The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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I Clothing Dry Goods Auction Sales Wants BHsh Haven and Amusem*nts I A A LADIES To give AW away at a email from one to five dollais ROCKWOOD CO d30 Millinery Rooms 11 BREWER) nd ja412t ly A 4 3000 3000 5 20 tvjW fill OR SALE A dwelling house nihl and lot adjoining The house is pleasantly lo cated in the village of Chicopee alls and will be sold low with liberal terms of payment Apply to WHITAKER jal3 2mo Chicopee alls 200 200 20 5 5 50 100 Bbls Calcined Plaster luvaij hand at No 5 Union House jy2 daw32 MA DE CLOAKS VELVETS AND CLOTH Made in the best manner in the most fashionable style caq be found at low prices at our Cloak and Shawl Rooms "I d27 3t8w31 WILSON COf a large assortment at No 1 Block oib Vr 1 1 mj a i NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS Horticulturist Colored Plates 400 i Uncolored i 200' Country Gentleman weekly 200 i Cultivator 50 Now is the time to commence the new volume of the above valuable works ja9 6teod 3w33 Cl LEIGHS SLEIGHS Just received and for sale a lot of light Sleighs d7 36t' SMITH tlrrl TNDI AN ORCHARD CANAL CO I There will be a meeting of the Stockholders and Directors of the Indian Orchard Canal Co holden at the office of the undersigned in Springfield on Thurs day the 19th day of January instant at 10 a By order of the Directors 6t 1S GEORGE WALKER Clerk NOW IS YOUR CITY CLOTHING AND CLOTH HALL The whole ot this large stock will be offered at greatly reduced prices duiiug January and ebruary ILe object is to clear the counters and shelves as nearly as possible vious to Maicn 1st In older to do this we Shall not regard a profit '1 he stock is new bought low conse quently bargains may be expected dWILnoN to CO Proprietors Over Wilson Great Dry Goods store' jy3 12i2aw6w32 is PIANO Hallet Davis Co These beautiful instruments are manufac tured on an entirely new and improved principle with apatent bridge which produces an elasticity and bril liance of tone unequaled by any other manufacturers Every purchaser will receive a warrant for one year Sole Agent for Springfield and vicinity fc tf ALONZO A ADEY EXQGSE OR BAD BREAD PRESTON lulallible leustPuw der a new article lor making light ana tucet Bread When this ai ticle is used acuoruiug to the directions it never lulls to make light Bread il good hour is used and it is warranted to keep in any climate or sale at wholesale or letail by BdISS HAVEN CANADA MINERAL WATER Mineral Water from St near Niagara alls where the baths and waters have enjoyed the highest reputation for the cure of dyspepsia' indi gestion diseases of the liver and kidneys chronic di arrhoea dysentery cholera gout rheumatism lumba go neuralgia scrolula and all varieties of diseases of the skin also for seminal weakness and for diseases of females dependent on debility Bottled at St Cath Well Canada West 1 TV proprietor Wholesale depot No 11 luiton st New York Price 50 cents per bottle i CUNDALL PREERRED STOCK OR SALE 20 shares of Preferred Stock of the Connecticut River Railroad Corporation guaranteed to pay eight per cent per annum till 1860 for sale by A THAYER No 3 Pleasant street Northampton PERUVIAN Of the bett quality constantly op hand and lor sale at the lowest market prices by BLISS MAVEN Ladies please take no I respectfully inform the Ladies of Spring field and the public in general that 1 am taking stock and shall leave thi city in two or three weeks Those that have any claims against me will please to present their bills to me as after the mentioned time any fur ther claims willbe refused Ladies I have informed you already that 1 am going to tell out and shall sell my entire stock of goods without regard to cost If you wish to secure tremendous bargains you will do well by calling as soon as possible at LtffilS ja7 Embroidery Lace and ancy Store Main st 1 TURKS ISLAND 5000 Jl Bushels lor sale in lots of 100 Bushels and up wards at cargo prices 1 TROWBRIDGE SONS jail Long Wharf New Haven DR AND CL6AK trim a large lot of late styles Dress and Ciuak Trimmings selling at reduced prices at 3 State stieet u2 W1LCVA 1 A BARRELS PURE VINE or sale low by Allen Samples may be seen at the Agricultural Store under Hampden Hall or at the manufactory on Harrison Avenue Cash paid for old Cider ALLEN127 12ieod2mow31 VVEATHER or making rT doors tight at the bottom for sale by d3112t SHAW YLOTHIN Remember the fact that at our popular Clothing and Cloth 'Hall you can find Clothing of every description at prices perfectly satisfactory to the closest buyer We now ofier some extra bargains in Overcoats Business Coats Wool Shiits ana Drawers I urnishing Goods WILSON CO Entrance from the North' door or through the Store 4 story Builuing op Hampden Hall d27 3t3w31 MONOCHROMATIC DRA5V JL ING A large assortment of materials lor "the auuve just received by the subscribers conaisting ol Monuchrunaiic board ol vurious qualities Colon Bwstel Crayons in boxes ol vurious sizes Irom 50c to $6 rench Colored Crayons in round boxes Como's Crayons Biuck and bite No 1 2 3 orte Crayons Stamps 4'c Also a general assortment ol Artist's Alateriais ol every description a BLISS MAVEN YINEGAR at wholesale 4 The subscriber having purchased of Good man all of his apparatus for the manufacture of Vine gar will continue to make and keep constantly on hand pure Cider and WThite Vinegar Samples may be seen at the Agricultural Store under Hampden Hall d27 eodtf A ALLEN Holiday presents gifts GITS GITS 25 valuable Pianos will be dis tributed among 25 thousand subscribers to DOD ANNUAL The first edition has been lim ited to 25000 in hopes of making the distribution du ring the Holidays The work will contain some of their most popular pieces as also three pieces by ranklin Bassford the favorite young American com poser and pianist Among others will be Joys of Win ter Quadrilles by II Dodworth Quickstep from Lucrezia Borgia Wave Sctiottisch by Allen Dod worth When I List to thy Sweet Voice a new Sony by II Dodworth Sprite Polka Kedowaby Charles Dodworth Lone Star Quickstep The work will contain none but Copyright Compositions never before published and which cannot be obtained in any other form The first edition will consist of twenty five thousand copies Among the purchasers of the first edition will be distributed TWENTY IVE VALUABLE PIANO ORTES consisting of Grand and Square Pianos valued from $275 to $1000 each which are now to be seen at A Ware rooms No 60s Broadway where a desk will be kept by A Bassford Jr to receive subscriptions The price of the ork is fixed at ONE DOLLAR which entitles the purchaser to a copy of the Annual which at sheet prices would be worth $450 and a participation in the distri bution of the twenty five pianos The first subscri bers entitled to the first copies issued The Books of Subscription are now open at Dodworth No 493 Broadway and A Bassford Jr No 603 Broad way All letters containing orders for the Anuual should be addressed (post paid) to DODWORTH CO Imo No 493 Broadway New York DALM A THOUSAND LOW or beautifying the complexion and re moving all Tan Pimples and reckles from the ace Also for Shaving and Cleansing Teeth or sale wholesale and retail by ETR1DGE CO Boston Bessey Co Agents for Springfield Wilson Northampton None genuine unless signed by eteidgb Co jyll tf 'is the4 place to find the best and largest assortment of Gold Watches in this City fi A is the place to find the largest assort ment of fine Silver Watches in this City i A is the place to buy Watches without being jockeyed A is the place to buy pure Coin Spoons at a low price and have them engraved by Mr Chub buck I i A is the place to find a good assort ment of Gold Chains that are Gold Bosom Pins Ear Drops inger Kings Gold and' 8ilver Spectacles Clocks ancy Goods all of which will be sold at a uniform low price A Whippie capnot afford to sell at cost A is the place to get good Watches re paired without being mangled ja5 No 10 Main st opposite Exchange Hotel fl OMETHING Just received and constantly on hand a large and well selected assortment of all and Winter Millinery and' ancy Goods Embroideries Dress Trimmings Velvets for Mantillas also Ready MadeMantillas Best quality Black Dress Silks Embroidery Sewing Silk and Twist of every shade and color Those wishing to get Cloaks or Dreeses made to order cannot fail' to be suited by leaving their orders at this establishment Bonnets bleached and pressed Those wishing purchase hats would do well to call and examine for themselves before purchasing elsewhere MRS A ROWE opp Bakery Main str 014 6m Springfield Mass Cl PEKMATORftHCEA IIIX GS A new article highly recommended by the medical lacuity iqr a particular class ot diseases which have usually been