 in Seymour 6-WKS- SHORTHAND mo to sew tcratattaa live nil itai Dap Dap NIlM Inks- UO Fkca coiLBaH MU Laaoar Fkaat MIN Unm Mreto Fran ATTENTION! Business as Usual New Location 703 Tenth Stroet Wilson Loan Service RHONE 2-2798 By DOUGLAS LARSEN KEA Staff Cerrespeadeit LAS VEGAS Nev The has entered a new phase of nuclear weapon development heralding the day when conventional explosives will bd used only In small arms This result! from startling strides made during Teapot" the series of atomic tests begun last February and climaxed by the dramatic public 'open" shot Newer smaller and more efficient have been per facted They now know that they can control the "yield" of atomic explosives with great accuracy And the means of making for more efficient use of the radioactive raw materials has been proved These successes have been so significant that plans for the next series of tests to bo held in the Pacific are being speeded up Army and Air -Force guided missile everts have been observers hero in preparation for the upcoming Pacific series They will be part of the Joint task force which is already being assembled for that operation Forthe first time out there guided missiles with atomic warheads will be fired likely that cither the Army's Corporal missile or Honest John rocket will be launched with nuclear charges In their noses -This can be done only In the vast Atomic Energy Commission's Eni-wetok Proving Ground reported that the Nevada site henceforth will be used only for testing very small A-weapons The most dramatic proof that the AEC Army and Air Force are ready to make live tests with this revolutionary weapons system is the extreme efficiency with which they carried off the series To veteran observers the assured practiced handling of atomic weapons during the series was me of its most significant aspects The numerous postponements were caused by more rigid requirements on minimum wind speeds to prevent fall-out on nearby communities The Army's participation In the atomic exercises was more successful than ever before bringing the total number of troops in service who have been exposed to live shots up to 35000 In case of war this body of men who have actual experience with live A-weapons would prove invaluable Army commanders were pleased with the way this group ot men went through the tests "I don't thirv single soldier was apprehensive about being exposed to a blast this says LL Gen Wit liard Wyman director of exercise for the Army I'm sure reflects the fact that all GIs In the Army have a fairly good knowledge of the effects of atomic weapons and are not frightened by It" he Insists Each time there was a call for volunteers to be In trenches between 2000 and 2600 yards from ground zero there were always more than enough men who stepped forward Tests of clothing equipment supplies vehicles and weapons also contributed significantly toward making the Army ready for a possible atomic war Many of the problems of the use of radio and electronics equipment In an area where an atomic bomb has been detonated have now been solved Probably the most dramatic phase of the series was the Air Force participation The weather postponements were especially hard on the Air Force's effort Some of the planes which had to be in the blast area flew from all parts of the In extended missions A postponement meant that Wife Sought In Slaying Of Husband (Continued from Page 1) an of whan knew Mrs Werner reported seeing her "doing sane He said she was seen about April 17 placing concrete blocks at the spot the grave was found near an unused chicken shed "They thought it was funny the way she was working with the concrete blocks but now it looks as if she were building a tomb over the grave" he said Although there was no report to police Warner hadn't been seen since April 16 his last day of work at a Fort Worth restaurant where he was a cook The thrice-married auburn-haired woman hasn't been heard from since Degarmo and her mother Mrs Norma Thompson received letters from her in St Louis Both letters indicated she intended to destroy herself The one to Mrs Thompson who' lives in Kansas Okla was dated May 9 In it Mrs Werner wrole also that she was disposing of the couple'a Fort Worth property and that she and her husband would retire on the farm Jacksboro Pool Opens Friday JACKSBORO May 16 (Spedal)-The new swimming pool opener Friday at 4 pm The municipal pool was leased by the city to Jackie Kale a teacher at Jacksboro High School A formal opening Is now being planned by the chamber of commerce and will take place in June Among the ceremonies will be bathing beauty contest that will be sponsored by the Jack County Business and Professional Women's Club