classed among those (hat are incurable They aie in a compact form and cau be lorwarded by man any distance or stile by BLISS HAVEN 550 BBLS LOUR Of the following Brands: Hiram Smith irst Premium lour Philip Garbutt irst Premium lour Honeoye Mills irst Piemium lour Sam'l PEly irst Premium lour Akron Mills DoubleExtra lour Greene Co do Double Extra lour: Rail Road do Double S'xtrn lour Also Ohio Michigan and Genesee common brands all bought previous to the rise and will be sold low for Cash 20 uns ine eed 500 Rye Bran 500 Oil Cake Patent Buck Wheat lour and Common do Lime Ce ment Plaster No 5 Union House 1 jul3dawtf OLIVE OIL Bordeaux superfine for table use just received by 028 daw22 STEBBINS Only $17 for Passage froml LIVERPOOL TO BOSTON GREAT KEDUC'f'ION IN rUIOES MNEST ELEME 500 Lbs in Drums of about 4 lbs each or sale by d29 tfdawSl STEBBINS Situation as Wet'" by a very respect able young woman The best of references furnished Inquire of 1 i HANOVER City Intelligence Office Union House d29 a Bq uq ts Wreaths and C'Ut 1 arranged with exquisite taste lu every variety ol style suitaole lor all occarieus Orders from abroad will be carefully packed to av oid freezing und loi warded with the gieuiest Oetpatch 1 BbIaS HavEN TpRANCOIS MARIE ARINA CO JL' LOGNE The only genuine brand ol haiina Co logne in the market" A large supply just received di i ect li om Cologne and lor sae hoicsale and i etail at the luvvest'markel prices Ly BLISS HAVEN The subscriber has now in Store the best Gold Watches Coin Spoons and as good Jewelry as there is in this city which he will sell at reasonable prices Everything sold here will pi ove as recommended A WHIPPLE Opposite Exchange otel No Boys or Journeymen employed by me 1 n3 daw23 1 rpHE rush for furs is BE A yond all precedent and every Ladv who would not be out ol the world nor out of fashion ought to have a set of Jbursif she can afford it and the urices are so low that none need go unprotected from the chill blasts of winter What more acceptable present for the lair sex is there than a handsome set of urs? Rob store literally overflows and overhangs with that same Prices of Victorines one dollar to thirtv liltycents to twelve dollars ROBERTS tl Goodrich Block DANCING Mr Weaver respectfully gives notice to his patron friends and the Ladies and Gentlemen generally of this Ciy that the next term of his afternoon school for young La dies Masters and Misses will commence at Stock Hall on Saturday Jan 14th Hours from 2 until 4 or particulars please apply to Mr at the Hall jalO tf MB ANTIDOTE AND LOTlONA lhe great original 1 reach Prepai a tioiis or the Hale speedy and til venial cuie ol all DieouDKUH tub C1UNA11Y OiiGANS without the least restriction to diet drinks exposure or change in application to business 'these invaluable iTcpaiu tivus have now been bef ore the public lor the pint five years and have become so well and favorably known that they aonot require any verj elaboiate praise They have been used by thousands throughout the country and have seldom been known to fail in curing the most stubborn cases 0 Although there are so many compounds which are daily oliered to the public unaer the name of Mixture a anu Specifics tluse are the only preparations thut have everbeeu invented which will insure to the patient a speedy permant nt and effectual cure They are com posed ol ingredients of the most valuable descriulion known in the medical world and are entirely of a yKGKTABLic nature and although powerlul they will hoi in the least injure the most delicate constitution They were invented by one the first and most cele brated Physicians in Paris alter many years ol study and experience and iuce their introduction into the United States have effected more curesboth ol recent cases and those ol long standing than any other medi cine oflhe kind ever oliered to the public Give them but one trial ami the most skeptical will be convinced of their great superiority over the miserable trash with which the market is flooded They are put up bottles accompanied with full di the Antidote at $1 and the Lotion at 50 cents per bottle Une bottle lasts ten days Many have been entirely cured in two or three days Prepared only by Duroy co (formerly Wm Bontecou) sole Proprietors for the United States and Canadas' Principal Depot 458 Broadway corner ol Grand strfeet New York BLISS HAVEN General Agents for New England to whom all orders maybe CHRISTMAS AND NEW PRESENTS A large assortment of Gold and Silver Watches ine Jewelry and ancy Goods con taining a great variety of articles desirable for Holiday Presents which can be had at prices as low as any concern in the city and the subscribers think lower SKI NORTON d21 Sign of the Great Watch op Court Square Better late than never I have been behind a little this all in getting in my stock of Stoves but by being behind all the rest of my neighbors and having had daily calls lor Stoves that could not be found in this city I was induced to go to market and purchase for the benefit of my cus tomers and I am now daily receiving from the different Cities in our Union Stoves of the very latest patterns manufacturing Also on hand Ranges Hot Air urnaces and all other articles usually fpund in a first class stvre of the kind Tin Roofing Eave Spouts Conductors and all other Job Work done in this line of business will be prompt ly attended to i Please call at the North Main street Stove Store near the Depot n5tf ABBE Agent IV EW BUCK WHEAT JLw 2000 lbs just received Also 200 bbls Ohio and Michigan lour on consignment which will be sold low to close the lot 160 bbls Extra Genesee 100 bbls Cement and Plaster ine eed Ship Stuflj Meal Lime Sea Sand constantly on hand I PARKER 64 dawtt ojNo 5 Union House Down down in price ah our Winter Goods we are now willing to sell at it uiiceu prices in order to close the as ileal as possibleofciore spring We oiler the best assonmeut ni town of Meniios and Tlnbets Lames Cloths and Cloakings Wool Raw Silks Velvets Winter Shawls Xiress Goods bilks our Ready Made Cloaks at cost a large lui of Kmbruiueriescheup Trimmings lannels The whole at prices that will insuie a reauy tale WlLsuN j3 12t2aw6w32 Dry Guuus Wuiehouse of Grain and Terma ro utienuon GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS vJT The subscriber has constantly on hand at the old stand formerly Savage Arnold a first rate assort ment of Groceries and Provisions which he will sell as cheap as can be bought at any other store in the State Cash paid for country produce I ARNOLD jtySO tf Block Main Man 1 arti cle Sulphuric Nitric Muriatjc and OxiUic Aciat Ayua oitis Borax Phosphorus Roll Brimstone bui Soda Copperas Sulpa Zinc Blue Vitriol him ate Prussiate Bi Chromate Uy assiue amibu phute Potash Quicksilver Shellac AC lor sale at the lowest market prices by BLISS HAVEN EXTRA NOTICE The subscriber informs the citizens of Springfield and the public in general that the building he is occupying belong ing to Waterman iu Hl will be sold or rented urther information can be given at LOUIS I JaT Main street aUABOAG SEMINARY AV AR REN MASS The Spring Term'of this Institu tion will commence on Wednesday March the 1st and continue eleven weeks It is desirable that scholars be present at he beginning of the term or any informa tion address i MARTIN Principal Warren Jan 9th 1854 42t 4 A Premium Graining Tools Just leccived by the subt ciibers a full assortment ol the above consist ing of Viiinish Paste and Whitewash Brushes of various siies and quality bash '1 cols BliLd ami Carnage Brushes lint andrh in 1 in found and Hut Camel Mair in Tin Graining Brushes ol all kinds Badger and Camel Hair Blenders leather horn and steel Graining Combs buble ana Camel Muir Letter ing Pencils Stripers Tips aud various other articles used in the trade all ol hich are oliered on the most reasonable terms BLISS MAVEN' 'VANTED By a young man with several years experience in trade a situation as partner in some lucrative business with a small capital of 10 or 15 hundred dollars of would offer his services as Salesman or Book Keeper: also loan his capital ora part of it on good security or further particulars ad dress PO Box 495 All communications will meet with prompt attention d26tf yiT ANTED A good arm from forty to sixty acres with about twelve aires of wood laud with good buildings for a term one year from th first of April next with the privilege ot purchasing the same at the expiration of the year Said arm to bs in the State of Massachusetts located within twen ty five or thirty miles of Springfield or further par ticulars address Enfield Ct Thompsonville Post Office' Good security or cash in advance for the rent d313wdaw32 iVI ILITARY GLOVES AND GANT 11 CO ofier by the quantity or at retail a superb assortment of these goods at low prices pOR COUGHS AND COLDS USE SI EBBIN S' Horehound and Marshmallow Cough Candy the most effectual confection for relieving hoarseness coughing ana oppression of the chest o28daw22 o4 5 and Goodrich Block is the best place in the city to get a perfect Daguerreotype It is a fact acknowl edged by every one that we have the best rooms and certainly the best sky light in Western Massachusetts Always on hand the best assortment of rames Cases Rockets Pens to be found in the city Perfect satisfaction guaranteed in all cases 1115 tf SPEAR QnIrille Band of Spring Music fSi? in readiness to furnish Parties with any number of In Music Private Parties supplied with appropriate eAWhe W' Puller Lead to pm Hotel to 11 Hubbard on the Hill 4c razee Cabotville or to HARVEY MILLER Promnler Mill and cross cut saws Mill and Cross CutSaws an assortment just received and for sale by AUGUbTUS BEMIS MINER CO d2718t City Hotel Block OUND Between Springfield and Westfield on Sunday evening Jan 8th a ur Victorine Apply to LINUS DICKINSON 2t Springfield BUCK WHEAT I LOUR Rock Dale Mills and Albany Buck Wheat lour of superior quality just received and for sale by d24 1 STEARNS CO PANAMA TRANSIT A HINKLEY late forwarder for Adams California Express is now prepared to furnish Transit Tickets li om Aspinwall to Panama Passen ger Tickets for sale in New York Apply to JOHN CARRINGTON u28 3m Adams No 59 Broadway 100 200 200 650 100 200 60 3000 15000 1500 Pounds Tea Kettles Tips 2000 Pounds Brass Kettle Hammered Stamped Rolled 100 Tin Wash Boilers 2( 0 Tea Kettles various sizes 200 luid Cans j( 150 Reams Writing Paper 600 Pounds Wrapping Paper i 30 Reams Sand Paper 25 Doz Brittania 'Tea Pots various patterns 6 Doz Brittania Coffee Pots Tlrt'r Rrittanio Tutyyu nmi CHnbn 4M411UAIUI VUUU1L kJUVnO) Together with a great variety of Japanned Ware Tin Ware and other goods too numerous to specify Terms Uuder $200 Cash between $200 and $300 60 days and over $310 90 days with approved credit HUDSON Hartford 6 1854 jail 2t COD LIVER OIL uCANDY cures Coughs cod river Oil' Candy cures Colds Cud Liver Oil Candy cures Catarrh Cod Liver gil Cax dy cuies li llueuza Cud Liver oil Canly ernes Boib ihrcat: Cod laVAit Uil Candy cures Bi oiichitis Bl ss Cud Liver oil cawdy cures Asthma UiL Candy curts Cold in the Cod Liver Oil Candy cures Iloaisenees Cod Liver Oil Candy cures tickling iu the Throat Cod Liver Oil cures Lung diseases Blibh Cod Liver oil Candy is the most agreeable as well as the moat efficacious meaicatedcompound ever offered to the public in the foim of a Candy as thousands cau testily who have given it a trial 4 BlISS MAVEN Sole 1'1 opiietors DR INDIAN PUL MoNARY The most valuable and effectual medicine ever discovered lor the sure cure ol Coughs Colds Influenza Bronchitis Asthma'iCroup Hoarseness Hooping Cough and all other diseases ol the throat and Lungs) 'ibis invaluable medicine is prepared Irom an original recipe obtained Irom the In dians by a scientific gentleman while traveling in the I ar Although it is comparatively new to tins part ol the country it nas long been usedin the private practice of a celebrated physician in the Western btates and Las invariably given universal satislaction to the thousands who have derived everlasting benefit from its salutary effects The proprietor does uot claim that these Pastues will raise the or cure the last stages of consumption but he feels confident that il the public will give them a trial they will notfail to be convinced that they will do all that they are recom mended to do They are entirely vegetable in their nature safe and certain in their operation audit taken in season will not fail to relieve the above dis tressingcomplaints Their great superiority over all other medicines for lung complaints either lozenges walers or those in liquid roim consists in a great meas ure in their possebsmg us a part of their compound thet powerful medical virtues of several rare and un common Indian Roots and Herbs which are not con iiunea many other medicine in existence These with other valuable ingredients combined iu their present lonn lender Dr Lightfoot utsliies not only ilie most effectual exti a ordinary ami pleasant but the cheapest Medicine in the known world as each Box contHina uver doses lor 37i cents ft I HEY ARnr Warranted to give relief to the most obstinate cough and if any person alter giving them a lair Inal does not find that such is the case tlie price ol the box will be refunded with pleasure 'This ulfer is made to induce all £oth rich and poor to try this in valuable remedy as they will run no risk in so doing hosci who ate afflicted cannot do better than ta try them and they will recommend themselves DUROY General Agents to whom all or cieiu must be addressed Principal Depot 458 Broad way coiner Grand street New York lor sale in springfield wholesale and retail by 1 BLISS HAVEN Block NOTICE 1TJL llth A warrant has Been duly issued by Henry Vose Esq Commissioner of Insolvency for the county of Hanpden requiring the subscriber as Mes senger to take possession of all the goods and estate of David McLane of Springfield in said county an insolvent debtor The payment ot any debts and the delivery of any property belonging to said insolvent to him and the transier of any property by him are rbidden by law A meeting of the creditors of said insolvent debtor will be held at the office of said Com missioner in Springfield in said county on the twen ty seventh day of January inst at eleven in the forenoon for the proof of debts and choice of an Assignee or Assignees aBUUS SIKES 2t Deputy Bueriff Messenger Brown and bleached cot ton's Lancaster QuiltsBlankets lannels Lin ens Linen Damasks all ol wlncU will be sola at the very lowest market prices at No 3 Block? ja7 iir BluELoW( 1O PARTNERSHIP The subscri bers have formed a partnership under the firm oi A Robinson Co and will continue the Lumber business at the stand heretofore occupied by Henry A Robinson in Water street where they will keep con stantly on hand a general assortment of Lumber and Shingles which they will sell on the most favorable terms ROBINSON HENRY A ROBINSON Springfield May 24 1853 myUS To dispose of $20000 worth of Dry Goods Carpetings and Mil linery before 1st and in order to do it we shall have to sell Goods very cheap ROCKWOOD CO d30 Corner Store 'IV GOODS Tiiis day received Lvl il'lain Persian De Laines I'laid ana de Laines all VVoul Hinds ilubets Cashmeres' at No3 1 out 'u Block i 018 i BIGELOW BOOK BINDER WANTED One who is a good Ruler and inisher or Ruler and orwarder can have a good situation by apply ing to TAPLEY BOWLES CO o27tfd Corner of Main and State Streets Give me ten gents if you give ten give me five and you shall have the best Book you ever saw to read: Block first South Union House ja5 HANOVER BE CLOSED IN 30 JL wish if possible 'to close pur entire stock in 3b days and shall offer our goods at prices still lower than before Ibis is a raie chance to obtain very desirable goods at a very low price 1 ja7 HORACE LEE1 IjLOUR GRAIN EED MEAL JD STEBBINS WORTHY CO proprietors of the louring and Grist Mills upon the Agawam riv er near the Railroad Depot in West Springfield and manufa cturers of the Agawam Mill Co Railroad Mills and City Mills lour have constantly on hand at the mills and at their store in Goodrich Block near the Depot in Springfield lour eed Graham and Corn Meal Grits of their own manufacture of a quality equal to any in the market Also est ern Elour Grain eed as low as at any place in town Terms Cash YOU DARE NOT BUY A BOOK dare you? It you dare come to the New Book Store and I will fhow you something that you never saw before Block first South Union House ja5 HANOVER Paper hangings borders New and desirable styles Paper Hangings just received from the manufacturers rench and American Borders at the lowest prices for sale by tfdaw90 MERRIAM CHAPIN CO 1VEW History of the Israel IV itish Nation from Abraham to the present time Useful Tweedie Wm Simonds author Clinton a Book for Boys Dy wm O1lS eSr ja9 ale HUTCHINSON CHAEE A CO EAGLE ROBERT MOORE' offers his friends and patrons at his I oid stand on the city line an uuusual large stock of Apple Pear Plum Peach Cherry Apricot and Quince Trees both common and extra sizes Also Ornamen tal orest and Evergreen Trees Herbaceous Plants Shrubs Climbing Perpetual and June Roses DwarJ Honeysuckles and every article cultivated at a large Nursery estublishment' either ruit or lower I would return my grateful thanks to the public for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to me and hope by fair prices and upright dealing to securea 'share for the future (t GRANT Traveling Agent Trees delivered in Springfield or Chicopee free of charge