There will be senior and Junior contest The senior bathing beauties will start with the eighth grade and up The Junior contest will be for children from five years to the eighth grade Contestants will be sponsored by merchants in Jacksboro and other communities in Jack County Kale said that the pod win be open at 4 pm on school days and close at 10 pm On Saturdays Sundays and every day after school closes for the summer it wfil be open from am till noon and from 1:30 to 10 pm The pod manager said that swimming classes are being arranged for two mornings each week if qualified instructors can be found Two mailings a week will be set aside for private parties Children under seven wiU be admitted free to the wading pod which is fenced off from the swimming pod Parents must be with the children while they are wading Kale said High school students will act as life guards for the present but Kale hopes to get college students to serve in that capacity during the summer Jacksboro's pod was completed last year but could only be used two days before cold weather set in The filter system was installei recently by the dty City employes have arranged a parking area am built sidewalks outside the pod area Wichita Falls Falks Facta A Faaelaa Marvin Jamison 50-year-old Wichitan was given a three-day Jail sentence and fined $50 and court costs Monday on his guilty plea in county court to charges of driving while intoxicated Jamison was arrested March 29 three miles east of Electro on US Highway 287 by State Highway Patrolmen Dale Papasan and James Hotchkiss County Attorney Don Short presented the case before Judge Guy McNeely An $11294 damage suit was filed Monday in 30th District Court by Elbert Henderson against Wichita Falls City Lines The civil action results from an accident last April Henderson's petition states the mechanical doors of a bus slammed on him as he tried to board the vehicle at Eleventh and Holliday Henderson seeks $7750 for loss i earnings $3100 for pain and suffering and $444 for medical care past and future Another $30 was added Monday to the Wichita Falls Civil Defense siren fund making a total of $315657 to date Zale Jewelry Co donated $3 and A King It Sons donated $25 Clovis Mann executive secretary announced The local defense unit now has enough for one siren but two more are needed to qualify the city for federal aid in establishing a program a long flight for Instance had to be quickly rescheduled with brand new crew In one shot for example 140 planes would be positioned in the air around the shot And each plane or drone had to be at an exact spot in apace not more than 10 seconds early or late 200 feet up or down or 2500 feet laterally Not once with a total of more than 800 planes flying in the area diving the series did one of them fail to meet this specification It'a even more Impressive when you realize that cone ot the planes had to be in the process of performing maneuvers such as diving climbing or rolling at the Instant ot blast (Ceallaud Fram Paga 1) vlctions of two Detroit men by the same judge before whom they appeared while he was sitting in secret as a one-man grand jury The court however did not pass upon legality of one-man grand jury must be heard by another judge In the Ohio tax case the Ohio Supremo Court whose decision was overturned today held that intangible property tax was not considered to be against the banks The Ohio court found instead the tax was imposed upon the property interest" of depositors as owners of mutual savings banks "In so deciding the Ohio court relied upon a gloss on the (1819) rule of immunity" Harlan wrote He added that the Ohio statute contains no language expressly imposing the tax on the depositors and no provision giving the bank any right to recover the tax from depositors "as might be expected if the bank hod been regarded as a mere tax-collecting agent" In judging three members of the staff of the Cleveland Press in contempt of court Common Pleas Judge Joseph IL Silbert said they violated his instructions that no pictures be taken during the arraignment on embezzlement chargei of former Probate Judge Nelson Brewer In asking the Supreme Court to overturn the Ohio Supreme Court the newsmen contended their convictions violated the freedom of the press guaranteed by the First Amendment The Ohio Supreme Court In upholding the convictions said the picture ban did not wot against freedom of the press Judge Silbert had imposed these penalties: City Editor Louis Clifford fined $500 and costs and ordered into custody of the sheriff for one hour reporter Sam Giaimo $100 and costs photographer James Thomas $100 and costs which were suspended Louis Seltzer editor of the Press said in