find credit given on good reference! n56mo iw 0 1 a 1846 VIIATIACm 1854 TpRESCO BANNER SIGN AND JD ANCY PAINTING in every variety and sat isfaction guaranteed After 16 experience in the above branches part of which time have bteu engaged in different parts of the Union and principal ly in Boston Troy New York Baltimore apd nunier ous other places as well as in Springfield During this time I have rescoed upwards of iorty Churches and Halls besides parlors etc too numerous to men tion and can give references wit bout number I feel safe in asserting that my work will compare favorably with any foreign or native Aktisis iu this country 1 will not say but will let the public pass their judgment alter examination and trial I I A LYDS 1 ON Main Street East side near Baptist Church Sign of the Commiitees from abroad by addressing me will re ceive all due attention and satisfaction as price and quality guaranteed jyS Imd3mw32 latest jiahket quotations Stocks and Money At Boston Vermont and jJJass railroad 20 Western 97 Boston and Worcester 99J Boston and Providence 84 Old Colony 91 Ogdens burg 14 Vermont Central 13 Boston and Maine 104 itchburg 92 Vermont Central 2d mortgage bonds 69 ditto 1st ditto 86 Rutland 2d mortgage 67 Vermont and Canada 98 Passumpsic 30 Bank 108 Atlas Bank 105 Massachusetts 5 cent State stock 100 Howard Banking Co 100 Boston Gas Co (par $500) 675 At New York Matters are very dull in Wall street and everybody is waiting anxiously for the overdue steamers Stocks are variable some up others down New York and New Haven road 99 Erie 78 Hudson river 67 Reading 73 Stonington 60 New York Cen tral 113j Michigan Central 99 Michigan Southernl02 Continental Bank 98 New York Central bonds 93 Delaware and Hudson Canal 104 Breadstuffs Provisions At New lour Canadian $7 687 75 Western Canal 775781 for common to straight state and 768f781 tvr mixed to fancy Michigan and common to good Ohio South ern flour is firmat 7683 787 Kje flour quiet at 537 for fine Corn Meal 375 Holders of wheat are firmer and there is little prime offered prime Genesee about $2 Rye is quiet small sales to arrive 1171 19 Oats are in limited demand at 4952 for state and western Corn is better sales of 13u00 bush at 83 for old weavilly Southern 85 for western mixed and 8384 for good new Southern white and yellow round yellow is scarce and wanted Pork S14J21425 for new mess 13121325 for old do 123712 50 lor old prime and 1267 for ntw the latter searce Beef 82511 for mess (country) and 131350 for city mess and re packed Chicago and 55b0 ibr country prime Beef hams 125015 Cut meats are plenty and in moderate demand at 8f9 for hams and 66 for shoulders in pickle Dressed hogs at Lai is in moderate request at 910 Butter 1013 tor Ohio and lt19 for state dairies Cheese 911 lour 737'a7 62 for common to straight State i58 for common to good Michigan lor fancy to extra Genesee Rye 106l08 Oats 46 i 7475 for new old is quite nominal Bar ley S)87 Buckwheat flour is quite active at 2122 4 he supply of dressed Hogs is model ate and the market is buoyant at 625650 for fair to good lots a At The market is quite firm for flour but qu1 SaIes 01 cornmon and fancy brands Ohio and Michigan at $775 787 extra Western at 8 825 and extra Genesee at 825 8 62 Corn is ve4 scarce: sales ot new yellow at 83 85c and white at 80c Oats are good demand at 55 56c Springfield Market Jan 12 lour firm at $925 for extra brands common 750 to 850 Corn 88c Rye 95 to 100 and advancing Other kinds of grain remain unchanged Provisions abundant at old prices Eggs are very scarce and command 25c Butter quite plenty at from 20 to 23c extra ball in good demand Potatoes are worth from 67 to 100 and not many it! market Apples are in good demand and there are none in market but the choice winter fruit Cambridge Cattle Wednesday Jan At market 817 Cattle about 775 Beeves nnl 42 Market Beet Extra cwt first quality $7 second do 6 a 7 third do 6 ordinary 5 a 6 Hides $6 cwt Tallow $81 aV Pelts 137 a 150 Calf skills 12c fo Veal Calves 6 7 to $8 Barreling Cattle 5 to 6 Stores Work ing Oxen $75 84 96 114129 136140 170 to 19G Cows and $24 28 31 37 48 to 67 Two vears old $192429 31 to 48 Three years old 45 49 60 to75 Sheep and Lambs 2o21 at and on average of excellent quality Extra $5 6 8 to 10 By lot $2 12 2 3 to 4 to 4 Remarks The whole stock to day is of superior quali an4 good fat oxen sell well 36 large oxen from were principally taken byB Kim i of Charlestown at $7 hundred There is but little snow in the interior and weather very cold TVEW BOOKS 4 complete 11 Works Vol 3 The Lost Prince acts tending to prove the identity of Louis Seventeenth of rance and the Rev Eleazer Williams Missionary among the Indians of North America by Joseph Hanson i Popular Legends of Brittany by a Lady Maryaut Lyon or a Work lor all i Christmas Holidays at Chestnut Hill by Cousin Mary 1 a EarlKrinkin and his Christmas Stocking by the authors of the Wide i Burrcliff its Sunshine and its Storms by PaulCrey ton iu Little erns for Little riends new supply or Sale by HUTCHINSON CHAEE Cu d27 dotwSl I JM VICTORINES HOODS TIPPETS We have just received the most splendid as sortment of Victorines Hoods Tippets Gaiters Mit tens Gloves and Hosiery of all descriptions ever be fore offered in this city i A LORD CO n5 No 6 Block LO VETS WAHPE1NE OR HAIR GLOSS Au Indian ITepuraiion lor reotunug Urey lliur to its original color and also or preventing Grey Hair or Baldness Ibr sale by i 4iit: bliss haven Real estate and general AGENCY OICE No 5 Goodrich Block Real Lstate bought and sold tenements wanted and tene ments to rent building lots for sale ire and I iff fnsurance Agency Office No 5 Goodrich Block d2 tf A COST A few patterns of Maz XjL Blue Maroon and Black Mantilla Velvets a good article lor sale at cost to close the same 8 State st d2 I WILCOX' STOCKS BOR SALE12 shares Agawam Bank 1 20 Western Bank Pynchon Bank BOOKS Poems and Paro dies by Phoebe Carey Little Reward by Emily Hare Dovecote or the Heart of the Homestead i i The Wind Spirit and Rain Goddess Tales from the German 1 The Young Voyageurs or Boy Hunters in the North by Capt Mayne Reid i Tales from English History by Agnes Strickland'4 Dress as a ine Art by Mrs Merrifield I Anecdotes of Painters etc bv Sheariashub Soon er or sale by d31 daw32 HUTCHINSON CIiaEEE COi XxX A Of superior quality for sale by BLISS HAVEN SPLIT PEAS Of the best quality by the bbl and bush just received and for sale by ja7 STEARNS CO OSS' OR SALE Cheap for CashOne second hand Locomotive Enrine in good re Dair BLANCHARD AVERILL CO tf Springfield Locomotive Works 1 flit Beautiful Gala Silk JLW Plaids the best assortment in the city KOCKWOuD CO' 1 I 'ja7 M1 ConierJitoIe I THIRTY Owing to the' ex tensive sales we have made for the last twenty days we are induced to continue selling at oqr present low prices until 1st We have now in store one of the largest and best assortments of fine Gold and Silver Watches fine Gold Jewelry Silver and Plated Ware Pocket and Table Cutlery Porcelain Iron Pa pier Mache Rosewood and Mahogany Case Clocks and ancy Goods of every description to be found in this citv or vicinity Watch Repairing by an experienced workman SKI NORTON ja7 Sign of the Great Watch op Court Square ONN RIVER RAILROAD COM PANY" Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Connecticut River Railroad Company will be holden at No 6 Exchange Coffee House Boston on Wednesday the 18th day of January inst at 11 a to act upon the Re port of the Directors of said Company to choose Di rectors for the ylar ensuing and lor the transaction of any other business that may come regularly before said eating i LYMAN Clerk Northampton Jan 2 1854 ja412t 'ii a resh Sardines just re kJ ceived and for sale by BIGELOW daw29 i I A We have tb day remirt1hKdidoWIi a11 ready made Bonnets to such ow that those who had not contem a new Hat or are wishing to make a Chi istmas or New Present to a friend may be ini? t(? )and one at BAT ofbbmiThTnrtff8nmayPef0Und a good assortment rieHesitn i0 8 Head Dresses Embroi deries Kc all of which may be had at prices that will warrant their sale No3 State st d24 Large sale The Mortgagees of Callbndeu Co will sell the goods in the Store 68 State street at Public Auction commencing on THURSDAY January 12 at 10 a In the assortment may be found 1000 Cooking Stoves best patterns and variety of 350 Parlor Stoves a great variety of patterns 30 Hot Air urnaces various patterns ounds Air iignr stove castings ounds Brass and Copper Boiler and Kettle Bot air Steel Yards Pair Spring Balances Coffee Mills 1 in Lanterns Globe do Pedlers Trunks and ancy do Doz Mincing Knives Stove Bricks Pounds Hollow Ware "Having removed to their New Warehouse lUpoaite the 1'aik) Invite the attention of the Trade to their IMPolil AllcN of RICH SILKS DRESS GOODS SHAWLS RIBBONS EMBROIDERIES Merchants throughout the United States are solicited to examine our assortment which iu it Ct 1 is Novell Hiclmeas and Variety Is believed to be unsurpassed in this metropolia and adapted to the wanisi of the very best trade in this country all of which will Le oliered to Cash and first class six mos Buyers on the mqst favorable terms) d3U2t i bL' i WANTED Situations i for several first rate American English German Scotch and Irish emales references furnished Orders from abroad will receive prompt attention HANOVER City Intelligence Office first South Union House 130 4 i CO I and Cod Liver Oil and Lime for sale by o28daw22 STEBBINS Velvet printing samuel 'BOWLES COMPANY are now prepared to execute orders for the new styles of Velvet and ancy Printing and have a good assortment of specimens on hand for examination and inspection ja7 TABLE OIL A fresh and pure arti cle for salads or sale by dl6 daw29 BIGELOW CAGO TAPIOCA IRISILMOSS k3 GELATINEand ISINGLASS of the first qual ty for sale by dl6 daw29 BIGELOW hair Restorative Price one dollar per bottle or re iie Wewdy bald and to pre vent the Hair froril tailing is winning golden opinions of persons who are using This is a new article re centiy introduced is sure thing fOE baldness knd will stand the test of a discerning public The Propri etors have such confidence in it that they authorize their Agents to take Bald cases on GUAR Price to be agreed upon between the Darties BLISS AaVEN AgentsSpringfield rlSIIER CO Proprietors 019 ly 57 Superior street Cleveland Ohio rc VVo moved to No 4 Hampden Hall opposite and and have enlarged our stock both in the Agricultural and Housekeeping departments In the Housekeeping line we have opened an entirely new lot comprising many new and improved articles ibr the Kitchen and Pantry In ord to keep our stock com plete we find it necessary to collect our bills oftener than once a year We shall therefore in future pre sent our bills semi annually in January and July and shall charge interest on all accounts not then paid Those having unsettled accounts of more than six months standing will oblige us by giving us a call at our new office s21tfdawl8 ALLEN MASON believe it utile mm you can satisfy yourself that the statements made concerning the properties of the Inimitable Hair Coloring can be fully substantiated by facts and that a trial in every case will satisfy those usin it of a most curious and singu lar phenomenon that is grey hair restored to its natu ral color with all the strength and healthv nwfl of youth The singular adaptation of ingredients in this compound affects the small vessels at the roots of the hair and thus stimulates the natural secretion of col oring matter giving tone and strength to its growth It is composed of oil and stimulating spirits so com pounded that it can be used as freely as water and with as much safety not coloring or staining the skin in the least and it also imparts to the hair a gloss and beauty unlike that given by any other preparation Prepared and sold by HE1MSTREET CO 10 State street Troy NY i or sale by BLISS HAVEN nlO Cooley lias just been replenishing his as sortment of new styles of Cases and Daguerreotype materials generally aud invites those who wish to se lect Daguerreotype settings for Holiday Presents to call at the old llampden Gallery We are putting the price of pictures in extra fine cases 20 per cent lower than usual and are full of orders for them for Christ mas and New Presents Now is the time to sit for the picture and select the Case or Locket We have on hand a few No 1 Lockets which will be sold very cheap to close them off we shall put every style of Case rame or Locket with picture as cheap as can be afforded 1 We have on'hand some Cases rather out of style usually sold for five dollars with Daguerreotype which we now offer for three dollars including the miniature to close them off Those wjshing fora No 1 Daguerreotype will save time and money by calling on us before the first of ebruary 1854 After that date we expect to make different arrangements in our business We respect fully invite all those indebted to the Hampden Gallery to call and settle the same without further invitation Yours most respectfully Hampden Gallery Nos 26 and 27 Block COOLEY and CHARLES SEXTON i d8 tf i Operators The Greatest Medical Discover of the age Mr Kennedy of Roxbury has discovered in one of our common pasture weeds a remedy that cures eve ry KIND OK HUMOR from the worst Scrofula down to a common Pimple He hastrieditin over eleven hundred cases and never failed except in two cases (both thun der humor) He has now in his possession over two hundred certificates of its value all within wenty miles of Boston Two bottles are warranted to cure a nurs ing sore mouth One to three bottles will cure the worst kind of pimples on the face Two or three bottles will clear the Bvstem of biles Two bottles are warranted to cure the worst canker in the mouth and stomach Three to five bottles are warranted to cure the worst case of erysipelas One to two bottles are warranted to cure all humor in the eyes Two bottles are warranted to cure running of the ears and blotches among the hair our to six bottles are warranted to cure corrupt and running ulcers One bottle will cure scaly eruptions bl the skin Two or three bottles are warranted to cure the worst cases of ringworm Two or three bottles are warranted to cure the most desperate case of rheuma tism Three to four bottles are warranted to cure sale rheum ive to eight bottles will cure the worst cast of scrofula A benefit is always experienced from the first bottle and a perfect cure is warranted when' the above quantity is taketf looks so improbable to those who have in vain tried all the wonderful med icines of the day that a common weed growing on the pastures and along old stone walls should cure every humor in the system yet it is now a fixed fact If you have a humor it has to start There are no ift nor ands hums nor about it suiting some cases but not yours I peddled ever a thousand bottles of it in the vicinity of Boston 'I know the effects of it in every case It has already done some of the greatest cures ever done in Massachusetts Igave it to children a year old to old people of sixty 1 have seen poor puny wormy looking children whose flesh was soft and flabby re stored to a perfect state of healt by one bottle To thoi who are subject to a sick headache one bottle will al ways cure it It gives great relief in catarrh and izzi ness Some who have taken it have been costive for years and have been regulated by it Where the body is sound it works quite easy but where there is any de rangement of the functions of nature it will cause very singular feelings but you must not be alarmed they always disappear from four days to a week There is never a bad result from it on the contrary when that feeling is gone you will feel yourself like anew person I heard some of the most extravagant encomiums of it 1 that ever man listened to No change of diet ever ne cessary Eat the best you can get and enough of it 1 1 have an herb simmered in olive oil scatters scrofulous swelling on the neckand under the ears Trice 50 cents per box Directions for Use Adults one table spoonful per day children of eight years dessert spoonful from five to eight tea spoonful As no direction can be ap plicable to all constitutions take enough to operate on 1 the bowels twice a day Manufactured and for sale by Donald Kennedy i 120 Warren street Ifoxbury or sale by Redding Co No 8 State street Bos ton in Springfield by Lombard Cundall Bliss fc Haven Ingraham Bigelow Brewer Skgur Chicopee and Chicopee alls Kent Bagg 1 i i 'Wit 'Iw jiU i i fiMlHitM Another new lot of Dressing Gowns very cheap at n23 HOWARD MU Ar full assortment of Velvet Wool Silk Cashmere of every style and price jalO HOWARD AMSDENi flYHE PL AC TO BUY ALL JL kinds of Gloves Hosiery Cravats Scarfs Stocks Shirts Collars Under Clothing or any description ol urnishing Goods is at the Tark Clothing House 1123 HOWARD AMSDEN ALGOOD A KDCHL EwAP JL1 Call and see '116 'w LINCOLN' f1OTTONBATTINGAT WHOLE SALE 5000 pounds Medium and Su perfine Batts in 60 to lCO pound bales lor sale low Rockwood co I ja7 corner store' PARKER Successors to A Dealers in oreign and Ameri can Mikrble Manulactunrs of Marble Gi unite and ree stone Monuments and Tost? Marble Head Stones and "urniture Tops of superior quality and style of finish Patent Cast Iron ence for Cemetery Lots Opposite North Church tf few lods South ol the Depot Main st Also at old stand on South Main corner ol Williams st Springfield Mass track and the contract for its lease expires in two years and a half They are now negotiating