Cleveland his three staff members would pay the penalties since "we have no choice "It was our duty to exhaust every Judicial opportunity to fight this thing" he said "We did The Supreme Court handed down its decision and we will abide by it" Births Three births were reported by Wichita Falls hospitals Monday At Wichita General daughters ere born to Mr and Mrs Floyd Green 1025 Wesley Drive and Mr and Mrs Edwin Katten 2308 Speedway Also at General a son was born to Mr and Mrs Windell Willingham 1511 Noth First Tenik at Indiana Phono 3-1441 FEDWAY PATRONS 2 HOURS "FREE PARKING Fedway Service the Finest in Northwest Texas 1 Baccalaureale Set At Iowa Park High IOWA PARK May IS (Special) Leroy Carter minister of the First Christian Church here will deliver the baccalaureate sermon to the 32 members of the graduating class of Iowa Park High School on Sunday evening Services willl be held in the high school auditorium at 7 o'clock with Mrs James A Sewell providing the prelude and recessional music Rev Reik minister of the First Baptist Church will give the invocation and Rev Pennington pastor of the Church of God will give benediction Scripture will be read by Rev Roy Anderson minister of the First Methodist Church A special song "Let There Be Music" will be sung by the High School ensemble Other songs to be sung are Is Dying In the West" and "Fairest Lord -ADVEBTOEMENT- Science Shrinks Piles Without Surgery Findi Now Hoahng 5ubtnci Seine bn found baling aubtaact Am hiinki pile niicvci poin proa pel? Mop without ouiany Doaan man octal ihnnhiog of pike Sudeten or "Pila In ttt'tl to hr problem" The ircrrt ii ilreody widely oed to hal jund Thii iubmncr bow araibble a ntaiMr or oinrmni form mdrr tfaa lint F-rporuioo At root driifiit taDltaK Visit Our Huge Westinghouse Department Second Floor The Largest Collection Famous Westinghouse TV's Ever in Wichita Falls LOWEST PRICES EVER ON WESTINGHOUSE TV WITH NEW SET-TOP COMFORT TUNING ALL-IN-ONE 21" TV-RADIO AND PHONOGRAPH The entire family can fulfill their entertainment wishes with thin combination Big 21 aluminized picture full range AM radio 3-ipeed record player (has automatic stop) You'll appreciate the new set-top comfort tuning ONLY $10 DOWN Records Fl'BLK BECOBIM Etomaa aal Mr Basle Stovae- CarroU aa Sla Btttr La Xm Wichita Fill Arnold Loyd CoUmaa Iowa fart and Httaa Tilieteiro Wichita Blair Fort SOL Ok! i Mia Shhtqr Ana Mown Lawton Okla Bohbjr Jo McFarlia Hamilton i Mia Cbrtattoa Irtaa Blky Jeoeebar Howard Thomaa Short SAFB aad Mb Boumoad ChrtoUao Ramey Wichita Fan Salta Filed la BMrle Gear Baa MU Crier Daa Grier dhrarea Elbert JIaadenoa va Wichita Fan City I taw lac damafeo Moor va Bodsara Moon di- Pei er Paul lac va Curm Caady aad Boltliag Compaajr aL jadinnal tor Certaia-ieed Fndacte IL Bkfc-BaUdlal Supply va Arthar Cor vi Correa et 1 Juds- Xcw Bom Wichita Fin two i Cm UN Carol Ford a Fdaiaodona Ir Fart SOL ltd aadoa 6 dory Flip SN A to Fri aadaa Daniel Bom Uvtaftoo Waybn Beaty IM AmU Manny DcadoFtMfar Clavta4 at to ft toad tram tad SU Powell Ertato Sabdivtotoa Parhiaa at ex to Aotohaoa lrt to Weloon Stoat Ssbdtviaioo MeCaltaath to OaDawav aarth It hat tot aad Boat us hat let Mart 1 CaUas Reiibto Addition Cartya tana at air to Lawto Weak-baia tot A Mack A Country Cbb Addition LawtU Tomllaaoa rt os to VtrfQ Owen last Ena Mack Marl lata IL dorr tear Caatraetor be la McGaaa at ax hi Mack Bn vluoa al Uttlaa Btiahte Wuaoaar at as I Me If Waf-tr math oarkaB Mack Wiatrar Eetata SabdMeioa Walker at ax to Haory Lra at Middle feat Iota aad I Mack Orifiaal Tew a( Electro Joe A Bart Jr to Cm Id Koehler 1 ax Ini Id Mack Saaayalda HciiMa Sectaa 1 Bearlaad I Alfred KoNre at ax tout btt Mi I aad I Mock Jatoekk Addkise AtoeiUon to FatUat at ax tot dot Hclaoa-Ctaaa Sahdivtotoe OVERSIZE 21-INCH $fl AIR COOLER HI-BAKED DURABLE HAMMERTONE "BONDED" enamel finish fights rust and corrosion BIG VOLUME-MASTER BLOWER turns slower Less wear lots more air QUIET-ACTION VIBRATION-PROOF Neoprene rubber dampeners isolate every moving part GENERAL ELECTRIC LONG-LIFE MOTORS Repair and replacement service in every major city AIMER RECMCULATMO COOUR PUMP fewer watar Mb nor afficiaal cooling aady ktaM wMaatei drainage probhm ONLY $5 DOWN In addition to "set-top comfort tuning you'll find new aluminized picture tube exclusive automatic distance selector and 100-mile-plus tuner OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT AT FEDWAY.

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Times Record News from Wichita Falls, Texas (2024)


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Author: Neely Ledner

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Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.