for a "new arrangement but the demands of the Old Colony people are altoget her abovethe views of the all River The Old Colony made a proposition for union on the basis of two to one in the joint st ock the all River directors think and prove to be grossly The Bosf on and Providence road earned jovo szo 1853 spent $281687 balance $226639 of which 6 cent to stockholders exhausted all but $31239 balance on hand The receipts increased last year $78841 and the expenses $44828 including interest on bonds Di rectors for the new year arren John Barstow Joseph Grinnell George Russell William Amory Samuel Dana and Geo Hallett Receipts for December: Southern Michigan $106 412 increase $49697 Michigan Central $80094 in crease $15612 New York and New Haven $59338 no increase New York Central $420 625 increase $62303 increase in last five months over half a million Cleve land and Pittsburg $35330 increase $12433 Ohio and Pennsylvania $64680 increase $30825 receipts for the year $668000 The net earnings of the Pennsylvania Central road for the year are $1100000 or 10 cent on the part completed The Cleveland and Pittsburg pays a half year dividend of 5 cent the Georgia Macon and Western 5 the Reading 4 in cash and 1 in stock the Cleveland Painesville and Ashtabula 5 the Madison and Indianapolis 8 in stock Our fellow citizen George Bliss can't eep his fin gers off from railroads He has retired several times but don't stay retired but a few months Then he takes hold of a new enterprise and gives his zeal his experience his sagacity and his industry' to the work always successful of setting it out before the world as complete and as much the admiration of its friends as a bride Just now he has broken over his last retira cy and been induced to take tlie Presidency of the Chicago and Mississippi road an important unfinish ed enterprise connecting the Lakes at Chicago with the rivers at St Louis It is the enterprise which Hen ry Dwight Jr lately swamped in The new move ment is strong in all points having as directors Messrs Bliss Henry Hotchkiss of New Haven and Charles Gould Edwin Litchfield and John Cleveland of New York Mr Bliss makes it his head quarters in New York for the present devoting himself to the finances of the enterprise and the work of execution is to be pushed forward without delay Mr Litchfield was also associated with Mr Bliss in building the Mich igan Southern and Northern Indiana road now one of the most prosperous in the country and in that they surmounted obstacles that most men would nave shrunk from facing The Reading road's gross receipts for 1853 were $2 688287 expenses $1222 537 interf id reserved fund $678 8S8 bal ance for div idends $786861 he gross re ceipts for 1853 exceed those of 1852 by $207661 18 thse from coal being in excess $104017 The expenses are legs than in 1852 giving increase of profits of $213 762 The 6 cent bonds of the Boston Concord and Montreal road payable in 1870 recently advertised for were taken at 86 to S3 rom the terminus of the Rochester and Genesee valley road measures are in progress to open up a railroad connection direct be tween Rochester and Pittsburg The Cleveland and Medina railroad Ohio is to be extended to Mas sillon and ths work is fast progressing opening up to Cleveland rich coal beds in Baughman township be sides the other wealthy resources of the fertile region through which it passes The road commences at Grafton upon the line of the Cleveland and Columbus road passing directly through the townships of ork Medina Lafayette and Guilford and the towns of Me dina and Seville rom Seville the road continues through the rich and fertile valley of the Chippewa and South easterly branch in Wayne county to Dalton and Massillon There is little doubt tbatthe Company will also deem it expedient to continue the road from Massillon through tne Tuscarawas Valley via New Philadelphia and Canal Dover aud through Harrison and Belmont counties to Wheeling An application is to be made to the next New Jersey Legislature for a railroad from Raritan Bay to the Del aware through the counties of Monmouth Ocean Bur lington Atlantic Camden Gloucester Salem and Cumberland The receipts of the Androscoggin Kennebec rail road for six months ending 30 were $84 914 an increase of 812688 over the preceding six months Of Railroad stocks and bonds in connection with the general money' market the Boston papers thus en lighten us Money is in good request and stocks are quite dull of sale but 7 cent bonds are in more demand Central seconds are worth 68 and the Ogdensburg and Rut land seconds 67 which is a slight improvement Rut land stock closed at $11 fur $100 Vermont and Mass at $21 for $100 Ogdensburg at 814 for $50 and Cen tral at $13 for 850 which is the average cost of the' 100060 shares 50000 shares having at $100 and at $50 share aud the other 50t 00 shares at $30 share The Central stock is now being sold at an immense sacrifice and within one dollar share of the lo west point of depression ever yet reached 'The receipts in November were i early as much as Octo ber and the income in December has been very satis factory for a winter month After the opening of navi gation in the spring the receipts will undoubtedly again be large The most noticeable feature in the speculative mar ket is a decided rise in Vermont and Massachusetts Railway stock which run up to 21 'Hie movement is based upon the expected success of the Hoosae Tunnel bill CASH OR WOOLEN RAGS large or small quantities d26 3t3w31 GREENLEA TAYLOR A large lot of Packing trunks Valises for sale cheap IU HOWARD fYUR DRESS MAKING ROOM Will be re opened next Tuesday on the return of Mrs Curtis from xew York hi i 1 i iY ROCKWOOD CO Corner Store Y1U OOL ADDH Extra quality of White and Colored Wool Wadding just re ceived at a LORu Nu 6 Bur Vs Block HUN STORE INSHAW VJ offers for sale a general assortment of Double Single and Rifle Guns every variety of revolving and common Pistols Powder lasks Shot Belts Wad Cutters Dog Collars Engraving Door and Coffin Plates marking Plates in a superior style 6 Guns repaired and altered to percussion Ho rie Vs patent gazogene APPARATUS A portable apparatus lur the Ute oi laniilies lor tlie manuiucture of evuu ater ibpark ling Lemonade bpaikliug mes just received by 4 a Bf lSfi HAVEN rp Ws ks Abdominal sub A I'UKl'ERS Shoulder braces Knee Caps Laced blockings Suspensory Bandages of every descriptiuu constantly on bund and lor tale by a bk bliss haven Metropolitan Silk Stock a removal EDWA RD 1 AlTiRJERT A IMPORTERS and 'JoBuKBA Ow SILK AKI TAKCY' GOODS 55 ChuMibcrs: New York SPRING PHILLIPS SKINNER Zt Having enlarged their business are now prepared to receive orders from all parts of the coun try for doing i resco Sign Benner Decorative and ail 'ey ainting i Graining Marbling In a style which they feel confident is superior to that ofany other Artists in the country Lv: COMMITTEES CIIURCHESi Residing at a distance intending io resco or Deco rate can be furnished by mail with plans prices at short notice and the best of references if required With regard to their 'l Sign Painting and Graining They think they need say nothing as specimens can lie seen in all parts of the city and at their establishment Block over Marble Works Main st' Jl' PHILLIPS JOSEPH SKINNER dl31modaw29 ELLIiNG SELLING OUT KJ AT uUbT Ludies oi Springfield and vicinity 1 am about leaving bpriugtieiu anu shall sell luy eutire stock they must aud will be sold by lebruary next Ladies il you wish to secure good bargains now is your tnne 1 return my I sincere thanks to the Ladies oi Springfield and vicinity I lor their liberal patronage and hope they will not loi I get me now 1 am leaving them Remember it is your last chance you will purcLiise Goods at a price that they snail never more he sold in Springfield Please come and examine yourselves and you will call again to your oWu advantage at I aiJRouiS Embroidery Lace and ancy Store Main street op posite Daguerrean establishment Spriiigfield Mass Giving up business At No 5 Immense sacrifice! Alex Mann I begs to announce that in consequence ol his returning to Europe he will commence on TiiUItsDAl the 15th to sell off his whole stock ol 1 tench German and Swiss EMBROIDERY' consisting oE'' Collars JUabiulnrts Chemisettes Sleeves Eiaudkef chiefs Caps Culls Bands Waists Edgings Inser tions aud Tlouiicings English '1 lueud Rem Valenci ennes and Im Laces and insertions Luce Dabitsliirts Bands and Collars Also a large assortment ol Silk Cotton and Woolen Hosiery Cloves liouiis 1 I tln order to arrange and mark down the above the Store will be i qlosed on AVediiesuiiy and opened on Thursday As this will be( a bona fide sale and it being the I object of the Proprietor to clear them out as soon as possible the Goous will be sold without regard to cost so that Radies will do well to call aud examine this Stock and judge of prices for hemselves 3 A LEX MANN I dlS tf1 1 41 No 5 Block Maiii st Dividend notice A dividend of four per cent on the Preferred Stock and two and a half pe? cent on the Old Stock of the Conn River Bailroad Company will be paid on the Jrst day ot ebruary next to holders of said stock at the cio oi business on Treasurer Northampton Jan 2 18d4 j)4 1 OPEN AG AIN Having repaired thedamageocc 1 am ready and shall be napiy shoes wants of my sball close out at low that were damaged by water 1 room for mor( rates to dispose i of the same a ent of Shocsof I shall receive this weex a goou wbich shaU be various styles adapted to Js Jn U1MJ happy to show to all those in WNSLE ja9 6t Springfield Bank YVatertown Rome by AI lCbWv Dealer in Real Estate Stocks Bonds Mortgages otes and Land arrants All orders by mail or oth erwise promptly attended to 1 rpO A large and spacious store A in the brick block North of the Railroad Said store is about 80 by 25 feet with cellar underneath Inquire of HARRIS or of A BURT at Hutch inson Chaffee SOMETHING This will in form the ladies generally that MRS THOMAS will teach the art of fitting Dresses to peifection with out theorems in three easy lessons which will qualify them to tit children or friends with the greatest ease Come all and learn this most useful of lessons only $150 each 1st door North of Music Store 36t3w30? TICH PAKIAN MARBLE WARE Al We have just opened a package of very beautiful Parian VasesEwers igures very beautiful for Holiday Presents Please call and examine them d22 HAMILTON CHAPIN HOT CORN 1 HOT CORN! Hot Corn Stories by Solon Robinson New supply just received by i jao HUTCHINSON CHAEE CO CO AT ZSHAT ARE VESTS and PANTS that be are being constantly got up at 'Tailoring Estab lishment over Bailey Jewelry Store Maim street Cail and see how we do it ol9 tldaw21 elveandjclot "cloaks' 20 Ready Made Cloaks tor sale cheap to close oit the lot 75 Wool Lomi shawls selling at a re duction in price ROCKWOOD COj i d30 Corner Store COMPOSITION AND METALLIC ROOIN 5 ariieiAL Notice to The subscribers are prepared to contract with Builders in any part of the New England States ILr covering flat roofs with INDESTRUCTIBLE COMPOSITION on the most reasonable terms Also lor covering roofs with Tin Copper or Zinc All orders directed to us at our office No 13 Liudall street Boston will be promptly attended to HUMPHREY" CO i ja7 6m Sole Agents for the New England States RDINANCE THE CITY Springfield in relation to clearing side walks' of snow and ice and lorbiading coasting Section 22 Every occupant of a dwelling house and every owner of lands or dwelling house unoccupied shall cause the snow and ice to be removed from the sine walks in trout of the premises so occupied (or owned by them within a reasonable time after the ter mination or abatement of a storm and shall also keep the side walks in Iront of the same in a clean and passable condition Section 23 No person shall coast course or slide up on any sleigh or sled or other vehicle in the streets hereafter namtd to wit State street Maplestreet from State street to the house of David Ames Chestnut street irom State street to the house of George Bliss Central street East of Maple street to the top of the hill nor up on the side walks in any part of the City Section 24 No person shall take hold of or ride on any sleigh wagon or other vehicle while the same is passing in the street without permission of the owner or driver thereof Section 25 Any person who shall offend against any of the provisions of this ordinance shall foileit and pay for every and each offense a sum not less than one dollar nor more than twenty dollars A1 jy 3 3m I SEALED Will be re ceived until 12 rn of the 16th day of Janu ary next for repairing and enlarging the church edi fice of the 4th Congregationg1 Society in Springfield Mass according to plans and specifications which may be seen at the residence of the Rev Elliot on State street Address or apply to WM MONTA GUE Chairman of the Committee or to dL5 3taw1jyl5 PRESTON Clerk CO Manufacturers and Dealers in all kinds of lumber Mills at St Lawrence Co Office 32" Long Wharf jalO BOSTON Imo LOUR EED AND OIL CAKE1 In store and receiving this week Bbls Extra Genesee flour Bbls Ohio and Michigan lour Tuns ine eed and Ship Stull Tuns Rye Bran Tuns Oil Cake Meal 1 Bbls Lime Meal Corn Oats Rye Buck Wheat always on PARKER A DIES wishing DRESS GOODS will find a good assortment jiist eceived at Domestic goods flannels lickings and Linens sold very low at dlfi A CHOICE PERUMERY JL4 A large assortment just leceiveu by vfie subsey Lus direct from tle munuiuctuier embracing seveial new aYieries never beiore offered in this market amciig veliicii aie Bouquet Empree Eugenie Bouquet Napoleon 111 Louquet Empire Meuuow iowen aaniurpia summer Blossoms Winter Llussomsliei yesuna Cmeiielia Rose lea Rose Lily oi tfia Vtfllej Patchouly Verbena Jockey Club Bouquet etc Amper and Double Distilled Lavender uler oi superior quality Toilet Soaps highly peilcmed uitu Rose I'u cfiouly musk Mignonette A leurs italic etc We have luuife such aiiungeiuenis with the pi uprietor oi this pupulai penumerj lliut we' shun in luture receive our supplies directly from him tud are thereby enabled to Oller our customers a genuine article at wholesale or ittailut tfie lowest market prices BLISS HAVEN A SPHALTUM 1000 Lbs Ibr sale by 21 1 BLISS HAVA JS BLACK DREbS blLK Vienna Long 'and Square Shawls Watervliet and Bay State du SBIGELOW lTYONb BLACK SILK VELVETS JU yard wide Ladies Cloak Cloths a lull assortment ad und Winter Goods at low pnees i i BIGELOW 2ol8 No 3 Block 4 Willrtlicpco ple bear in mind that the cheapest place to buy ury ijoous iu this city such as luibets Cusliiueies Iww Silk aud ool Plaids Ladies Cloak Cloths Ly ons Biack silk Velvet aimy Dress bilks Bluck SLks oi the best make and wairanteu not to crack De Lames Prints Hosiery and 4iiuiming GoousisuiNo 3 Block ju7 BIGELOW! riX) PAPIER MACHE WORKERS A 3 he subscribers have just received an assortment oi the mateilals used in the manuiiiciuru oi Papier Mache consisting ol White Green Snail and Auiora earl Black Japan and White Copal Varnish Colors Biusues 10 which they wuulu invite the attention of both teachers and pupils in the ai B'K BLiaS MAVEN Extra eleme fig soo ibs of very superior quality selected with particular re lerence tu our retail trade neatly put up in cartons six and ten pounds each Just received by BLISb HAVEN Toys and fancy KRAMER HEYER Importers of ancy Goods Toys Musical Instruments Baskets I ocket Cutlery Violin Guitar and Cello Strings of the veiy best qualities Accordeons One of the best and largest assortments in the country The trade is invi ted to call and examine our stock before purchasing Nos 1820 and 22 Atkinson street near Milk street Boston d2 2awdm L' Wishing to pur chase urniture will please call YWARlf 5 Main street' HAYWARD 1MACHINISTS WANTED The LvA subscribers are in want of a few good Machin ists or hands who have been accustomed to work on an Engine Lathe To a few such men of steady and good habits constant employment and good wages will be given HAYDEN SANDERS Haydenville 12 1854 jal3 6t I i QTOCK GOODS OR SALE AND SfORE TO Under the Church Westfield Mass The stand is one of the most desira ble in town with a good run of custom As the sub scribers are to leave town April 1st this is a rare chance for any one who may wish to continue the busines? jal2 36t JOHN SON BRO APIER MACHE MRS MILLER has taken rooms at Mr on West State st where she proposes to give instruc tion in the new art of Papier Mache or Inlaid I earl Painting Ladies and others desiring to learn are in vited to call and examine specimens ja4 12t PIERCE having made arrangements xm fron and Ovsters in shed ana Pairhaven bytbe quart or gallon is prepared to furnish famines on liberal terms or will serve them at his Saloon under Hale Store in a style to suit the moat particular jail ot IM IT' £3 IT i a i Have made new arrangements in their okkign Exchange and Pabsagm Business OLD COUNTRYMEN desirous to send for their friends or to send money to them will do well to call onus Noh 3 uii1 4 JGlai Mtrvcl i 12 istf SPIUNGIELD qpo The Subscri JL bers have for sale 1 small Ruling Machine ith a large assortment of pens 1 pr Binuers Shears in ishing Stand 1 Round Polisher 1 lat Polisher 1 Heavy Blank Roll 1 do Blank Edge Roll 2 narrow single line illets 1 broad single line illet 2 three line illets 1 pr Backing Irons The above articles can be had at bargain by applying at the Bindery corner of Main and State Streets Springfield Mass fff TAPLEY BOWLES CO 4.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


What is the racial makeup of Springfield Massachusetts? ›

The 5 largest ethnic groups in Springfield, MA are White (Non-Hispanic) (28.2%), White (Hispanic) (17.8%), Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (17.7%), Two+ (Hispanic) (16%), and Other (Hispanic) (11.2%).

What is the nickname for Springfield Massachusetts? ›

Springfield has several nicknames—"The City of Firsts", due to the many innovations developed there, such as the first American dictionary, the first American gas-powered automobile, and the first machining lathe for interchangeable parts; "The City of Homes", due to its Victorian residential architecture; and "Hoop ...

Who owns Springfield Republican? ›

It is owned by Newhouse Newspapers, a division of Advance Publications.

How many towns are in Springfield MA? ›

Springfield, city, seat (1812) of Hampden county, southwestern Massachusetts, U.S., on the Connecticut River. It forms a contiguous urban area with Agawam and West Springfield (west), Chicopee and Holyoke (north), Ludlow (northeast), Wilbraham and Hampden (east), and East Longmeadow (south).

What is the poverty rate in Springfield MA? ›

Springfield as a whole has a 32% poverty rate, which compares to the statewide Massachusetts rate of 11%. Widespread and deep poverty in the City negatively impacts the tax base, making it difficult for the City to contend with aged infrastructure and vulnerable residents.

What percent of Massachusetts is black? ›

Massachusetts Racial Breakdown of Population (2017)
RacePercentage of Massachusetts populationPercentage of United States population
White (Non-Hispanic)68.8%60.9%
Hispanic (of any race)13.0%19.1%
4 more rows

What was invented in Springfield, MA? ›

The Birthplace of Basketball

The game was invented by Springfield College instructor and graduate student James Naismith in 1891, and has grown into the worldwide athletic phenomenon we know it to be today. Springfield College students continue to be innovators and leaders in their fields.

What is Springfield Massachusetts sister city? ›

Springfield and Takikawa City officially became sister cities in 1993, In 1997, after a five year courtship, the Concord Town Meeting voted to formalize the sister city relationship with Nanae Town.

What is Springfield best known for? ›

The lore and reputation of Abraham Lincoln has made Springfield a global destination because of the story of his life and the location in Springfield of his home and the Abraham Presidential Library and Museum.

Who owns hot table in Springfield MA? ›

Hot Table was founded in 2007 by brothers John and Chris DeVoie and restauranteur Don Watroba in their hometown of Springfield, Massachusetts.

Who represents Springfield MA in Congress? ›

Richard E. Neal | | Library of Congress.

Who founded Springfield Massachusetts? ›

William Pynchon and a company of six men from Roxbury, a town near Boston, established Springfield in 1636 at the junction of the Agawam and Connecticut Rivers.

What is the smallest town in Massachusetts by population? ›

Located off the coast of New Bedford, the U.S. Census Bureau estimated that in 2022, only 64 people lived in the state's smallest city, Gosnold. Most residents live in the village of Cuttyhunk, while a majority of the land is owned by the Forbes family.

What is the largest city in Massachusetts? ›

Boston (pronounced /ˈbɒstən/) is the capital and largest city of the state of Massachusetts (officially theCommonwealth of Massachusetts), in the United States. Boston also serves as county seat of the state's Suffolk County.

What is the ethnic breakdown of Springfield Massachusetts? ›

Springfield, the third largest city in Massachusetts, has 69,301 Latinos according to the 2015-2019 American Community Survey. They represent 45% of the city's population. Whites are the second largest ethno-racial group (31%), while Blacks (19%) and Asians (3%) are the other ethno-racial group with a sizable presence.

What is the crime rate in Springfield MA? ›

Springfield Annual Crimes
Number of Crimes1,3393,697
Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents)8.6924.00

What is the biggest race in Massachusetts? ›

White: 74.54% Black or African American: 7.31% Asian: 6.88% Two or more races: 6.46%

How many Spanish people are in Springfield MA? ›

In 2022, there were 8.84 times more White (Non-Hispanic) residents (471k people) in Springfield, MA than any other race or ethnicity. There were 53.3k White (Hispanic) and 44.6k Two+ (Hispanic) residents, the second and third most common ethnic groups. 19.9% of the people in Springfield, MA are hispanic (137k people).

How many Vietnamese people are in Springfield MA? ›

Many Vietnamese settled in Massachusetts; in Springfield alone, the Vietnamese population has risen to 5,000.


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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

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Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.